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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2009 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    S.C. Republican contrite after breach of decorum during president’s speech wtf is up with all the ass clowns SC keeps putting up in the front?! Gov fuckin Argentina wasn't bad enough??? This double whammy makes the voters that elected these dicks look like morons. If anyone had done this to Bushy they'd be sitting in jail, prolly Gitmo. Dems n progressives knew how to behave, hell the bastard had to leave the country to find someone willing to chuck a shoe at him To have an elected and well paid congressman #1 not know what the fuck he's talking about and #2 act like a disrespectful ignorant hick throwing a tantrum.... I'm all for free speech, ppl should be allowed to express their opinions, but feeding the flames of lies and bullshit, showing such ignorance and disrespect in that form, the asshat should be booed out of congress. He's publicly declared what an incompetent nutter he is. Seriously, wtf is wrong w SC? What totally sucky representation they've selected. Makes me wonder if they're all ignorant birthers waiting for the rapture The voters don't have much to say about what their reps do with their shlongs but they do have a huge say about how they want their reps to act in congress. Pissy kid that didn't bother doing his homework to get the correct answers throwing a fit... well that's what they elected and that makes me question their intelligence. You can trust me when I say any elected official from NYS that fucks up gets their ass handed to them by their constitutes. We don't go for dumb shitz like our tax dollars supporting his mistress or our reps misrepresenting the views and opinions of the ppl of NY. When that dumb shit happens around here mutherfuckers start lookin for a new job http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show#32769044 [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/#32768879]Countdown with Keith Olbermann Countdown with Keith Olbermann[/ame]
  2. 1 point

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