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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. I was contemplating joining the libertarians but their candidate also voted for the patriot act >.<

    I'm writing in Ron Paul

    I doubt writing in Ron Paul will do much... Even if I want it to work... And Ron Paul some how becomes president...

  2. Light was such a fool from beginning to end... I don't care for good. I just prefer my own brand of evil with the Death Note. Being no one well known can be more evil than I. Good & Ego are connected by the ass. If Light's intention was to cause evil from the start in such a way maybe he wouldn't have made that dumb decision of killing the fake L.

    Further more all deaths I would have done would've been caused mainly by suicides; no heart attacks.

  3. I showed my college graduate friend a Hillary
    and the first words out of her mouth were "Wow some pissed off feminazi made this" to which I responded "Being pissed off about the way she was treated by the media doesn't make ME a feminazi" *sigh* Like her or hate her (I ping pong back and forth and watched her campaign closely) the shit said makes me want to rip off heads and shit down necks!!! Arg! Bringing up Lorana Bobbet? wtf.... The media is a tool and I mean that in every sense of the word. :meh:

    So what do you think it will take to educate the masses of sheeple? What will it take before enough people realize this isn't my America and change happens?

    When MSM magically drops dead...

  4. Everything I did yesterday I could've done any other day.

    With the exception of this... how much of a sheep does a person have to be to be cought dead in an "American" T-Shirt? Yes what (very little) freedom we left is a good thing. But the people wearing this crap are the poorest most screwed over saps I can see.

  5. Thor and Captain America never caught my attention at all when I was a kid. I never cared for the old Iron Man cartoon either. But I know more about Captain America than Thor or Iron Man because of the old Spider-Man cartoon bringing up the super soldier formula info with Shield and Black Cat.

    I'm wondering if they'll do that old story of Captain America unfreezing from a cryogenic sleep into the modern world.. of if they'll do Captain America versus the Nazi's in WW2. O_O

    Never saw the old Iron Man, but dang do you make me feel old... I never watched the shows that appeared outside of Fox Kids. I just didn't think they existed.

    I say they do like the Animated Avengers Movie where he fell into the water & didn't appear again until they found him. Although leave out the alien crap & have him fight The Red Skull. And save the unfreezing for after the credits.

  6. i agree with Romanians law on 14 weeks maximum, an abortion after that is practically murder

    i saw scans of my daughter at 7 weeks old, when she was a clump of cells, by 8 weeks she was the shape of a sausage.

    at 13 weeks we saw a little human being, not capable of living outside the womb, but alive none the less,

    my personal opinion is abortions shouldn't be carried out after 10 weeks. it may not be a lot of time, but if people have sex, it often can have consequences

    I'm not a pro live nut, but if you don't know your pregnant after 3 months , I'm sorry but i think you should keep it. or give he / she up for adoption after birth

    anyone who disagrees obviously has never seen an ultra sound of their own baby's fingers moving,

    how ever with special circumstances like this should have a personal review, as an 11 year old most likely wont reach full term and potential risk her and the babies health, and saving one life is better then losing 2

    I'm not pro life or pro choice.

    As a man I feel that I have no real opinion in the subject other than it might be up to only women as a whole in their country or state to deem whether or not abortion is OK.

    Mainly because of all the insults that could fly my way. If I'm pro choice I'm somehow into having sex with loose women. If I'm pro life and the mother is pro choice then it seems like I'm just trying to nail her down. And if I tell her to give it up for adoption I just look like a Dead Beat Dad.

    Since she's aborting it I have no right to tell her not to. But if she was going to try to have the kid that is her decision & I have no right to tell her to consider abortion.

  7. Is it really that shocking?... Wasn't the original PS3 price nearer $1000? Hell X-Play's Ultimate Gaming PC costs a little over $3000. If the PS3 could compete with that they're even losing more money than I thought.

    Just a reminder if you think that consoles' can play against PCs' in the same graphics & price fields, you are so dead wrong. PS3 is an example you can't have both amazing graphics, "low" price & make a profit.

  8. Crap... The only reason to do a 4th would possibly hint at Spidey joining The Avengers. But if that's the case where was Spidey at the time Hulk was fighting abomination? Feeling his Spidey sense tingle from the other end? (AKA Crapping his pants.)

    And yes the 3rd Spidey flick sucked.

  9. It becomes easier & easier for me to put them in & take them out. Today has been my quickest day of putting them in. got it on the 2nd-3rd try. Twice I've been able to do it on the first try, but I just consider that luck.

    I barely fell asleep in them once only to have the left slip off the center so I won't be doing that again.

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