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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Random Anime Thoughts

    Not entirely sure how I feel about the new GitS. On one hand I'm excited to be getting more GitS (we all know how obsessed I am with GitS) especially since it's linked to SAC but on the other hand I just can't get over the CG animation and the fact that Netflix is releasing it (you can praise Netflix all you want but I'm always going to be leery of anime they release, especially when it's linked to franchises I adore. VE is an exception since they just got the streaming rights and it's not exactly an anime original as KyoAni worked on it without their funding). Plus with the lackluster Arise entry I'm even more leery about any new GitS show (I'll praise the Arise movie as it actually felt like GitS but the OVA was lackluster at best (good moments marred with a shit plot line and character rewrites that make no sense)). Now my question is do they have the English VA's from SAC because, as much as I'm a sub elitist, I actually prefer to watch GitS dubbed and I'd hate to have to get used to a new VA's (the SAC dub is probably one of the best dubs out there second only to Cowboy Bebop for me). As for BOFURI I can't be happier. While I still haven't watched episode 12 yet I was really hoping we'd get another season because this show is just so god damn adorable and I love seeing how much more god like Maple is going to become every episode (I swear she's literally a god at this point on only continues to become even more absurdly powerful and she has no fucking idea what she's doing). I'm super hyped for Slime as well but I'm pissed they're splitting the second season into two instead of doing one massive airing. Really hate when they do that shit (was extremely pissed when they did it to SAO: War of Underworld because they left it on such a huge cliff hanger and it's been agonizing waiting for this last half to air). Hopefully they don't end the first half on a major cliffhanger because I'll fucking riot.

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