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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    http://kotaku.com/the-titanfall-hype-explained-1524388082 A pretty good article.
  2. 1 point
    I just got my X1 beta code and have it installing now so I'll see how that goes myself
  3. 1 point
    Ok... after playing the beta I will say this game is fun as shit... The grunts are easy targets and keep the action fresh when pilots want to camp. When you kill a real person its a 100+ extra XP bonus... every kill reduces the time of your titanfall. I've maxed out at 3 titan drops in one round.. but that is only when you get your titan destroyed too fast, and wreck face with the actual pilot. There is a new learning curve. The tutorial at the start before you can play any rounds is very helpful... it starts out with the stupid basics that any casual FPS player should know, but then it gives you a good taste of the parkour system which is pretty fluid once you learn it. They also let you sample a watered down version of a titan. The default controls are the stupid COD default controls plus the extras... they thankfully have the set up to switch Stick to B for melee and stick crouch, and there is also the weird ass killzone set up... props for appealing to all shooter's preferences.... yes I don't use a keyboard and mouse. I use the xbox wired controller... this game is fully gamepad compatible. As a beta there are 3 default titan classes and 3 pilot classes. the pilot classes are customizable after rank 5 and the titan classes are customizable after rank 10. Only 2 maps are playable in this beta. The rounds are fast pace COD style, but feature an epilogue segment. If your team loses, you can escape to the extraction point which is visible to friend and foe teams. As victor or loser once you are killed in this time period you are not allowed to respawn. The losing team can escape to an extraction ship, or they can be wiped out... or the extraction ship can be destroyed before it escapes... Those that might escape are granted an extra 200 xp for successful evacuation. The extraction ship has a lot of health and it takes more than 3-4 titans to take it down. I will probably buy this for PC... the pandemonium that ensues in this game is too fun.. the original Infinity Ward has once again redefined the FPS genre... its just a shame that its a MS exclusive. The wall running and ledge grabbing is innovative and borrowed heavily from the failed Brink game... You cant run and gun like previous COD games or even the grunts will kill you. You have to adapt and use the multiple floors to stay alive. The Radar works the same, but with 2-4 levels per building, its hard to tell where they are when they pop off rounds.

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