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Myk JL

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Posts posted by Myk JL

  1. I watched a review for it on The Escapist on Friday The 13th then went to a china buffet.

    I saw this movie today and almost felt like walking out when I thought the obvious deaths were happening too soon.


    Damn the movie got good once it turned into Resident Evil's Umbrella Corporation mixed with Robot Chicken.

    Also that hand reminded me of a certain Titan from GoWIII.

    IMO this is a good movie this year, but 2nd when compared to Chronicle which came out a couple of months ago.


    SHUN The PG-13 comment! SHUN!

  2. My gaming future is probably in MMOs. Unless PS Home is somehow considered an MMO. In which case a good chunk of my current gaming is in MMOs.

    I'd probably be playing DCUO if only it had Lobo.

    I also at one point bought City of Villains though my PC can't handle it.

    And currently the title that has most of my attention is the rumored Elder Scrolls Online.

    In those cases I would definitely need to be constantly online to play them. So I'd probably shrug off whatever is happening to something like Sim City.

    The only argument I see against constantly being online is about how it would effect single player. But its hard for me to enjoy single player anyway when I keep getting friends who want to co op with me.

    That really annoys me to the point where I wouldn't mind quitting single player games just because someone else wants to buzz kill my "one man army" mood.

  3. http://www.gamespot.com/news/twisted-metal-movie-on-the-way-report-6350445

    I don't know whether to be excited or confused.... I'd be excited to see Sweet Tooth & Doll Face in an actual movie.... But I can't picture a good enough hero for such a movie.... Maybe Axel, but he seems, really, tragic.

    I'd also like to see Cousin Eddie in it.


    And if possible maybe Rob Zombie as Mr. Zombie since he was in Twisted Metal 4.

  4. :picknose:

    They're Amazonian, so we just need to put their power bracelets together to render them powerless. That or try to convince them that destroying The Kindle would be a bad business decision on their part. Although that wouldn't stop them from eating Apple products. I wonder if a Zune would give them indigestion.


    On a more serious note though why are they still putting plastic into land fills? Seems like a wast of plastic.

  5. I didn't care for the first one even when it had an R rating. So this doesn't affect that I won't be seeing the second one either.

    Two of my gripes with the first being the dumb debate about guns vs throwing knives. (Easy answer guns because if throwing knives were faster guns wouldn't exist.)

    My other gripe being no one on The Expendables was expendable. It just ended with a "that's the moral of this story" buddy round up.

  6. I'll be fasting till 12 AM as a reminder to how $#!++% this year was.

    My life is either I'm looking for help but I don't get the help I think I'll get.

    Or I don't need help and various people bring problems into my life.

    The majority of 2011 was the latter.

    I'm not even looking forward to January as I'll have deal with the landlords again about my lease which I ended up doing 3 times this year due to bad weather and they still haven't "properly fixed" a light in my apartment that wasn't broken to begin with.

    Then in February I gotta make sure I update my credit information so I don't get into trouble for the education I'm paying for but can't use for legal reasons.

    Maybe things will get better in March but when I thought that last March things got much worse.

    This $#!+ makes me miss the 6 years I spent afraid over nasty lies about me wanting to rape and that fear I'd be arrested for harassment.

  7. The only character in comics I enjoy from DC is Lobo. Looking forward to buying Lobo: Unbound. I still refuse to play DCUO because Lobo wasn't in it. Batman Movies vary. The rest I may watch in cartoons.

    Marvel I mostly read Deadpool. Deadpool Max currently being the best Deadpool comic out currently. The rest of my comics being The Siege & some of Dark Reign involving Zodiac.

    And yes I've grown an extreme hatred for Green Lantern after he stole Deadpool's actor.

  8. I originally bought Mass Effect for the PC on Amazon from Galactics. However they sold me the UK version so I'll be returning it. (They are false advertising with a US copy.)

    I was about to join Steam but then I started comparing it to Origin. I wanted to get the entire trilogy from Steam at first. But now I'm under the impression that Steam won't be getting Mass Effect 3. The Steam versions of 1 & 2 also half price currently when I checked. But it doesn't sound worth it if they can't work with Mass Effect 3 if Mass Effect 3 is Origin exclusive.

    Mass Effect



    Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition



  9. I decided to make this thread after watching

    The Big Picture: Skin Game


    Here are the major points with their links.

    We at PETA very much love the animal companions who share our homes, but we believe that it would have been in the animals' best interest if the institution of "Pet Keeping"-i.e., breeding animals to be kept and regarded as "Pets"-never existed.


    Please do not allow the prospect of euthanasia to deter you from trapping cats.



    Debra J. Saunders

    "Better Dead Than Fed"


    PETA's Response


    Norfolk Crime Examiner,

    Dave Gibson, Feb 2010


    PETA's own statistics claimed they euthanized 90% of animals left in their care.


    You can contact PETA at


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