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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. 10 years is a long. Before then a new Xbox and Nintendo Console would be out with better graphics and more features. Around that time You would see Sony lower their prices since they want to keep PS3 more popular but by lowering their price they wont be making as big a profit as they would if they kept the price high.

    Then when the 10 year time comes for Sony to make a new Console, another new Xbox and Nintendo console would be coming out probably all three having around the same graphics ability and processor power by then but the major difference is Microsoft and Nintendo would have made 2x more money since they had already put out a console 5 years prior with more fan boyish console exclusive games.

    So I honestly don't see how Sony thinks this will make them much profit. Sure, PS3 will become more popular but it wont necessarily make them more money. Especially not if a newer better Xbox or Nintendo console comes out before then and then when a PS4 comes out.

    But I'm not here to pick winners since each company is making a lot of money anyway. I play whatever has more games that are fun for me. And so far that's been everything except for PS3. Until PS3 starts putting out more games, I don't plant to touch the system.

    Exactly. ^

  2. You made a big mistake GG. Posting anything that doesn't hail the PS3 as the biggest failure in history is a no no. You must disregard all logic and common sense, ignore any facts that doesn't favor the Wii, and believe with all your heart that market lifespan trends of the 1990's will always be. X'D

    The PSP has completely dominated the Japan market in the last two months outselling the Wii and the DS? WHAT?! BLASPHEMY!!! The news industry is being hijacked by a Sony Fanboy conspiracy! Its the only explanation! :rolleyes:

    I'm pretty sure the biggest failure still belongs to Nintendo's Virtual Boy...

    Their are still more PSPs sold than Wii. The PSP is selling more in Japan than Wii & DS, but come in at 3rd in overall world sales by the week.

  3. It's quite possible to get 10 years out of the PS3 Myk, I don't know how you can't see it. The PS2 had 7 years on it when the PS3 was finally announced and released (and the PS2 dominated game sales from when it came out till it was phased out). Frankly PC gaming is becoming a relic of the past, true it'll still be around but it's nowhere near being able to out beat console sales or console game sales as people these days would rather buy a console then continually spend money upgrading their PC's, it's more cost effective. Plus the PS3's true capabilities have yet to be tapped (evidence being the current games). Based on the specs of the PS3 this beast is quite capable of claiming the lead once more games come out that truly tap the systems capabilities (because I'm sad to say the 360's capabilities are damn near tapped out and the Wii is just a joke (it's got nothing to tap, being a slimmed down Gamecube and all)) as well as lasting for 10 years on the market.
    A 7 year old PS3 vs. a PC will see a really power machine vs. one 2 years too old. Everything made for a console has been made on a computer. I'm not saying the PC will dominate gaming again. What I was saying is if you expect an old console to out do a new PC I think you're wrong.

  4. But the question really is does Sony need an upgrade on the graphics front versus Microsoft or Nintendo? Micro and Nint I'm guessing aren't up to par with what Sony has on board now, and to keep up they'd have to come up with newer consoles, while Sony can sit back and make a bigger graphic powerhouse later on. Btw, this is pure assumption from what I've been reading about Sony's graphics) and since I've yet to play the PS3, XBox and have only seen bits of the Wii.
    Five years from now most likely yes. Because even if They don't make a PS4 when Nintendo & Microsoft are making their next consoles, the PS3 Last Gen graphics. The minimum of graphic perfection.

    "Wii 2" I can only assume will get complaints for having graphics as good as PS3 while "Xbox 420" will reclaim the powerhouse for Microsoft.

    The most powerful gaming machine can & always will be the up to date PC. It's why consoles change every 5 years.

  5. I liked the 90s' batman 1 and 2. The re-remade version was simply boring and the story was pointless (I can't even remember who the villain was..err..Liam Neeson, right?). That's why no one cares if Katie Holmes was replaced or not lmao. That's a bad sign don't you think? One of the main character isn't there anymore and it doesn't bother people who liked the film? O_O All you need is some big named celebrities and then add some special effects. That's all it takes to make superhero movies these days.
    Off Topic:

    I don't usually pay attention to actresses as their roles are bland anyway. Still I do have to admit when they switch actors in prequels/sequels it mainly stinks.

    They're not using the original actor(/wrestler) who played Sabertooth in the X-Men movie for the Wolverine movie. Having Deadpool in it barely makes up for that fact.

    If the original Sabertooth was played by Kevin Nash I might be more mad about it... Or not as Kevin Nash has gotten out of shape fast.

  6. This was the last straw for me. I'm not going to see any superhero movies anymore, except superman 2, if there is gonna be one. It was a so and so--been there done that--movie and I wanted to just get up and leave. There weren't much new things that really sparked my interest. Two casts I didn't like was Gwyneth Paltrow and that reporter lady. They didn't have any chemistry with the main character, as far as their relationship with him goes. Other than that, they were so dull and boring to watch.
    I doubt there's going to be a super man 2. First new super man stunk from what I heard being nothing but remakes of the older ones. Never heard of anyone getting mad over a lack of chemistry from actresses or actors.

  7. http://wii.ign.com/articles/870/870063p1.html

    Its basically a half-assed dungeon crawler with decent graphics, but NES gameplay mechanics. Maybe if the game wasn't $40 it would be worth a try.

    Maybe I'll see if I can find it at a cheaper price months from now. Still the worst selling poing sounds like it has to do with the health & vitality bars.
    I bet there will be a slew of more crappy games for the wii than any other system because the production costs for a wii game are less than any other system? I kinda want a wii just for the virtual console, mario kart, smash bros and a couple other games. Other than that, I haven't been all that interested in the majority of games coming out for any system. but then again I don't keep up with the latest games, news, etc. anymore. :\
    Best game on the Wii IMHO is No More Heroes.

    Although a lot of them do seem lame. I had just assumed that they were E or E10 rated.

  8. I probably already own some crappy Wii games. MUA, Red Steel, Far Cry Vengeance, etc. Nothing I would defend, but I found them OK for boredom.

    But the most useless games I own right now might involve the Miis. If those didn't exist I wouldn't buy any E or E10 rated games. I just have them under the assumption I might hang out with someone not into violence.

    The only bad games I ever remember owning were Driv3r & 25 to Life.

    I thought about getting Barouqe when I know what the hell it is. Did it get a nasty rating or something?

  9. Well first off its not saying PS3 has the most good games, its saying out of the games that are available for each system, PS3 has more quality titles than shitty ones within what is actually available for it. Sony does have superior quality control standards. The chart is based of a percentage, if it wasn't, Xbox 360's graph would eclipse the other two because of the sheer amount of software it has.

    Why would you think PS3 should be third? It has been outselling 360 since January. And the people that are actually buying it are doing so to PLAY it (as opposed to selling it on eBay for inflated prices). With MGS4 on the horizon, sales will only continue to increase.

    In any case, article is very reputable. You can choose not to believe it if you wish.

    The whole thing is they're basing the games on percentage. Not the actual number of games on them. So if there are fewer games on PS3 the percentage of each good game increases.


    Console 1 has 70 games, 30 good, 40 bad, meaning 42 percent good, 58 percent bad.

    Console 2 has 30 games, 20 good, 10 bad, meaning 66 percent good 34 percent bad.

    That is just plain skewed. And even though PS3 is selling more right now Xbox 360 has still sold almost twice as much since its early life span.

  10. I have a hard time believing that PS3 has more good games then 360 or Wii.

    Especially when most people who have not bought a PS3 yet are waiting for some good titles.

    This article seems bogus. Something only a PS3 fanboy would take seriously.

    The idea that PS3 is in 1st instead of 3rd is a joke.

    Especially when you add in the games that come out on more than 1 console.

    I'm not saying Wii has the most good titles, but 360 does.

    I don't allow someone else to make my decisions on such a scale.

    I own 17 Wii games with a chunk of those coming from Ubisoft.

  11. This is the 3rd thread about this movie, but the 1st one that hates it.

    I love this movie and if you saw the commercial for it you would easily know it was about the baby.

    I didn't see this movie for the "sexy people".

    The crazy shoot outs are the best I've ever seen.

    If you're your looking for a "serious" movie then, yeah this movie isn't for you.

    And you might not have a sense of humor if you hate it.

  12. Both my parents are in their 50s. I highly doubt that they'll see their 60s. My mom has MS & my dad's years of smoking have taken a major toll on him. I'd guess if I had any real feelings for them I'd feel bad, but, nope.

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