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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. I would've preferred a Zombieland 2 or if they just left Zombieland alone as sequels & series tend to ruin good movies.

    Off Topic:

    As for the Deadpool movie, here's hoping Ryan Reynold's isn't pulled away to make some other movie. Especially when said other movie sucks & should have never been made.


    Who am I kidding? Ryan Reynolds will probably get pulled away to do Aqua Man. Because we all know how manly it is to talk to fish. Just like its manly to get powers from jewelery.


  2. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/sony-publishers-are-getting-the-living-crap-kicked-out-of-them-by-microsoft/

    I think Microsoft will eventually have to change their views on publishers if they want the 360 to be treated fairly. Because with the Wii U coming out next year with a similar format to Sony's Blu-Ray....


    Multi-Platform could end up meaning only on PS3 & Wii U. And that's not counting whether or not Vita will act the same as Wii U's touch-pad controller.

    Then again maybe I'm more curious about how will the 3rd Xbox survive if it can't have or compete with Blu-Ray. Plus the fact Cloud Computing doesn't seem practical enough yet.

  3. http://gizmodo.com/5829879/fastest-plane-in-the-world-will-be-tested-today


    The Air Force lost their second Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle.. umm.. what if it turns out that this plane is just all bs? and the fact that they lost 2 of them means that someone was able to pocket $170 million for each of these? :look:

    ahaha... anyway.. I'm sure they're real.. and these things could be monstrously deadly.. traveling at 13,000 mph.. The US could send a bomb anywhere in the world within a half hour. O_O


    Or they could start a pizza delivery.... That could save our economy.

  4. http://news.cnet.com/8301-11386_3-20084885-76/researchers-build-dna-neural-network-that-thinks/

    Interesting stuff.. Neural networks reminds me of Data from Star Trek and also the terminators. Maybe this is the beginning of the end for humanity? :P


    Totally manifested destiny if the christians ever figure out how to harness such technology to bring about robo jesus.... Lucky for us they prefer the power of prayer; which doesn't work.

  5. At this point, the only way to keep ALL your information COMPLETELY private is to never use the Internet. Oh wait, you've been using it, which means you've put something online and nothing ever really gets fully deleted so someone somewhere has your info. The chances of them doing anything with it are slim, but yeah.

    And people wonder why I never use my real name on ANYTHING online. ><


    The next step in their diabolical plan must be to force anyone with a user name to now be legally known by that instead. People with multiple user names will have to choose to be known by only one of them. Any further new user names beyond that by said user without informing them will be met with swift legal action under now said false identity.

    .... just kidding....

  6. My view based on the following article.


    If Dream Cast had won base on having a DVD Player, Game Cube would have lost. And Nintendo would have pulled out of gaming completely selling off their franchises. Here's my guesses on what would happen if one of the other 3 bought these franchises.

    • Microsoft - Like Rare the franchises die a horrible death. MS makes the bad choice of turning Samus into a man. And MS accidentally cancels a Halo game when confused by which Green Wearing Character With 0 Personality is being canned. Link is however brought back when MS thinks Crackdown would make a better fantasy game. Its met with confusion as Link now looks like a steroid using junkie who watches football.
    • Sony - Star Fox gets as much attention as Sly Cooper. Krystal is later used to promote Blu Ray. Link & Zelda appear in a remake of Ico & later back in their very own Legend Of Zelda franchise. White Knight Chronicles gets canned when it just can't compete with Link.
    • Sega - Mario remains rivals with Sonic as each has sided with the others enemies. The whole thing has been broken down into Nature Vs. Humans.

    Nintendo goes into space exploration which is met with bad jokes when their first rocket is named Wii.

    Dream Cast 2 with HD DVD

    Microsoft still makes the choice to have HD DVD as an Add On. However Dream Cast 2 has it built in. As a result Xbox 360 ends up in 3rd place. While HD DVD & Blu Ray war continues non stop.

    Microsoft pulls out of the console war.

    They cite that PC Gaming is far superior. But there real reason isn't just being in 3rd but the fear of Valve's Steam on Mac could damage them even more. MS eventually allows their games to be playable on PS3 & DC2.

    Netflix starts the future console war.

    In the future Netflix buys out the companies like OnLive. Their view being that both Blu Ray & HD DVD are dead. Sony now makes their movies exclusive to PS4.

    Sega drops out of the console war

    Not able to compete with Netflix or make an exclusive movie offers like Sony, Sega drops out. One of the other major flaws being how bad Sonic games have gotten over the years. They still however make video games for Sony's & Netflix's OnLive services.

    What are your views? (Beside your view being my view sucks)

  7. yeah.. forget that person..

    btw, its not about a person's name.. its about their IP#. Google and facebook know everyone by their ip#... they know soooo much. x_x

    The only thing I find via my IP is stating that its a private IP owned by my router or various others who share my IP.
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