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New planet found: Nemesis Star/Nibiru/Planet X... TYCHE

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Lady's been saying that we live in a binary system for years.. I bet that Tyche might be a failed star or maybe its a neutron star... Considering how huge Oort cloud is, and something like Tyche can be found.. then there could be a variety of things out there still in the space around our system.


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I just find it odd that for the past 3 years people have been posting up stuff around the net about a large celestial body, more massive than Jupiter, with its own system of moons. NASA has been denying it... and now they are supporting this fact minus the passing through the solar system every 3600 years thingy.


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I still think its mind boggling how far away this planet x is from us.. 15000 AU... is what.. 1.4 trillion miles away from the sun.. a 1/4 light year away or more? and tyche is just one small speck of a pin head in the overall size of the oort cloud.

NASA and other scientists get scoffed at when they release info about a new celestial body without being able to release a full detailed report about it with multiple confirmations. I remember reading once (or was it a science channel special?) that to officially report a new planet or celestial body, its position needs to be confirmed multiple times and its path or orbit must be confirmed over the course of a few years. So I could see how people could have been talking about it for years now.. just one scientist has to release a preliminary report and everyone goes about trying to confirm it. but with the distances involved, the cost of time to use long range telescopes, and the time needed to wait for the object to move in relation to our own viewing window based on other objects or planets obscuring the view to confirm it.. gah. years later and we finally get the official response. I watch so much science channel. :P I bet a new special is being made about this planet right now. X'D


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