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Strider Hiryu

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Posts posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. I'm going to in on Tuesday with high hopes. Everyone I've talked to has loved it and says its extremely entertaining (even some die hard G.I. Joe fans).

    I'm old school G.I. Joe as I grew up watching the cartoon and playing with the action figures so I'm really looking forward to this. Everything I've seen on it has impressed me and I'm really only going to go for entertainment value, screw whether it's a good adaptation of the comic book/series.

  2. *updated with PSN name*


    Xbox 360: CarnageStrider

    Steam: unhallowed_deceit

    PSN: Carnage_Strider


    Don't play anything on my 360 anymore, mostly just a dvd/video player now. Those damn MMO's and BF4 keep me busy now (for MMO games I play, servers I play on, and character names PM me)

  3. Strider loves himself some Aion. Played the beta last weekend and fell in love with it (preordered the Collector's Edition I did). So fucking awesome and so much better then WoW.

    Bah, Aion > GW anyday

  4. Because of his daughter. The whole thing with her crying because her daddy won't be able to go to work is really emotional and I cry everytime I see it. Seeing a child lose their parent is hard and the creators of both series did a good job portraying her feelings. Sure he didn't have much screen time in this series but I still like his character. He's actually my favorite character out of the entire series with the exception of Scar (who I'm not actually liking in this series).

  5. That was like episode 7 or 8 so we're a few eps past it already (not sure, I'd actually have to go back and re-watch it).

    I'm actually enjoying the music in this one then the last one. First op is awesome (and constantly on my playlist on both my computer and mp3 player), second op is relatively ok (not READY, STEADY, GO but still good), and the second ending is actually quite nice. Only song I haven't liked is the first ending, that song sucked.

  6. Don't drink much anymore, I upgraded to Energy Drinks (which I drink everyday at work). I tend to drink mostly water and lipton tea, especially since I live in hell where it's a 110-120 damn near everyday. I buy a 12 pack maybe once every 2-3 months for something different to drink.

    Really soda/pop I can do without but energy drinks I can't *loves his Amp and Nos*

  7. Sigh, that depresses me (as everyone on my friends list knows) as I just sent my 360 in last week because it red ringed for the second time since I bought it and right when I was getting back into playing Star Ocean 4 /cry

    I have to play my old XBox just so I have something to keep me busy (that and because my Playstation games are all overplayed). Gah, I wish I had an NES or SNES.

  8. Personally, I'm not stoked or even really on board with this idea. I did all the research during GDC this year (by reading, had a chance to go but could not afford the tickets or hotel. Going next year though). I think this is a bad move and will cause more harm to game companies then good (my personal take as my future depends on the current state of the industry) and would be a pretty major blow to the industry (I'm a console gamer and I really don't want to see consoles disappear yet, the industry thrives on the competition between rival console companies which this effectively kills). My real beef is the fact that it kills physical copies, which I prefer to have over digital (I always keep digital copies of my games as well but I prefer physical over digital). Digital is far easier to corrupt if you don't watch yourself (yes, physical copies are easy to destroy/harm but I prefer them).

    I'm curious to see how this will play out though. In the long run this is a good thing for PC gaming, it's needed something to bring it back to the forefront (I agree with Kite, PC gaming really only shines with MMO's and RTS's). In retrospect it could kill the console industry if it actually does get off the ground (which part of me doubts, theres quite a bit that could go wrong down the line) which I don't want to see happen, as both a console gamer and someone who's livelihood will be determined by the beast in a year or so. Time will tell but I really don't like what OnLive has to offer.

  9. /facepalm

    I really wish they'd realize that you can't do a WoW movie, it's damn near impossible to make one. To many possibilities, anything they do is going to need to be placed into the game at some point (you can't have a movie before, lore is established for what happened before the WoW game takes place, then again Blizzard isn't exactly up for keeping lore these days and likes to rewrite it on a whim). Since WoW for the most part is nameless it's either going to have to take and make a new character from scratch or take an existing hero in the game (like King Wrynn, Thrall, etc.) and expand upon their back story or whatever they want.

    Whatever though, I've accepted the fact that Hollywood can't be original anymore and needs to make movies based off of other creative mediums. I doubt it'll turn out good anyways (I agree with DX, make a movie based off of Warcraft III and it's expansion. Would make a hell of an entertaining movie).

  10. *chains Cammy to a post* No more leaving now.

    Awe AP, how I remember that place (back when I was a newb on the net). Such fond and disturbed memories from back then.

    So another Game Dev in the making I see. In my last year of my Game Design degree (and it's been hell). I've also moved 1800 miles since we last talked but thats for another time.

    Anyways welcome back Cammy!!!!! I'll have to hit you up on AIM sometime soon.

  11. Could be, I quit following the system after backwards compatibility was taken out and I realized I'll never be able to afford one. Either way they most likely won't make to much of a profit off a slim version. Only time will tell though, the rumor needs to be confirmed first before speculation can really begin on what Sony plans to do with it.

  12. I really doubt the slim model will be much less then the original model, remember there's a lot of expensive hardware in the PS3 unless they plan a stripping most of it and just making a stripped out version.

    Plus it's rather idiotic. If they really think a slim PS3 will sell better they've got problems (I mean they already pissed me off by taking out backwards compatibility in the newer models, turned me away from buying one (and I really want one for Heavy Rain when it comes out)).

    Of course thats all if this ends up being true or not. Great thing about gaming news is a lot of it is theory's and he said/she said scenarios until actual proof is given.

  13. Might do it in the near future. As of right now it doesn't pay to preorder and upgrade as soon as it comes out, I need to make sure of a few things first (since I'm going into the game industry when I graduate (hopefully) I need to know how it first effects the programs I need to use and whether or not it's going to be the standard OS the industry uses).

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