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Myk JL

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. We're all doomed to be killed by most of the dumbest people on the planet; politicians!
  2. This sucks... Looks like polluters can now have a new goal on destroying the environment.
  3. Myk JL

    Go go Obama

    It still baffles the mind that Fox News can be that hypocritical...
  4. The Republican Party does have a lot of Forest Gump fans. "Stupid is as stupid does."
  5. I thought we didn't attack North Korea yet because the previous president was looking for it in the middle east. Although I wouldn't be surprised if McCain tried to pull something...
  6. Myk JL

    Bones. Heh. XD

    "Damn it Jim! I'm a Doctor! Not a Cannibal!" http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episodeID=96a9110790b6804a2061071b83097d05
  7. I've perfected, perfection on my daily diet. 2 servings of Crowley Non-Fat Pineapple Cottage Cheese (1 Cup) 4 Servings of Egg Beaters (1 Cup) 1 Serving of Rice Dream Rice Drink 1 Serving of Sun Sweet Prune Juice 1 Serving of Spicy V8 2 Servings of Chocolate Ovaltine Mix together in a blender until you can't really see the cottage cheese. Drink goes down sweet & creamy with a nice burning sensation to the back of the throat.
  8. Nah, most of them turn out just to be little pricks.
  9. I kinda got it... I just couldn't figure out the (see above)...
  10. On the bright side they didn't target Atheists... But just goes to show how Theists rant against other imaginary beings.
  11. The most interesting outcome would be Israel losing The US as an ally because The US Government shouldn't be mingling with foreign affairs.
  12. Myk JL

    Go go Obama

    But there must be a God... Or else how could I help Bob Barker control the pet population... Meh... The world would just be a better place if we eliminated the imaginary bribers & punishers that create all religions. Then we could really see religious leaders for what they really are; babbling nut cases that want to control & be paid for their babbling.
  13. Maybe they're just looking for penis enlargements... or not...
  14. For sneakers I only have "Athletic Works"... And barley wear them... My Steel Toe Rain Boots however are made out of rubber.
  15. Myk JL


    Too small... Kind of loses it's amazement once I notice it was as big as the thumbnail.
  16. Myk JL

    Monopoly Picard

    And thus that's how they chose the main actor for the monopoly movie. Patrick Stewart is either lucky or cursed to be associated with other famous bald guys.
  17. Myk JL

    Go go Obama

    That was an amazing speach...
  18. Not if I destroy me first!

  19. E3 Trailer. http://e3.g4tv.com/videos/38677/No-More-Heroes-2-Desperate-Struggle-E3-Trailer/
  20. I'd accept a challenge, but only if you know how to play Gundam Universe for Quake 3.

    Anything childish will be met with an instant no.

  21. I don't think the man can talk to his teeth... His "pearly gates" are going to be owned by his "cell buddy"...
  22. Feels like the sucking will never end...
  23. Double Post... http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-marvel-ultimate/49811 Sweet! They're going to have Venom! Anyway I took another look at the official MUA2 website & now they're showing reasons for almost every playable character to be on either side. Hopefully this means a non-linear story.
  24. I remember watching it on CN... I find it annoying they never finish showing it.
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