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Posts posted by DeathscytheX

  1. oh gawd.....BSG 1980 SUCKED......big time....it was a desperate attempt to contiune the series that basicly flopped.....i've watched the entire original series, and i liked it up till then....i haven't watched the new one because it comes on at the same time as Monk....

    To tell the truth, They only reason I ever watched BGS was because it came on between Space 1999 and Buck Rogers in the 25th century back when Sci-Fi was awesomely good with classics. I had a huge crush on Colonel Dearing X'D

    I found out recently Buck Rogers comes on at 4am EST saturday mornings.

  2. from my understanding the cyclons program some of their units to actually believe they are human, until they are given instructions.. kind of like sleepers. In this case, helo's programming is malfunctional and she acutally cares for boomer and wants to keep the cyclons from killing him.

  3. you said his comrades could not have stood up to the birds of paradise but if memory serves me correct koga killed two when he saved ayame with out even trying and damn right koga can whoop inuyasha with no jewel shards and no tetsaiga the iron rever soul stealer sucks ass as and attack and inu can't turn demon just cause his life is in danger notice how he transformed when the tetsaiga broke his life was always in danger before that point and he never did and how many times has he transformed after that and his life was in danger take his tetsaiga and kagome away and he's nothing everyone knows that look and i never said koga can beat sesshomaru cause in the show less than two people can kill sesshomaru and further more koga has proven his worth time after time notice how inuyasha can't kill kagura kanna or hakudoshi without his tetsaigaa and kanna should be the easiest of the remaining deteachments to kill i bet you next your gonna say inu yasha human form is powerful too so please don't try to contridict me because i know what i'm saying because i watch the jap episodes and re watch them on A.S. so don't get your undies in a bunch because of an opinion i have due to what i've seen

    Good God, use more than one sentence when you answer.

    Yes Inuyasha transforms when his life is in danger, when the sword is not with him, He didnt at the begining of the series because guess what? The sword was in his fathers grave, in which was in his EYE. And I do believe when I made that comparasion we took away the sword and shards. Inuyasha can take way more punishement, and What is this about Soul Stealer sucking? What are you talking about, All kouga has is some kicks and punches, he has no special powers without his shards. Hell, Inuyasha survived through his own Windscar, Kouga ran away from it.

    I like how you try to put words in my mouth.

    i bet you next your gonna say inu yasha human form is powerful too so please don't try to contridict me because i know what i'm saying

    Are you trying to insult me? I wouldnt say something as stupid as that. I dont need to contradict you, because you do that on your own. You obviously don't know what you are talking about since you cant even get the basic facts of the series down. Who cares if Inuyasha cant beat Kagura without the sword? Kouga cant even beat her with his shards. Are you even using common sense when you think about what you are going to say?

    And if I am not mistaken it was you who got your panties in a wad because I said I disliked kouga. Your hypocracy is disturbing, don't tell me to argue against you opinions when you started it up by doing exactly that to me. You will not out argue me, because unlike you, I don't debate about anything unless I know what I am talking about. It would be very wise to take Striders advice. You cocky attitude will only cause people to dislike you, and you also make yourself look less intelligent than you probably are.

    The whole point is, If kouga wasn't in the series, It wouldn't change it much. Take Sesshomaru out, and you lose a huge dynamic to the whole story. Therefore Kouga is not as important as Sesshomaru. Even Sango is more important to the story than Kouga, by way of her little brother. Whatching the Japanese episodes and then the Dub episdose does little but change around some dialog, It doesnt change the animation.

  4. That was a very long sentence.

    I have seen every episode aired on AS thank you, alot of them many times over. It is you that happens to be mistaken, He had one in his arm at the time of juurumaru. Plus Im pretty sure it was Inuyasha that killed them, Kouga moved out of the way before he got sliced in half.

    The jewel shards not only give him speed but power in his legs.

    Lets take away his shards and the tetsaiga. Kouga is not stronger than Inuyasha. I think you are forgetting that Inuyasha has the iron reaver soul stealer and blades of blood. On top of that If kouga would be as lucky enough to get that far with Inuyasha to with an inch of his life, he'd go bizzerk and transform. In that state, Kouga wouldnt stand a chance. Without his jewel shards he is just as weak as his comrades, who can barely stand up to the birds of paradise. If memory serves correct, Kouga gave Inuyasha his best at Naraku's false castle with extra help from naraku might I add. He still couldn't kill inuyasha. So even with the shards he wouldn't defeat inuyasha, and damn sure wouldnt last against Naraku. On top of all these Sango has done damage to many of naraku's incarnations, I don't know where you have been.

    Kouga doesnt use his sword because its a peice of crap now that he has jewel shards.

    Get off you high horse, don't tell me to get my facts straight when you dont have any. You really should stop acting like you know everything about every show. I wasn't even trying to argue this point. The fact that you could say that He belongs up there with Sesshomaru just isn't cool, he is no where in that league.


  5. the one who has no purpose would have to be you know what every one has a purpose even that little bitch sledge Koga is not squeezed in he's in alot of episodes and he protects kagome when inu can't and he has afiance who ould have figured that oops that was a spoiler

    He does not, half the time he snatches her away, Inuyasha has the situation mostly under control, and Kagome can take care of herself. Very few times he actually "saved" her from danger.

    Saying Kouga is as good as Sesshomaru is an insult. Sesshomaru is far more powerful than he could ever dream of being, on top of that he is a weakling aided by jewel shards, and without them he probably wouldnt even stand up to Sango.

  6. what do you mean you hate koga everyone else has purpose Koga has purpose he protects Kagome when inuyasha can't shippo has no purpose kagome's friends have no purpose koga is just as important as sesshomaru and kykyo if not more important than kykyo

    Why don't you do us all a favor and completely read what I said. Did I say EVERYONE ELSE?

    Lets take a look at what I said

    I dont really hate the characters in that sort of way, the closest to that would be kouga. But all the characters have their useful purpose.

    Do you like to start up arguements? trust me, I am the last person on this forum you would like to argue with. Do not put words in my mouth. If i choose to dislike a character, I will.

  7. I have actually sceen an instant of this. My friend was competeing in the low rider competition and he flipped the car and it blew up. and when he started at the hospital the points were still on the screen like the competition was still happening and it froze. X'D

    Otherwise I love the new one, getting the BMX skills up to max was hilarious, bunny hopping at unnatural heights is great X'D

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