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Everything posted by Kite

  1. forgetting anime but saying 2 nukes isnt enough should have a prison sentence involved
  2. Kite

    Final Fantasy XIII

    you get random items, each item is worth exp, and a wep needs like 2000 exp per level a super conducted might be worth 1500 and a basic screw worth 50 (inaccurate examples) you get multiplier bonus like 1.5* exp so basic screw becomes 75exp (inaccurate examples)
  3. you cant remove guns from a nation that was born from them If the USA never had guns among the public like most Euro countries i think you all would feel very different about them there should be 2 type of guns imo on the market in the US, personal handgun style firearm like what DX has for person protection in the home and fun at the firing range and a hunting rifle who need a full automatic or shot gun mandatory psychiatric tests should accompany gun licensing, as religious nuts and guns are not a good mix
  4. LMAO that was awesome
  5. Kite

    Final Fantasy XIII

    i hate the upgrade system tbh
  6. remembers DBZ live action shudders
  7. lmao granted theres a lot of sex, most very unnecessary the shows violence, and awesome script are why i watch it the main character has cancer, season 2 is on hold while he is treated, i wish him a speedy recovery
  8. well now everyone will have healthcare it is ok to ram other peoples car btw why are there so many fucktards there behaviour is almost untrue they seriously seem to want a civil war.
  9. Kite

    Puke In My Mouth

    lol that was awesome
  10. holy crap on the latest episode you must watch this show
  11. kakashi is ment to be an elite ninja and a son of an elite ninja, with out the sharingan he should be more then skilled enough to pwn anyone, so why does he need the sharingan so much
  12. ill finish the season if i can i just hope there no more sex, and more explosions
  13. well that was a rather surprise ending, his papa showing up and all hope they fight soon
  14. I was talking about this show to a guy i know what sucks is the lack of realism, there on an ancient ship yet they spend more time in the food hall and private quarters then discovering technology or trying to get some shred of control of the ship best season end: Ship self destructs with the crew on board
  15. what bothered me the most about the series was the missing dairy farm logo from the shows logo as we all know it is just milking BSG i dont plan on watching the show BSG was epic, why ruin it making this show, when they could have thrown their creativity into a new project to wow there fans
  16. Raikage should stop most people due to his experience and raw power Naruto seemed pretty much godmode, but then becomes impotent infront of sasuke, really is annoying the sasuke love least we see naruto training, but sasuke is bustin out jutsus left right and all over the place like summoning a hawk.....
  17. really hope it doesnt take forever to get going and Naruto needs to get stronger, Sasuke gets a free power boost, why does the writer make naruto so shit compared to him Naruto and wtf pwn pain like he wasnt a threat but meets sasuke, and is all crap again
  18. why such a shit long break, barly care about the show now btw the SGU crew promise a cruel season cliffhanger
  19. democrats have been receiving death threats all over the place, WTF, dont people want healthcare
  20. was good to see Takamura have a fight that didnt end in one punch.. ;p
  21. i pay about 5.3% to national health from may pay general rant not aimed at anyone: what people need to know though is health insurance isnt just for sick people. Medical staff work around the clock, when you dial 999 or 911 and call for an ambulance, you expect one, when you have an accident and need a blood transfusion, you assume there's blood in the bank, but when was the last time you donated blood you have had a shit day at work, well imagine cleaning up shit at work. when the last time you donated money to cancer research or HIV/AIDS research, yet if you contracted these you would be the 1st to say how it is whack there's no cure From the person who disinfects the hand rails to the receptionist to the doctor taking your pulse or removing a tumour. there there when you need then. so yes if you are expected to pay health insurance, too fucking right you should. because when you are ill, or dying, you would bloody hell regret not. i pay health insurance, and would gladly pay it every time and never need to go hospital or see a doctor
  22. i was on holiday to Gibraltar, a British Colony My partner was pregnant and having a few issues, we dropped by the hospital, she was seen by 2 doctors and a nurse, and given an ultrasound. at the end they took our details and said thank you for our visit. Never was payment mentioned. Personally health insurance has it's benefits, but considering the companies will do what they can to not honour their end of the agreement makes me ill.
  23. http://scifiwire.com/2010/03/the-search-is-over-chris.php Apparently it is confirmed.
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