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AC Elite
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Everything posted by Dubird

  1. It does look awesome, but my first thought was that this guy had entierly too much time on his hands!
  2. My Homestead account is still active, so thought I'd share these. And because I know you miss them, The AC Enquirer! Issue 1 - Vegi & Jigglypuff, a torrid affair! Issue 2 - I had sex with an alien! Issue 3 - Pokemon invades AC! Issue 4 - Battle of the Sexy Bitches! Issue 5 - Mad scientist's ray gun turns AC members into babies!
  3. hehe....back when the fandom forums were actually active!
  4. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/movie-talk-clues-to-new-karate-kid.html I'm honestly not sure if I should be amused or horrified. I just can't see a remake being that good, espically considering how the last two movies were basicly remakes that didn't work out.
  5. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_colo_school_shooting
  6. Tron 2 ftw. Also interested in Iron Man 2 and maybe Prince of Persia.
  7. I wouldn't call it terrorism because it wasn't aimed towards creating panic and terror among the citizens. The guy had a grudge towards the IRS and felt that doing this would wake up other people in the nation to try and do something about the crappy tax system.
  8. I'm glad you have a supportive judge for this, too. That'll make a difference.
  9. Dubird

    somthing random

    I keep plastic bags. They're good for little trash bags for little trash cans and for cleaning out my car. That, and I prefer to recycle the ones I don't use, so i collect them until i remember to take them up to be recycled. ^^;
  10. Well, food crops aren't really threatened at the moment, being as it's still only February. Serious crap planting doesn't start until March at the earliest, even down here.
  11. First time in like 30 years, it has happened before. I thought there was some up on the volcano tops, though, guess not.
  12. *points up at her post* Yeah, that's where I live, remember? 12.5 was the most I saw, most places were 11-12 inches. It set all kinds of records, including most accumliation in a 24 hour period in this area ever (which was like 4 inches before).
  13. pics of last night and this morning I finally found a final record of snowfall at DFW airport. 12.5 inches. And, it's a record-breaking snowfall for this area, both in amount and time.
  14. Even if you consider abortion murder, that doesn't justify commiting another one. Sorry, but that's not how it works. ><
  15. Google owns Blogger now, so yeah, that's the problem. I think I can install the blog software on dubird.net, and configure the gwg to read that database since it already reads one on there anyways, i may be able to make that work. i gotta test it and find out. ><
  16. Ok, here's the thing. For a long time, Blogger allowed you to use FTP to send your blog to your own server. Which was awesome and worked great for me since my site is mostly other stuff, and the 'blog' was really just news posts. Well, they recently announced that they're discontinuing FTP use, meaning now if you want to use Blogger, you have to have it hosted on their site. Which is made of suck. So I need a replacement. Yes, I could install Wordpress, but the problem is that I have sites hosted on two servers, under two main domain names. I'd like something like Blogger, being an online publishing tool, that I could use instead so I don't have to have two seperate Wordpresses and have to log in two seperate places. So, any suggestions?
  17. And I totally want one. Z86V_ICUCD4 How to make one
  18. Avoiding it like the plauge. I'm a fan of the original stories, and based on the trailers alone, they COMPLETELY went out of character for both Holmes and Watson.
  19. I can understand him being worried, but in that case, why doesn't he come with you? Seriously, it might be annoying, but after a few times, he'd probally realize that you do know what you're doing and he doesn't need to freak out. I'd tell him that too. If he's that worried, then come along. Otherwise, shut up. He's not worried enough to stir himself on your behalf, or even talk to you about it, then it's his problem.
  20. Source http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20100123/hl_hsn/videogamingjustmightfightaging;_ylt=Ahb0kwmsvls4HkAO7q9fc05OXbN_;_ylu=X3oDMTE1Z2w0Y2kzBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bi1jaGFubmVsBHNsawN2aWRlb2dhbWluZ2o- So, next time your parents fuss about you playing video games, tell them you're working on keeping your mental facilities intact so they'll last longer.
  21. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/lawnsmaycontributetoglobalwarming
  22. Well, for the record, I showed my boss and he thought it was adorable and couldn't see any creepieness. o.@
  23. Wow....i....have no words.....*LMAO*.......
  24. It's a day late, but.... q9h57OIaMFs
  25. This is the only way to make it awesome: the grittiest reboot EVER.
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