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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. "RF" are the initials for many of the incarnations of an ongoing evil being in many stephen king books. Randall Flagg from (The Stand), Richard Fry (The Stand), Flagg the hooded (Eye of the Dragon), Richard Fannin (Dark Tower 4), etc. etc.

    He often is associated with a pig, "We are Legion, one of many." and if you think about its reference, legion is of one demon, split into many incarnations/beings. thus legion, tho seperate creatures with slightly different names, all derived of the same evil, plauge king's books with those initials RF.

    I highly suggest watching "Storm of the Century" helluva a good movie/mini series, 6 hours long I think? but yeah, it covers the whole Legion thing in that.

    heres a good quote:

    The Gunslinger (Revised Edition) Page 226:You are my climax.” He tittered. “You see, someone has taken you seriously.” “And this Stranger, does he have a name?” “O, he is named.” “And what is his name?” “Legion,” the man in black said softly, and somewhere in the easterly darkness where the mountains lay, a rockslide punctuated his words and a puma screamed like a woman.

    I liked Desperation better. It has a isolated setting and that sort of thing makes a story more frightning to me where as Regulators is set in suburbia.

    wentworth, ohio. X'D i think i've been there before. :P

    Nightmares and Dreamscapes is being made into eight one-hour episodes for TNT

    The production will be filmed by Coote-Hayes Productions (they also did 'Salems Lot)

    sweet. :happy:

  2. I never really imagined that's how they equipped materia. I always thought of them using a belt thing with little spots to put them in. XD

    CLOUD USED THE WIND SCAR V0.05!!1+1!! :P

    I think I'm liking VII more by every second of it I watch AC. That ringtone was awsome! :B

    lmao! i was planning on taking a screen shot of that and editing inuyasha into it. X'D

  3. when Ginkotsu made his apperance in InuYasha, it was like a turning point for me. his pure relentless attack and weaponery were beyond anything ever shown before. and his lack of dialogue and persistant insane laugh just added to his evil demeanor. it had me on the edge of my seat. its a shame the english dub gave him all these extra lines and made him look like just another person after inuyasha. O_O

  4. Wow, awesome answers, but I'm still curious how all their parents died and where Tetsusaiga's sheath was. In the episode where Inuyasha defeats Sessy and takes the Tetsusaiga he leaves with Kagome and WITHOUT the sheath (you never see it come to him or see him find it) and when you see them come out of the portal the Tetsusaiga is in its sheath. Its possible it came to him and they didnt show it, but I still wonder where it had been, because it was nowhere near Tetsusaiga. And as far as Kagome's skirt goes....its magical.

    considering they went into a tomb thru a portal from his own eyeball.. then i would assume that hammer space is quite possible. :P

  5. i understand that the bad guys are the wraith, but they could easily do some other kind of cliff hanger to finish a season up. the more i watch battlestar galactica, the more faults i see with the stargate series when it comes to their plots.

  6. Read Desperation first! those two books are like an alternate reality of each other involving the same characters (with switched up names and personalities) and evilness. Desperation is a far superior book and you wouldn't want to read the regulators first or you would have those characters screwed up in your head.

    btw, do you have the regulators in hard back too? if you lay the books down and put them next to each other, their covers will form one image. :P

  7. the pegasus is far more advanced than the galactica is. i think the galactica is over 50+ years old.. the pegasus probably has 30-50+ years of advanced armor plating, weaponery and anti-cylon defenses. seeing as the human race didn't have any enemies aside from themselves and cylons, i'm assuming the more advanced battlestars could swith to a 'cylon safe' mode or something. *shrugs* anyway, those battlestars are the equivilant of super star destroyers while the vipers are like x-wings. they're built to operate independantly for years.

    but seriously.. i'm surprised the clyons aren't launching nuke after nuke all over the place. i think the pegasus is alive because everyone is being manipulated.

  8. If you play the game theres parts missing that Last Order fills in. Your basicly supposed to watch Last order, play the new cell phone game, play FF7, watch Advent Children. You don't have to do it in this order but its alot better then watching Advent Children then going back to the start and watching stuff that you should have seen before Advent Children.

    Its basicly like how .Hack was set up with all there movies and video games in a way.

    As for the Marlene looking like Cloud and Tifa's kid. It seemed like it was there kid. She didnt look like Cloud or Tifa but she certinly acted like they where her parents, but shes not so o well.

    all of last order took place in-game in FF7. theres actually a huge amount of content that can be overlooked while playing it. did you know that aries and zack were engaged? they didn't mention that in last order. :P

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