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Strider Hiryu

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Posts posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. Yea the rewrite of the end of ep 20 was a bit surprising but meh, they'll do what they have to to keep the fans happy.

    Sigh, all that angsty bromance kinda turned me away a bit. Yea we know Graham you got a massive hard on for Setsuna, no need to display it to the world X'D Fight was pretty intense and Loiuse has freaking lost her mind.

    Now with Setsuna changing things ought to get interesting in the next few eps or atleast I hope so. Hoping for some "Kick the shit out of Ribbons" here from Setsuna.

    With my job and school I don't have time to watch it the day it comes out, to busy with everything hence why I generally watch it about 5 days after once the group I watch it from releases it and I get the chance to sit down to see it. Plus I refuse to stream anime, I'd rather download it and watch it. I have 3 roommates so I can't hog the bandwidth whenever I want.

  2. I'm not gonna bite at your first comment since we'll end up going in an endless circle but I do agree with your UC comment. I miss the beginning too but that doesn't mean I hate the second half. I think it's still entertaining...just not as entertianing as the first half and the start of the second. Like I already said before the creators have been trying to make this show as appealing to every type of Gundam fan as possible (UC fans, Fan girls, Wing and Seed fans...etc. Thats why some things may not make sense to you (IE. Louise and Saji).

    Oh it makes sense, Gundam has become nothing more then a blatant need for Bandai/Sunrise to make money now (mostly based off model kits, thats been the main profitability of the Gundam franchise since the original in 79). The only way to sell models is to get fans interested in the show, only way to do that now-a-days is to appeal to the widest consesus of fans and that means pretty boy pilots, lackluster plots, and bad supporting characters. Alas though I will agree Gundam 00 has been entertaining, even if some of the story choices have been bad.

    Gundam guru I am :teethglint:

    Bah, now I'm going to have to watch ep 21 right after I get out of work tonight. Here I was hoping to save it for tomorrow but not after what minion just said.

  3. I still think Nintendo should have focused on the DS as an entire gaming package. Instead of making the travesty that is the Wii, they could have made a system with attached touch screen that allows you to play DS games on your TV. That way, people could play the same games at home and on the go, and the better system (the DS) would have additional support. Touch controls > motion controls, and that puts them more in competition with the PC gaming market than the 360 / PS3 bloodbath that they have no chance of winning.

    Something I agree with completely. I don't own a DS yet (will be getting one here shortly for the new Suikoden game) but I borrowed my friends awhile ago and was impressed with it's capabilities as a handheld system. Something like this would of gotten me to buy a DS a long time ago instead of waiting so long to consider it.

  4. Thats your opinion but they're still needed to show the effects that this war has on normal people. That was the whole point on wasting episodes in the first season that where focus on them. I mean really, if you want to start picking out characters that are not needed I could just list every character that isn't piloting a Gundam or directly opposing a Gundam pilot right now lol, but I wont since each character brings some depth to the story and has a reason for being there. Sure Saji and Louise are acting like kids...but that's what they are kids lol. They grew up having sheltered lives so what do you expect?

    As a side note, if you havent noticed, this season has been trying to accomidate all fans of the Gundam world. That's why it feels like it's all over the place.

    Your keynote is gone now, they're not normal people anymore (Louise stopped being a "normal" person the minute she signed up for the A-Laws and Saji stopped being a normal person once he was kidnapped and forced to work in the labor camp). Season 1 was supposed to show this, which it did to my distaste. I could care less about whats going on with the normal people. Gundam has always been a war anime with emphasis on fighting and the people fighting the war, now it's become nothing more than an angst ridden ride through the trials and tribulations of people who have nothing to do with the war. The only series that showing what happens to the normal person during war time scenerio and the only series to actually get it right was Macross but thats a different show and for a different time (they blend both in together very well).

    Yes it is my opinion and something I won't budge on. Season 2 has been great so far up to the point where we started getting more focused on Saji and Louise. Hell the subplot with Anew and Lockon was a lot better then what we're dealing with in Louise and Saji (as it was more freaking believable). I've enjoyed the ride through season 2 but I basically already know how this is all going to end and I'm not actually looking forward to seeing it as I'm getting rather sick of this shit Gundam 00 is trying to convey and failing at it miserably.

    Where have the days gone when Tomino was in charge of this show, when Gundam was actually Gundam. Alas I will never see them again (sorry, little side rant. I miss the UC timeline, to bad it'll never be resurrected).

    Back more on whats going on currently in the show however (I want to drop the previous subject) whats you take on this whole emergent Innovator we're starting to see in Setsuna (ep 20 preview of 21 kinda gives it away)? Expected or you think the director is trying to get something more out of it? I knew Louise was being conditioned into one in the beginning when her eyes did that wonky thing but Setsuna has been showing more and more signs of becomming one himself.

  5. Just a reminder that this sale is starting tomorrow!

    I didn't call the local store so I don't know if the prices will come off at the register, or if they are going to have a section about this in their sunday ad.

    You might want to call ahead. Best Buy announced a day or so ago that it was only at select stores that weren't moving anime merchandise like they wanted. All stores are being cut back, thats for sure but the sale is really only applying to certain stores.

    Call ahead just to be safe.

  6. Why? I mean don't get me wrong I ended up selling mine and getting a 360. I just wanna know why u hate it so much?

    Took me awhile to see this, don't usually check the game forum anymore.

    Lets see, reasons for hating the Wii. It's got an extreme lack of titles that are worth playing under it's belt, it's controller is nothing more then a safety hazard waiting to happen (even with that stupid wrist strap), the whole motion sensor on the controller just isn't that great of an idea and is a rather idiotic thing to make it it's selling point, and my biggest reason is that it's nothing more then a Gamecube that was put into a new case and sold off as a next-gen console. Seriously why didn't they just continue on with the Gamecube for another few years while trying to atleast make a console that could be considered next-gen.

    Really Nintendo just isn't the same company it used to be. It's now more focused on making gaming a party sideshow by releasing all those games. True, party games can be fun (Guitar Hero and the like) but really setting up your entire business plan based off of that is basically shooting yourself in the foot but meh, I've just come to accept that gaming isn't all it used to be anymore.

  7. Which one? I carry two. One I carry in my front pocket with all my cards and what not in it (really it's more like a checkbook but I consider it a wallet). The other one is in my back right pocket. Carry all my cash in it when I actually have cash (otherwise it's just a distraction wallet in case anyone wants to try and take it). I learned when I went to ACen in 2005 that it's smart to carry more then one wallet.

    Hardly notice either of them when I sit down or stand up, even though the one in the front pocket is full of crap at the moment (only real time I notice it is at work when I'm constantly kneeling down to put stock up).

  8. My problem is they're not needed for the story, they're just there. Normally I wouldn't be worked up about people like that but Louise and Saji need to get over it. They both lost loved ones to whats going on, one took it better then the other (Saji lost his sister and cried about it for like 5 episodes and then got over it to the point he could carry out a normal life, Louise lost her parents and now wants revenge for it even though she is practically worthless in a fight).

    I'm sorry, as much as I love season 2 so far Louise and Saji are totally not needed (much like last season). And to point this out they are acting like I think any normal rational person would, it's just that I'm sick of seeing them. It's nothing but one long angst train, something we get enough from out of the meisters. We don't need two completely worthless characters to do it for us.

    Really all Louise is doing is what Andrei's son was, blaming events that couldn't be stopped on a single person. Andrei's son got his revenge but I'm betting you anything he'll come to regret it and then we'll get more angst. If Louise was to succeed in taking out the "enemy" she'd eventually come to see that what she did was no different then what happened to her parents, except for the fact that no one will miss Celestial Being when they're gone like how she misses her parents.

    I've really got no beef with Saji. He lost his sister, his old neighbor turns out to be with Celestial Being, he was kidnapped and forced to work in an A-Law camp, he single handedly killed a whole camp of Catharon (sp?) members, and the girl he loves is being a suicidal idiot that if Saji didn't point out she was in the A-Laws Setsuna would kill her. If anything I'd expect him to be taking it a lot worse then he did and is. His feelings and emotions are understandable, Louise's aren't (really she knows better then to think Saji would fight, he's a pacifist. Really she should of thought he was being held prisoner and against his will with her train of thoughts).

    Really this is neither here nor there. Frankly I still stand by my opinion, they need to grow up and move on. I'm sick of the revenge and pussy boy act we've been forced to see for 19 episodes so far (I have yet to see 20), lets see something else (like Anew's little stunt).

  9. That "character" came back a long time ago lol. They brought him back when 00's twin drives where spitting out particles everywhere right after Soma joined the crew. He only pops up when 00's particles come out though :/.

    two innovators on CB's ship = one big cluster fuck waiting to happen next episode. I really hope Lock-On brakes Anew from her mind lock with Ribbons though. She's clearly being forced to do the things she's been doing.

    Gram = useless this episode lol. Standing on an asteroid just masturbating while everyone fights XD.

    Saji and Louise = <3...kind of. Her head looked like it was gonna explode after all that.

    and Particles are once again confirmed as a tool to help humanity evolve (ie. Setsuna should not be able to pilot 00 after getting shot with the false particles but the real particles help heal his body).

    Neina = peace of shit. Not that I liked Liu Wang much but something about Neina pisses me off A LOT. She's to much like a sadistic Ali Al-Saachez lol. I would not be surprised if they ended up being related or hooking up at the end XD.

    Heh, it's what Mr. Bushido does though. Stand far away and masturbate about his greatness and honor and obsession with Setsuna. They should just get a room X'D

    God I really hope Setsuna kills Nena next ep, she should of died when her brothers did. Shes been one of the most useless characters this season.

    And though they're not as annoying as last season I just wish Saji and Louise would grow up, get back together, and never come on screen again. This angst shit has got to go.

  10. Heh, I can't stand the dub. Watched both versions and the subbed version is better. I must admit I was rather surprised at how good it was (Epples gave me a hard time on how long it took me to see it, my roommate got me interested in it).

    There's a hint of attraction between Revy and Rock but where that will go we can only guess. Maybe the third season will shine some more light on it for us (all I know is I'm looking forward to it, from what has been talked about more good stuff is to come (need to get my hands on the manga when I get time, it's supposed to be a lot better).

  11. I have a Sanyo but as goku pointed out get a warranty on it just in case anything happens. A lot of people I know seem to favor the Vizio brand, I wanted one as my roommate has one and it's got an awesome picture but my Sanyo puts out a damn nice picture itself so I have no complaints but yea I know Phillips is up there as one of the top recommended brands.

  12. I wasn't impressed with it really. For an action flick it was good, lots of action and the ending gunfight sequences were awesome. Overall though the story was extremely lacking and it just felt like more effort was placed on mindless action and less thought on the actual plot.

  13. :huh:How many people does it take to make the US Government adopt China's policy on abortions?

    The complete and utter loss of religious faith and morals in the United States as a whole. Even though the government likes to say religion has no say in our laws or lawmaking we all know if does. Until that happens abortion will be wrong and considered murder. Sadly this will not happen and stuff like this will continue to happen. That or the government could institute something we like to call "Sex Ed" in schools where they actually teach kids that condoms and birth control exist but that goes against all religious morals and teachings so abstinence it is. :nah:

    Yea, I definitely don't have any problems with this issue.

  14. Mine just switched around on me again so mines not exactly constant and my hours got cut (sucks).

    As it stands now (liable to change anytime now) I work 4 pm - 9 pm Mon, Tuesday, and Friday; 10 am - 6 pm on Saturdays and 11 am - 6 pm on Sundays. Tis a very wonky schedule, makes getting projects done for class hard as hell.

  15. I'll be the first to admit the tech in 00 seems a little more godly then it has in the past with shows like Wing, SEED, and X but if you look at is as causing something akin to Newtypeism (yea, I like making up words) it'll explain whats going on. What 00 Raiser is doing is something akin to what Marie and Alleujah had done to them when they were younger, allowing them the ability to use quantum waves. Though Setsuna (and others affected) haven't had this done to them 00 Raiser is making it possible for them to see things on that level and beyond. It's allowing a sense of spacial awareness that has only really been seen with Newtypes in the original timeline as well as X. Though I can't quite put my finger on whats really causing it outside of the Twin Drives and the immense GN particle disburtion.

    I think Louise is more akin to Marie and Alleujah because she just doesn't seem to be on the level of the Innovaters. It seems what happened to her mixed with the cybernetic arm and drugs has given her the ability to use quantum waves. This is just my hypothesis because she's practically useless in a fight and I'm sensing something happening to her like what happened to Quess in Char's Counterattack because the same formula is being used somewhat.

    Really the 00 Raiser is the most powerful suit to date, I doubt Bushido's suit will surpass it. I mean come on the freaking thing can disperse into GN particles and rebuild itself when in danger (when it's in Trans-Am), the only suit to date to do so. Trans-Am really won't help Graham/Bushido in a fight against the 00 Raiser when it's in Trans-Am. It'll come down to pilot skill, something Bushido has more of then Setsuna. Plus we really haven't seen the true potential of the 00 Raiser. Remember they said it broke the past the original limits they thought it'd have and has gone way beyond anything theoretically possible. We really can't fathom what the suit can do at this point in time, plus I don't think Aeolia himself even theorized this would be possible.

  16. woah "missile happy" <---- what's that about, I'm a picky reader *twirls*

    "Mikako is 15 years old and she lives since the death of her parents alone with her elder sister Megumi. Megumi wants to make an Omiai (a wedding with a man, she doesn't know; an arranged marriage). But Mikako has a sister-complex and wants to look at him by living in the same apartment ("through a mistake by the broker"). Mikako is shocked when she sees, that this BOY is only 17 or 18 years old (or 16...?). To young for her sister! Mikako thinks, that Ro is a playboy but she discovers, that he fights for his dream (his father wants Ro to become his succsessor, but Ro wants to become a physician and he gets no financial help from his parents). While living at Ro's apartment, Mikako fells slowly in love with him..." - description from MAL page

    I personally loved the manga. I blame Epples for making me read it

  17. True but you know the typical Gundam formula, they needed their Char clone and now they have it in Graham but I do have to admit it's one of the worst possible directions to take his character. I liked him a whole lot more in the last season when he actually fought with a purpose, now he just fights for revenge against what Setsuna put him through last season. I'm still looking forward to the climatic battle between the two of them again because you just know thats going to be freaking awesome, 00 Raiser against Bushido's new suit. Gah, I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

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