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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2006 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Ah thanks for the info on Shenlong and Deathscythe. Been years since I saw it so I couldn't remember when they were destroyed and why (I have a bad memory). True, give an awesome pilot an awesome suit and they'll be a powerhouse (as seen with Char and a few other pilots in the UC series as well as AC series). It's just that the GW Gundams are actually more powerful then you believe them to be as compared to other timeline series (UC series and GX). Only real reason I know this is not by having seen those series but because I actually read and understand the technical specs that are out on the net for them (MAHQ is my bible for mech tech specs). I'm somewhat of a nerd for specs. I could care less what a suit looks like, I want to know what it's truly capable of and that can only be seen thru the technical specs. This is why the GW Gundams are considered so powerful. They're capable of things that nothing could realistically be capable of even a 25 meter humanoid weapon. UC Gundam isn't for everyone thats why I can see you not getting into it. Sadly this is what I don't like about the new generation of Gundam fans. They only watch it for the flashy Gundams, pretty boy/girl pilots, and fanservice (as seen in SEED/SEED Destiny). None of them are in it for the story or awesome character development that was seen in the original Gundam and subsequent UC series (Tomino is the man, all I have to say about that). Meh, I'm done now. Enough Gundam spouting out of me. Need to turn this back on track to GW and why it's so popular.
  2. 1 point

    What makes Gundam Wing so popular?

    You're forgetting one key element: Cartoon Network. GW is the first gundam series aired on Cartoon Network. Up until then, anime was mostly a subculture over here. You had your choice of crappy-dub Sailor Moon (the original is actually pretty good), Ronin Warriors (which is still one of my favorites), or Pokemon. Well, Fox did play Escaflowne, but they didn't do a good job of the dub and it didn't go over well. I don't consider Power Rangers in this catagory. >< Then CN comes along, gets ahold of GW, and pimp the living hell out of it. They put it on right after school, so a lot of kids can rush home and watch. And an instant fangirl-base was born. Personal, I love GW. The story is a lot deeper than people realize, but then, I've also read all the manga for it. That does help. (yes, Strider, pacifisim is a dream, but Relena is increadibly naieve). And yeah, you have to watch the whole thing. I didn't get it all when I first watched it. Most of what I got the first time I saw it was pretty characters and explosions. A lot of the political stuff went over my head. I've watched it several times since then, read essays and manga and discussed it a lot, and I enjoy it more now than I did. I'm not saying it's for everyone, and I'm not saying it's the best anime around, but there's a lot more to the series than it looks when you first see it.

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