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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Battlefield V

    I mean what did they expect? Releasing BF5 right between COD and Red Dead was a stupid fucking mistake, it's no wonder their pre-order numbers were lower than expected. EA ran into the same shit with Titanfall 2 when it released so you'd of thought they'd learn from their lesson. Honestly I'm happy they're pushing it back a month. This will give them time to get features into the game that weren't going to be their at launch in October and maybe give them time to actually start marketing this thing a lot better. I'm honestly on board for all the changes they've implemented (even the ammo shortage, I think it's a nice change and will make you rely more on teamwork then ever before (which is what they're going for in BF5) though I could give two shits less about cosmetics in an FPS (yea lets give you these retarded camo's that will make you stick out, that's what war is about). Am I going to buy it? Yes but I won't pre-order it because I've been burned one to many times by EA and the industry at large. I'll probably get it closer on Black Friday since I'll have a 4 day weekend to play it and honestly pre-order bonuses aren't worth anything to me anymore (outside of FFXIV related shit, I'm a sucker for the pre-order shit they have (I need my minions and mounts damnit >.<)). There are only two games I'll pre-order that are coming up, Cyberpunk 2077 (that gameplay demo has me fucking sold on the premise now) and Ace Combat 7 (though, if it's announced in Nov, I will be pre-ordering the next FFXIV expansion next year as soon as it goes live).

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