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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. money does drive this and every industry, but don't count out parents and that the know the cartoon, it is pretty old . . . which makes me feel like an old person, so they will undoubtably spend money to go see it and kids since it will probably fall into the "dumb kid's movie" category . . . $$$ the world revolves around it now and forever.

    I of course will watch it in any case, but most likely I won't ever buy it, I have the cartoon episodes and am quite content with that

    How much @$$ does X-Racer kick compared to Racer-X?

  2. I could never get into Grand Turismo. The realism in those types of games just makes them feel slow. I need the feel of rushing down a one way street, pushing my opponent into incoming traffic while swerving through it, then taking a sharp turn to get to the next check point. Something I only got from Midnight Club & very little from Midtown Madness.

  3. To a certain extent I, myself am crept out by Ron Paul's supporters who turn out to be racist. Unless that's some sort of nasty rumor. I disagree on at least the abortion law & I haven't given Ron Paul any of my money. If Ron Paul becomes the Republican candidate I might vote for him. But I tend to ultimately be a 3rd party guy that then decides not to vote...

    Right now Ron Paul has had half of all 1st place straw poll results. Even if they win or lose this one I don't think it really hurts Ron Paul where he is now. Although I would be intrigued if this started some weird epidemic where the rest of the straw poll have problems.

  4. But does yelling out stupidly really help matters? That video made the Ron Paul fans look like idiots in my opinion, and judging from the the people in the video, they looked like college kids (with the exception for a few adults).

    Id be pissed, but not pissed enough to start yelling at the women in front of people eating.

    It doesn't at all. Then again doubt any thing would have helped that situation.

    I think it has to do more than just the woman cancelling the poll. Ron Paul supporters are mad with Main Stream Media. Either with them ignoring Ron Paul or labeling Ron Paul supporters as Hackers, Terrorists, etc. These people are mad that they are in a sense being segregated because of how different their views are.

  5. LOL, yelling does not help matters at all. It only makes the Ron Paul supporters look like rebels and protesters.
    I think they are Rebels and Protesters. But the yelling didn't start until the straw poll was cancelled for having too many Ron Paul supporters. Keeping in mind that anyone would be angry if their vote wasn't allowed because they are different from the ones who started the poll in any shape or form.
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