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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. Well I went to the haunted house that burned down a long time ago, it was by the beach. Happy Halloween though, candy is the best thing on halloween and then dressing up as someone you aren't.
    Crap, I should've dressed up as Al Gore... But I would've screwed the whole thing up when I ranted about ManBearPig.

  2. I went out to Ponderosa, came home & watched South Park 3 Part Imagination Land. I did watch the History channel... too much I missed the most of The Daily Show. I'm now watching The Colbert Report.

    "I told you ManBearPig was real!" - Al Gore

  3. I hated the rain. Back when I was with my family we had Sattelite TV it would always go out in the rain. When I finally moved out I found out my place had a leak in the ceiling. I don't have anymore problems with the rain... but I still don't like it.

  4. I used to get phone calls about donating to stop DWI. The @$$clown tried to guilt trip me into donating, but I never did. I think it was just some guy trying to get my credit card info as he said he was from a local police station. I offered to go down to the station to donate, but he turned down that idea. Man I wish I cursed that guy out over the phone... It would have been funny... Well as long as he wasn't an actual cop.

    As for the town I'm in... meh, it's a college town. Anyone I use to hang out with are drunks. I don't drink so I don't hang out with any of them.

  5. Sub-Zero mythologies looked cool, but I never did play it. I've heard 50/50 with good or bad opinions. I did like Shaolin Monks, however, It was pretty fun, especially on co-op. I'd like to see a street fighter game in a similar format.

    I like 2D fighters for nostalgic purposes. I still have my PS1 copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3. But thats just it. Those kinds of things belong in the Xbox Live Arcade or PSN.

    Sadly I doubt we'll ever see an MK vs. anything because of its graphic nature compared to other less brutal fighters. the MK team wouldn't tone down their side of things, and the other side wouldn't allow their characters to be brutalized in such a fashion. lol

    There was a game that stared Jax? O_O wtf... That had to be awful.

    I played the Sub-Zero game. It was basically a ok Side Scroller if you're that hooked to MK. I'd like to see them remake it if the remake was like Xbox's Ninja Gaiden. Sub-Zero deserves a much better game than he got.

    Yup 2D games do have their place on Xbox Live, PSN, and the Wii Channel

    Maybe I could still dream about MK vs. Image Comics... Spawn vs Scorpion!...

    MK: Special Forces was a PlayStation game from what I've saw... And from what I saw it was way out of place & weird.

  6. A whole forum of people isn't going to sell enough copies of a game. My point is proven by fact, not by fanboyistic opinion. :P Most all die hard SF fan extremists have a ridiculously bias hatred for MK whether its a good game or not. (oh MK has put out some shitty titles, don't get me wrong). Same goes for MK die hards.

    The last true and new street fighter came out in 2000, correct me if I am wrong. Seven years ago. Other fighting titles have released several installments since then. If 2D fighting and the III series is so popular, why hasn't any more 2D SFs come out? Its just an observation.

    I'm not saying 2D would be absolute crap, but I sure as hell wouldn't pay $60 for one.

    If you won't I will!... 2D is absolute crap!

    MK has had some bad titles, Like that Sub-Zero game or the 1 that starred Jax. The only "SF games" that interested me have them vs. Marvel. But I think it would be much cooler to see MK vs. Marvel.

    Sub-Zero vs Ice-Man, Wolverine vs Baraka, Blaze vs Ghost Rider, Kenshi vs DareDevil, Deadpool vs Havik, Kano vs Cyclopse, Mavado vs. Blade... I could go on & on @.@...

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