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Everything posted by HKofsesshoumaru

  1. Wow..sounds like my dad. I don't think he gets online and talks to people, but I wouldn't be surprised. He just gave me this whole speech on hell and how it's dark and full of fire. I'm sorry people are so dumb.
  2. My sister has become completely sold out to the drug. She isn't the same person. She was a honest individual who held down a damn good job, wouldn't settle for anything less than designer brands on her back, had the great (yet sometimes lazy) fiance. She loved her family and was my daughter's bff. Now, she won't come around or call her. My daughter has almost forgotten her. Meth robbed her of her soul and she dosn't see that she has a problem. Her life is 'normal' to her?!
  3. About the rainbow flag: The original gay-pride flag was hand-dyed by Gilbert Baker. It flew in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25, 1978. (However, it was not the first time that spectrum or rainbow colors had been associated with gay and lesbian people.[citation needed]) The flag consisted of eight stripes; Baker assigned specific meaning to each of the colours as follows: hot pink: sexualityred: lifeorange: healingyellow: sunlightgreen: natureturquoise: magicblue: serenityviolet: spirit After the November 27, 1978, assassination of openly gay San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk, demand for the rainbow flag greatly increased. To meet demand, the Paramount Flag Company began selling a version of the flag using stock rainbow fabric consisting of seven stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, and violet. As Baker ramped up production of his version of the flag, he too dropped the hot pink stripe due to the unavailability of hot-pink fabric. Also, San Francisco-based Paramount Flag Co. began selling a surplus stock of Rainbow Girls flags from its Polk Street retail store, which at the time was San Francisco's main gay neighborhood. There is also a flag for Bi sexuals that came out in 1998 for Bi-sexuals, Bi-curious and pan sexuals. Other flags includes the Leather Pride flag, and the Family pride flag. You see these bumper stickers all over the city here in Phoenix. We also have our huge Gay Pride festival in April.
  4. I gave up trying to help her. I have dragged her out of crack houses and tried to help her get help. She chooses to run the streets no matter what anybody does or says. I feel bad but I think this is the only way she'll get a wake up call. HOPEFULLY CPS does their damn job and takes the kid from her.
  5. There are a few other names but lesbian is the techinical term we (me and my friends) throw around. However, I prefer Lesbian over the word gay. Gay isn't bad by anymeans, but I hear the word gay and I think gay man. I don't hear the word gay used to often to describe a woman who likes a women. I dunno. Lesbian is softer sounding though.
  6. hee hee the island of lesbos and they don't like the word lesbian? I love lesbians. LOL
  7. LMAO did anybody go and upload their pic and make their own video?
  8. *jumps up and dances around*This idiot president will mislead us no more:D
  9. This looked good. Enjoy the trailer! http://www.3drealms.com/ If this link gives you trouble they have the trailer here on You Tube
  10. I signed it. I can't believe this crap. Is that Freedom of Choice act the same act that is over turning the ban on partial birth abortions?
  11. OMG! This is very true. My daughter looks like me, and not my husband (my ex is the my daughter's dad) people do give him odd looks if I am not there. Or they give me the whole 'oh, that's not the baby daddy, your a cheating skank' glare. People are quick to judge and assume. I'm naturally a little paranoid with my daughter (I know I got an issue..) and watching too much TV I swear has just made it worse. Just watching the news freaks me the hell out. So much craziness out there.
  12. Ok I agree with that. My daughter will interact with other children, but when it comes to adults she won' talk to them unless I do. Otherwise she leans over and says "mommy..he's a stranger and you shouldn't talk to strangers". It's cute, but at least she knows not to talk to strangers.
  13. My sister is a master at dodging the cops because her idiot bf has a felony for identity theft. They are both homeless, so she dosn't have an address. How does she survive? She steals from Walmarts all around the city. I have no clue(and I don't want to know) how she does it, but she does 'returns' and makes money off of that to feed her habit. Plus, she stays homeless and jobless since she can't pass a drug test and bleeds off the state get health insurance and food stamps. CPS will catch her when she has her baby, since hospitals test babies when they are born for drugs (Hopefully).
  14. I didn't think of security cams. Though we are on cams 24/7 several times a day. So, yeah..this lady was over the top.
  15. Ok so I am one of those over paranoid parents. Anyone can use ANY image for what ever. Not all Pedos jack off to naked kid photos and you can never be too careful. People can steal your kids out of the damn supermarket. There was a lady buying fruit in a grocery store her in phoenix a few months back. She had her kid in a cart. She wasn't that far from cart and someone took her basket and walked right out of the store with that child. ON THE FLIP SIDE: When I was 7 I was cornered by police at a Pumpkin Patch because I looked exactly like a missing child in California. I was missing the same teeth as her, at the time. The police grabbed me from my mother and questioned me about my name, age, birthdate, hopital I was born at, my parents name ect.. I was fucking 7! I didn't know half that info. I was scared because the police pulled my mother a side despite her cries, and were getting ready to use force on her cause she was freaking out. (Though if it happened today, Id let them rough up the bitch). Almost 20 years later, the smell of hay and fair grounds remind me of that shit. Why did they do this? Some paranoid lady called the police and reported me as the missing girl. She saw me at a distance. So yes, you could call me paranoid and over protective. Though my daughter's dad, I swear, is going to be twice as paranoid as Hulk Hogan is with Brooke.
  16. the police wouldn't do shit and directed me to cps. I already have a good family who is a close friend of mine would take care of her son and can handle a kid with special needs. At least till she cleans up
  17. So today was the day I finally decided I had to make the choice and call CPS (child Protection Services) on my meth addicted pregnant sister. She is 10 days behind me in her pregnancy and the dumb bitch just won't stop using crystal meth. Her excuse: " I'm depressed. Happy mom, happy baby". She also smokes pot, and takes a anti anxiety med called colospan. Colospan alone can do massive damage to the her baby! Her ultra sound came back and her son's head is 'slightly elevated from his head'. I saw the ultra sound pic, and his head is massive compaired to his body. My sister dosn't even look pregnant. I couldn't stand by and watch her brag on how she was going to 'get away' with it, so I called. CPS told me that her baby HAS NO RIGHTS untill he is born. They couldn't file a report, but they would take down the information. Hopefully the hospital tests her and catches it then. Are you fucking serious? So, my nephew could have major issues growing up due to my sister's drug habit and no one would do anything to stop her? I am so frustrated! Not to mention I feel bad I called CPS on her, but she is out of control. *sorry...I should have put this into mthe rant/rave section*
  18. I get really iffy when people in the park or mall are taking pics of their kids near my daughter. Only because you never know who are taking the pics and what they are doing with them. Once a pic is on the internet it is there for good and you have no idea who is looking at them. With so many child molesters and sex crimes going on, you can't blame a parent for being over protective. However, this lady here took it too far.
  19. Me and the Captain in front of a huge after party. http://s328.photobucket.com/albums/l350/MissMuffitxxx/Spooky/Me%20and%20the%20fun%20times/
  20. The pic 'the thing in the hallway' is where you can see a shadow. That was the last photo I took. The other 3 were snapped several seconds before. The date was off on my camera, but the time was right I believe.
  21. The belgians ain't got shit on us Irish F@$k Busch, Drink Guinness:beer:
  22. I mentioned that I took a pic of something in my hallway. I always got that creepy feeling that someone was watching me. Who knows? Call me crazy, I am a bit of a skeptic, but I couldn't ignore this image. If you look at that bottom it almost looks like legs. I am posting it for opinion. Not as some hard core proof spookies exist. LOL Edit: if this stupid photo dosn't show here is my photo bucket link. http://s328.photobucket.com/albums/l350/MissMuffitxxx/Spooky/
  23. I don't know if it was the hormones or what, but I was crying like a baby last night at the death of my car. My husband wasn't sure if he was suppossed to laugh or console my retardedness, so he just left me alone. lol OMG the thing above this post for 'related topic items: find it on ebay' just gave me 4 listings for dodge neons like mine. *tears*
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