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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. I'm glad the first ep is good. Hopefully the quality stays up to par.

    Oh... I'm glad they have those cartoons. I have old copies of them but the quality is pretty garbage. I'll get D+ eventually, but I'll wait those 6 weeks and do the trial. I know they had promos for buying 3 years upfront for a reduced price and verizon unlimited plans get it free for a year. I didn't get that 3 year deal and my Verizon plan isn't eligible. Its only $6 a month but I've been trying to reign in my random spending. Maybe they'll have a discount plan for black friday. I'm tempted to get a hulu combo with it, but the only combo I saw had D+, hulu and espn.. I almost never watch sports, its bad enough my cable subscription forces all the sports channels on me when I don't watch any of them, I hate seeing streaming services bundling sports too. ehh.

  2. Doesn't look enough like Fairy Tail.. Gray's clothes stayed on the entire time and Lucy's clothing didn't get ripped. XD lol. j/k. It looks good, but I'm surprised they went with turn style combat over a FF13/FF15 style action combat.

  3. I just read up on the battle passes for fortnite since I don't play it. Looks like you can buy a battle pass for about $10 worth of in game currency. With the battle pass you can get the season rewards including skins and earning more in game currency. And it looks like its been 9 seasons since last October, so roughly $90 a year.. unless someone plays so much that they earn enough currency to continue paying for the next seasons with the earned currency.

    I'm glad CoD is getting rid of loot boxes, but at the same time, if they don't let you pay for the battle passes with in game currency, then they could just as easily lock weapons behind different seasons/battlepasses. If that happens, then it could still be pay to win and they'll get everyone into FOMO (fear of missing out) by having some random OP weapon locked into a season's rewards. Assuming CoD's life span is only 1 year, if they can squeeze in 9 seasons in a year like fortnite, then in the end they could make more money than a traditional season pass and thats just for the battle pass sales, not counting the microtransaction store. Watch them start putting new perks as season pass rewards to entice people to buy it.

  4. I didn't get to play any of the halloween events at all last year. And last year was when they brought out new content for it. I'll be getting on there this weekend when I can. I did want to finish making that mad memories back piece because the final version of it was some universe looking/purplish effects to it kind of like a legendary weapon.

  5. Did the anime end with the potential sequel quest like the manga did? I remember being so disappointed with the last arc and then it ended with the new quest and I figured they're ending it with fairy tail going back to normal guild stuff now that all the large plot lines were mostly resolved. And then a year later the sequel manga started up right where the first series ended... and the writing didn't improve at all. :(

  6. I'm guessing the trailer isn't showing much on purpose. Because if it was all just, let's look for a robot, it might be a bit boring. But it looks like they are no longer stuck on just a single planet for this season so it could be incredibly interesting to see the worlds they visit and what life they encounter.

  7. Um.. only 10 years later from the start of the apocalypse and modern society looks like it's basically back up and running in small scale. That doesn't seem possible at all. Hell, Judith is 10 now. So this series is happening in the exact same time as the current walking dead season except somewhere else in the country? Wtf.

  8. Wow that Contra game looks horrible. Gun overheating is the worst feature they could have come up with. The game itself looks like complete crap, but they made it far worse with that overheating mechanic.

    WTF... Nintendo... $4.99 a month? With all the other microtransactions, I could see a $4.99 one time fee for the 200 cc mode.. but monthly? Damn thats greedy. Aside from the apple and google play games Jim mentioned, a person could also just buy a $1 a week minimum humble bundle or fanatical bundle and get significantly more for their money, entire multiple full games for $5 a month.

  9. This movie sucked. The costumes were supposed to be a throwback to the original X-Men costumes from the comic.. maybe as some way to try to reference back to the beginning of the franchise at the end. Most good movies or books generally reference the beginning at the end some how for closure, but the costumes looked like cheap crap especially since they showed the correct good costumes at the very end of the Apocalypse movie. Aside from that the acting wasn't good, the CG is some parts looks noticeably cheap and the plot was once again absolutely nothing like the Dark Phoenix plot from the comics. But there were some aliens... but they left their ships somewhere out in the woods and we never got to see them.. I'm glad Fox is done with this. They should have let Apocalypse be the last movie. Marvel will do a far better job with this franchise.


    Jean Grey was blah. I felt nothing for her. And wtf.. Nightcrawler got so pissed at the aliens he went on a murder spree.. wtf. I remember him being a monk in the comics and cherishing all life.. and here he is murdering the shit out of these guys. Talk about character assassination.


  10. I watched this movie last weekend. Holy shit that was awesome. :D That is hands down some of the best fight choreography I've seen since Into the Badlands, but its way more believable that Into the Badlands fights because it literally looks like real fighting, stabbing, knife throwing, etc. That knife fight alone was worth the price of the movie. :D So many knives. lol.


    I thought this was supposed to be the last one.. John Wick 4. Damn.. I'll have to watch it too. :D


  11. I'm going to pass on this. It doesn't look anything like a portrayal of Joker from the comics (is this supposed to be Joker from the comics? or just some guy that goes a bit nuts and emulates Joker from the comics?) from what I've seen in the trailers. Its another one of those movies made just to win awards and most of those I generally hard pass on. But what does seem odd to me is that Joker was already established in Suicide Squad and they're making a Suicide Squad 2 which I thought Joker was going to show up in again.. but in the meantime theres this entirely different Joker. Ok... I see DC stopped caring about an actual single DC movie universe after Justice League came and went.

  12. I never pre-order or buy games on launch anymore, but this will be the exception. I need this game. :D And I'm glad its not getting some bullshit "oh its really for PS5 now exclusively" because I don't know when I'll buy a PS5, but I wont be buying that at launch.

    BTW, Last of Us is free with PS+ next month. If you haven't played it yet, I highly highly recommend it. If you do play it, one bit of advice, clickers will always one hit instant kill unless you have a shiv or shoot it from distance. Melee or try to strangle one of those and you will always die. Took me a while to figure that out. x_x You can technically stealth the entire game or go hard core guns blazing if you have the ammo.

  13. I got to play the beta for 2 hours yesterday. It honestly felt like every other call of duty game to me again except with different maps. Except it felt like ADS was incredibly slow. I had a couple decent rounds, but for the most part I felt like I was just getting farmed constantly. I never liked Killstreaks. I think they are pointless and just give a good player an overwhelming advantage. Its one thing if a player was already an expert and can go 20-5 every round, but add killstreaks to that and that same person will be in a jet raining down death on everyone the moment they spawn and that happened repeatedly. I'm sure that person is having a blast, but I don't find it enjoyable or even remotely balanced, but thats what every call of duty game is, always has been and always will be. eh, its not my cup of tea. Oh, and yeah these maps are small but god the spawning was horrible. I'd get shot in the back so often because I'd spawn almost in front of enemies that I got used to immediately turning around after spawning to rush into somebody. The only time I knew I had a safe spawn is by looking at the mini map and seeing 1 or 2 other teammates spawning right next to me. By the end of my 2 hours I was mostly having a k/d of 1.0 and I got over rank 5 to get customizable loadouts, etc. The game is decent for what it is but its not something I'll rush out to buy. Like Battlefield 1 & V, I'm guessing I'd have a more enjoyable experience if I was playing with actual teammates I was talking to and coordinating with instead of some randoms that have static mics crackling over my audio (I had to mute mics after the 4th round, it was just people being profane or making noise for the hell of making noise). I will say tho, domination mode felt extremely similar to BF's domination and that game mode was the most fun I had out of the beta.

  14. Upgraded the forums today. The gallery should be working better for uploads. And we have a new our picks section at the top of the home page and bottom of the forums page (I might move these around still, haven't decided yet). Any topic, post, blog entry, gallery, gallery image, etc. can be "promoted" by an admin to appear on these pages.  And when I get around to setting up the facebook and twitter accounts for the site to connect to it, these promoted items will be auto posted to those social platforms.

    Also, I'll be moving the site to a different hosting provider in the next couple weeks or months. Hopefully we don't run into any issues.

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