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Posts posted by Gundam-Ranger-X

  1. Mine too. I find that the Japanese mix up alot when it comes to the Western fantasy genre. I mean in Lodos War, for example, what they refer to as "Goblins" are in fact "Hobgoblins" and their "Kobolds" are closser to "Gnolls" then real Koblolds.

    Don't even get me started on how anime portrays dragons.

  2. Gabriel Angelos’s Backstory:

    Part 1: Julius Cesarius and The Blood Ravens

    Julius Cesarius was a wealthy land owner. He collected taxes, made tributes to the King, and defended his province from his enemies. To do this he created a small private army which he named “The Blood Ravens”.

    Early after the completion of his Clerical training, Gabriel was conscripted into military service. He fought in many battles and helped to win many wars for his Feudal Lord, Julius Cesarius.

  3. -15 and they cancel school, no offense but they're a bunch of pussies. Frick I used to have to walk to school in -50 degree temps (back in middle school). Man, I swear everyone outside of the northern Midwestern states would die if they moved to North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, etc because thats the norm temp around here during the winter.

    I feel bad you guys are getting hit this hard but frankly I'm happy to see other people are finally finding out what winter is really like.

    One word buddy: Canada. :meh: We might not have invented cold but we sure did perfect it.

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