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Everything posted by Serena

  1. Oh, he's got the fit throwing down to a sweet art... the spitting, he hasn't done that as yet he just blows bubbles in his drool.
  2. Hm, alrighty...will have to borrow one from my mother-in-law....thought about doing something like that with one of his cloth diapers too. Then I realised it was far too big to be doing that with. BTW thanks for the reply Lady, really kinda goin' nuts with this right now...
  3. Hey everyone, I have a question for anyone with wee-ones....mine is now 6mos and has cut two teeth and is working on more. Short of going completely mad does anyone have advice on how to ease the pain for him? My son doesn't readily take passifires (I've tried putting some in the freezer for him when his teeth started to hurt), and really doesn't like it when I stick my finger in his mouth to apply baby origel... all ideas are more then welcome.
  4. Thanks everyone. ^^ Anyway I finally got the picture up in my album, so go ahead and take a look-see at the baby. ^^
  5. lol GRX. And thank you for the well wishes everyone. Well obviously I'm back from the hospital, everything went well and the doctors were impressed with how well I did since this was my first. lol was already contracting when we walked into the hospital, prolly why it went so quick and well. I know what you mean about the pain Lady, >< that's why I opted for the epidural and by the time the gal got there to give it to me I suddenly didn't care how many needles were involved. Sry I can't pos pickies yet, we got home late las night and the bag isn't unpacked yet do the digi-cam is still hidden should be soon ho. ^^
  6. lmao that's a pretty good question, tho' I think that maybe if the stork is drunk then you can convince him to hand the baby over time or not.
  7. Okie I'll try to log into that more often then. lol Not many ppl on my list actually are on anymore. XD

  8. Actually I think that's a pretty good idea, what most companies don't realise (and a lot of normal people too) is that if you don't move with the times you'll go belly up and/or get left behind. So charging a little for a pre-release downloadable video that will frag out and be useless in a few days-while annoying for the average person who may not be able to go and get the DVD right away-would actually be far more profitable in the long run. As well as slightly less annoying for the company itself. IMHO anyway.
  9. lol Thank you, ^^ I just hope I'm up to the challange XD

  10. His name is Nickolie Vahn, or will be when he comes Don't worry Kite, I've already made it very clear I want an epidural, did that when I had false labor which very nearly became full on pre-term. But believe me I'll be more then happy to remind them since I'll be walking about until everything's ready to go and I can't handle the discomfort anymore. Thank thank you I'm opeing for a quick and smooth delivery too, tho' his daddy's a stocky man so I may be in for a VERY sturdy baby. I promise, to upload when I feel like doing stuff again I have to put them up on my myspace anyway so I'll put them here too. ^^
  11. As I have meantioned a couple times I am going to have a baby. Since it's a good distance to the hospital my husband and I decided to take the Dr.'s suggestion for induction. So I go in this saturday to be induced (provided my son doesn't deside to come before then) so wish me luck AC. ^^
  12. I heard about that yesterday, and as sad as it is something like that isn't totally unexpected from that region...
  13. Gald to hear you're doing well. ^^ Well you can keep it! XD Here it's usually in the 60's to 70's but every once in a while it'll drop and we'll get a freak snow storm. I've been pretty buisy tryin' to get everything around for when the baby comes, so sorry it took me so long to reply. ; ; There's been alot to do, but lucky I got it all done I think...

  14. Should let the fish be, after all it'd die in the cold so there isn't really anything to fret over. Besides it'll probably die naturally soon enough anyhow.
  15. Y'know I was wondering the same thing...
  16. Serena

    to the fuzzy one

    Happy birthday Eppy. ^^
  17. Serena


    Hullo ^^ nice to meetcha
  18. Hey, just wanted to see how you were doin' haven't talked to you in a while. ^^ TTYL.

  19. That's true but at the time I was still really new to IM in general and didn't know about that option until much later. I also agree that people need to be more careful about what they put up on the net. Not just teens and young adults but everyone.
  20. The last new alcohols I tried were Moose Head and Moose Drool, they were pretty good went down smooth and had just enough after bite to be pleasent. Haven't been able to drink recently (got preggers) so I can't try anything new for a while yet. But I hope to eventually try the Bailey's that my husband raves about....
  21. Seems to me you CAN block certain numbers and/or contacts in a phone list...but that isn't really going to stop somone who is that demented. They'd just keep borrowing friend's phones or changing the number for theirs to keep doing it. I actually had someone do that with an AIM account to talk to me, he'd use his friend's account then make more and more as I blocked them to keep chatting with me...
  22. I wonder if it could have been an alergic reaction to the seditives? I mean animals are like people that way, just because something is okay for one Jaguar doesn't always mean they all can handle it.
  23. Yeah he is, but that shade makes the poor little guy look sunburnt....
  24. Serena

    Valentines Day

    Hey, I made a really bad card for him...that was the best I could do with the few things we have in our appartment...so I didn't forget, not in the least.
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