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Everything posted by Mathias

  1. Oh, I suppose you want some examples along with the answer. X'D Fine, fine. Here is a snippet from one of my Lessons Learned articles for my new site. This is never before seen stuff, so don't feint. You'll notice that I flipped back and forth between past tense for explanations and present tense for the narration. These lessons learned are meant to help people in roleplaying sessions live. If you're using the fight scene for a story, I'd suggest sticking with one tense, preferably past tense. Be careful in referencing my careless words, for I am an untrained professional. Ok, that was most of the article, but it's unfinished so who knows what else may come of it. Does that help? If so, then you'll find plenty of other goodies at http://inkjar.net you know after I take the password protection that says "I'm still on the toilet, so kids get out of the bathroom." X'D
  2. I just hope it doesn't turn into a rip-off of the Power Rangers series, which was a poor rip-off of the original Voltran, which apparently was a rip-off of some other series. Oh well. Can't be worse than the original He-Man live action movie.
  3. Why is there a fad for picking up barbarian characters in these series? Flash was already a sophisticated barbarian, aka high school jock. I'd like to see more emotion out of the reporter lady. Some of her lines come off pretty dry. The whole relationship between her and the cop is definitely going to fall apart, because she's keeping secrets from him. Flash will probably come to grips with the relationship and start up with someone else. So while Flash has moved on, the reporter is still in love with him and left behind in love if not series. That's how I see it going down. I do like the relationship between Ming and his daughter. It has promise for intrigue, but her turn-around on the subject was a bit quick in the series and should have been more gradual, even for a high school prom queen. Man, I could go on, but I'll give the series a few more episodes before I drop it for watching more anime.
  4. Most of that $500 is labor. Saturn posts their standard labor rate per hour right behind the counter. I think it said $65 per hour last time. Figure up the cost of the parts, add in the labor and I bet their off by two or three hours at that labor rate. Don't forget the inspection fee for just looking at the vehicle of >$50. That by itself is a rip.
  5. Interesting that you brought up the option of themes. I have a themes class that sets the theme for each page based upon a default theme associated with the link. Right now they all default to the same page, but it does work. Each theme can set its own CSS file, though right now I only use one, and a ton of color settings. My CSS doesn't set any colors. The colors are instead read from a table and populates the style tag on the page. This lets me color my site and set background images anyway I want to from a simple form. The themes can be carried from page to page through a session variable, and set to a user-defined theme (though this may change to admin only) good for that session only (don't want to hose the user if they picked a horrible color combination). The nice thing about my color my site page is the ability to quickly change colors on the form and see them applied immediately without overwriting any existing themes or adding new themes until I'm ready. No uploading of multiple CSS files with the only changes involving colors or background images. I've thought a lot of this through from the beginning to make life easier for me to make updates later. We'll see if that's true when I'm done.
  6. Sounds like you're on the right track. Sledgstone said he'd recommend a different layout. I'll let him get his opinion out before adding my own.
  7. My company and my personal site all run off apache. I don't do outside jobs at this time. I just don't have the time for outside work, with my family and my personal site. Check out my new code threads and tell me what you think.
  8. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CleanInput // Author: Andrew Hinkle // Modified: 08/18/2007 // Description: Return the cleaned array. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- public function CleanInput($aInput) { // Stripslashes if (is_array($aInput)) { foreach ($aInput as $sKey => $sValue) { // If magic quotes is on, it will automatically add backslashes. // Remove the extra slashes. $sValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($sValue) $sValue; $aInput[$sKey] = !empty($sValue) && !is_null($sValue) ? trim($sValue) ""; } } else { // If magic quotes is on, it will automatically add backslashes. // Remove the extra slashes. $sValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($aInput) $aInput; $aInput = !empty($sValue) && !is_null($sValue) ? trim($sValue) ""; } return $aInput; }
  9. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: GetInput // Author: Andrew Hinkle // Modified: 08/18/2007 // Description: Return the merged $_GET and $_POST input. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- public function GetInput() { return array_merge((array)$_GET, (array)$_POST); }
  10. Note, all of my functions belong to classes, but I am posting only snippets of my functions to avoid boredom and giving away all my secrets. Please post corrections, suggestions, and your own related functions.
  11. Note: I changed my table name to ~Table~ and renamed the variable a couple variables that may have given too much away. Hopefully I didn't hose the code. My regular expressions were updated regularly in this function for a while. It may not be current. User beware. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: GetSubNavigationList // Author: Andrew Hinkle // Modified: 07/25/2007 // Description: Return an array of all SubNavigation links. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetSubNavigationList() { // Get the directory from the current page. Add an ending '/' if necessary. $sLink = $this->_pSettings['sLink']; // Remove the "filename" from the link. There is no extension, so dirname($sLink) won't work. $sDirectoryWithoutSlash = $this->GetDirname($sLink); // Add the ending slash of the directory if necessary. $sDirectory = $this->FormatDirectory($sDirectoryWithoutSlash); // Regular Expression explanation. // ^ (Start of line), (Directory), [^/]+ (Any character that is not a /, 1 to unlimited times), $ (End of line) // Get the index of the first and last records. // $sSQL = "select max(nSort) as nLast from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+$'"; $sSQL = "select min(nSort) as nFirst, max(nSort) as nLast from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+$'"; $pRow = $this->_pDatabase->mysqlSelect($sSQL); $nFirst = !empty($pRow[0]['nFirst']) ? $pRow[0]['nFirst'] 0; $nLast = !empty($pRow[0]['nLast']) ? $pRow[0]['nLast'] 0; // Get the index of the current record. if ($this->IsDirectory($sLink)) { $nLimit = $this->_pSettings['nLimit']; if ($nLimit) { // Round the current record to the limit numbers. $nCurrent = $this->_nCurrent; $nRemainder = $nCurrent % $nLimit; $nCurrent -= $nRemainder; // Round the last record to the limit numbers. $nRemainder = $nLast % $nLimit; $nLast -= $nRemainder; } $bIndex = 1; } else { $nCurrent = $this->_pSettings['nSort']; $nLimit = 1; $bIndex = 0; } // Get the index of the first, previous, and next records. $nPrevious = $nCurrent - $nLimit > $nFirst ? ($nCurrent - $nLimit) $nFirst; $nNext = $nCurrent + $nLimit < $nLast ? ($nCurrent + $nLimit) $nLast; // Regular Expression explanation. // ^ (Start of line), (Directory), [^/]+ (Any character that is not a /, 1 to unlimited times), $ (End of line) // This select does not return duplicate rows, so if $nFirst and $nPrevious are the same, then only one record is returned instead of two. // Only directories with links will display the navigation. A directory with nothing, but subdirectories is ignored. // $sSQL = "select * from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+$' and nSort in ($nFirst, $nPrevious, $nNext, $nLast) order by nSort"; // All directories with subdirectories or links will display in the subnavigation. $sSQL = "select * from ~Table~ where sLink regexp '^" . $sDirectory . "[^/]+/?$' and nSort in ($nFirst, $nPrevious, $nNext, $nLast) order by nSort"; $aRows = $this->_pDatabase->mysqlSelect($sSQL); // Return 0 if no rows were returned. if (empty($aRows)) return (0); // Get the link for the first record. $i = 0; $aSubNavigationList[0]['sName'] = "First"; $aSubNavigationList[0]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nFirst/" $aRows[$i]['sLink']; // Get the link for the previous record. $i += $nFirst == $nPrevious ? 0 1; $aSubNavigationList[1]['sName'] = "Previous"; $aSubNavigationList[1]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nPrevious/" $aRows[$i]['sLink']; // Get the link for the directories index. $aSubNavigationList[2]['sName'] = "Index"; $aSubNavigationList[2]['sLink'] = $sDirectory; // Get the link for the next record. $i += $nPrevious == $nNext ? 0 1; $aSubNavigationList[3]['sName'] = "Next"; $aSubNavigationList[3]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nNext/" $aRows[$i]['sLink']; // Get the link for the last record. $i += $nNext == $nLast ? 0 1; $aSubNavigationList[4]['sName'] = "Last"; $aSubNavigationList[4]['sLink'] = $bIndex ? "$sDirectoryWithoutSlash.$nLast/" $aRows[$i]['sLink']; return $aSubNavigationList; }
  12. Note, all of my functions belong to classes, but I am posting only snippets of my functions to avoid boredom and giving away all my secrets. Please post corrections, suggestions, and your own related functions.
  13. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: mysqlQuery // Author: Andrew Hinkle // Modified: 06/20/2007 // Description: Run the query on the table, but do not return any results. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function mysqlQuery($sSQL) { // Was the database connected? if (empty($this->_pConnect)) return (0); // Run the query and capture the results. $mResult = mysql_query($sSQL); // Results were not returned. if (empty($mResult)) return 0; // mysql memory clean up. @mysql_free_result($mResult); // Results were returned and freed. return 1; } [/CODE]
  14. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: mysqlSelect // Author: Andrew Hinkle // Modified: 06/20/2007 // Description: Return the select query results in an array. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function mysqlSelect($sSQL) { // Was the database connected? if (empty($this->_pConnect)) return 0; // Run the query and capture the results. $mResult = mysql_query($sSQL); // Return an empty array if no results were returned. if (empty($mResult)) return array(); // Convert the mysql result to a standard array. $aResult = array(); while ($aFetched = @mysql_fetch_array($mResult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { // Append the fetched array to the result array. $aResult[] = $aFetched; } // mysql memory clean up. @mysql_free_result($mResult); return $aResult; } [/CODE]
  15. Note, all of my functions belong to classes, but I am posting only snippets of my functions to avoid boredom and giving away all my secrets. Please post corrections, suggestions, and your own related functions.
  16. I've been getting pretty good with regular expressions myself. I use them in my .htaccess file in the RewriteRule feature to add the my link variable based upon the site you visited. I also used preg_match in php and regexp in my sql. I'll make a new thread with my common functions. Maybe improvements can be posted as well.
  17. Not bad. I'd recommend cutting the music down during the short voice over you had, but that's about it. Kinda want to watch Gundam Wing again. It'll be Kelene's first time.
  18. Mathias

    MMOs to come

    I wish I had that kinda dough. Oh wait, I have kids! That makes me dirt poor. I love roleplaying games and pen and paper. Check out the Roleplaying section when you get time.
  19. I do the same walk all the time. Kelene just smacks me and says, "Stop that, we're in the middle of Meijers." Of course, Ladywriter pronounced it like Meegers when she first came down. It was so cute, we all laughed for days! X'D
  20. My page system is actually very simple and straightforward. I wrote it up on my couple days of vacation in July when Sledgstone came down to visit. He keeps SAYING he'll post pictures, but I don't think he'll ever do it. Of course I won't, but that's because I'm too lazy, I mean busy. The trick to the paging system is to pass the row number for the top option and use the SQL limit command to grab the number of records after it. The Next and Previous options are the row number plus or minus the limit with a check for the min and max records for that select statement. I can provide code examples if you'd find it useful.
  21. That means I'm out of job! No more perfume in the eyes for a twenty spot. Now, how will I provide for my family?
  22. The fanfic sounds great so far. Of all things, I wasn't expecting a Power Puff Girl fanfic to be the first fanfic I'd read since I got on.
  23. Cool, sounds good. I'll check out the site again later, but you may have to remind me in a couple weeks. I'm doing a major rewrite of my base PHP page classes, but hopefully I'll have it up and running again soon. I figure I'll be posting a similar request for testing my site in a couple weeks.
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