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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2013 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    So quick recap of what they showed in their Youtube videos today since they were long winded. Lobo is the first DLC Character!.... Maybe I'll buy this later.... The (Simple) Majority of DC Fans have proved themselves illogical as Batman defeated Superman & didn't even need Kryptonite. .... Side Note: I watched all the in game cut scenes on Youtube Tuesday.... Aside from Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Joker, & Lex Luthor the rest seemed like filler. Harley Quinn & The Flash to me were kind of interesting, though not required. Shazam's part could've been more shocking if he confronted Superman as a kid instead. Catwoman was way too minor to be excited about. Despite being the only actual God there Aries was mainly pathetic. Doomsday's part through out it made no sense. Lobo working for Lex Luthor would've made more sense followed by Lobo working for Superman. They could've even been a bit more interesting with Doomsday by somehow turning him into the hero that defeated evil Superman, but no. Anyone else I could've mention I might as well have forgotten about.

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