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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. Dragon, I guess is the guy who came in Loguetown and spoke briefly with Smoker ne?

    Sorta going on a tangent here but, who the heck saved Luffy that night in Loguetown with all the lightening!!!?!?? Some guy who possessed the power to control thunder or the 'will of D' as they call it?

    yeah, thats him. Dragon (probably) called down that lightening.. it looks like he has some sort of storm fruit power or something because of that big energyish blast he sent thru the entire town.

  2. So Rukia met up with kaiendono... the vice lieutenant that died while fighting a hollow.. and that would mean he is Ganju and Kukaku's brother? and the guy looks just like Ichigo (which i forgot because that flashback was so long ago).. No wonder everyone was willing to help Ichigo out in Soul Society.

    And maybe thats why Rukia seems to have a thing for him. Everytime Ichigo gets hurt, Rukia runs to help him.. Maybe because she could never help Kaien way back when.

  3. Aokiji = Marine Admiral (DF user)

    Garp = Marine Vice Admiral (Unknown if DF user, probably not, but he has Insane strength)

    Blackbeard = Pirate Captain of crew of 4 (DF user)

    Whitebeard = Beyond Shichibukai (Giant. Unknown if DF user, I would assume not)

    Shanks = Beyond Shichibukai (Unknown if DF user, I would assume not)

    Don Flamingo = Shichibukai (DF user)

    And of course there is Dragon.. The number one most wanted man on the planet.. I think he owns south blue now. X'D I highly doubt Luffy could take him if they fought, considering the guy is crazily powerful.

  4. Seastone is stronger than steel and diamond and it nullifies DF powers. if zoro were to come across an enemy with a weapon like that... for all we know, hawkeye might even have some seastone forged into his own weapon..

    Zoro does have some cannon moves that I think cut through wind.. either that or hes throwing a chakra attack out through his sword. :P

  5. He probably can't beat Aokiji or Garp either. Hell, Luffy is straight up terrified of Garp.. X'D

    I doubt Luffy could beat blackbeard, whitebeard, shanks or don flamingo either..

    Out of everyone tho... Enel is probably one of the most powerful beings in all of One Piece.. that guy is practically unkillable.

  6. Luffy vs. Don Kreig

    Usopp vs. Merman

    Luffy vs. Arlong

    Nami vs. Spikey girl (forgot her name/number)

    Luffy vs. Crocodile (second fight)

    Zoro vs. whatshisface in movie 5?

    There are so many good fights, but I think those are my favorites so far, except for the most recent stuff...

    Past Alabaster:

    All the skypiea battles. X'D

    Luffy vs. Enel

    Luffy vs. Usopp

    All the enies lobby battles

  7. We watched it on-demand so we never got to see any alternate ending.. what we saw was:

    after the main girl hit her head she ended up getting up and meeting with the other butch chick, they killed the hell outta some cave beasts, and then she confronted her with that necklace, cut her leg up and left her behind while she escaped.. she crawled out thru and opening, got to the suv and drove off for a while crying... and then she woke up and realized none of that shit happened... which leads to her seeing a b-day cake and her dead daughter and they zoomed out cut to the credits.

    a pretty fucked up ending with a twist, what was the other ending like?

  8. We watched this movie last night and damn, those cave monsters are fucked up scary! O_O Anyone else watch this yet? Its a british movie, but shit, it ranks up their with 28 days as a great horror movie for me. :D

    Those women were so freaking violent! O_O goddamn! some of them were holding their own pretty damn good!

  9. the New York state (and many other states) child labor laws will let you work at the age of 13 at farms doing misc work with picking crops, milking, etc. in new york 14-15 year olds can work at restaurants and a few other establishments washing dishes, busing tables, etc. but you can only work until 6pm on school nights and 9 pm on weekends with a 4 to 8 hour shift, but no more than 20 hours a week (i think). usually you only work on the weekends as a dishwasher during the lunch/dinner rushes. i think its when you're 16 you can work pretty much wherever without all the rules.

    call around asking local restaurants if they'll hire 14 year olds with a work permit (i say local because you obviously can't drive yourself because you're underage), you have to get a work permit from either a county office or your school (depends on your state), fill it out, take it to your new employer, they sign it, you take it back to where you got the form and you're all set.

    my kid is interested in getting a job and hes 13 so I recently read up on all this crap again. *is eager to see my boy work and take responsibility*

    btw, i got a paper route at 12, and my first job where i got a check was when i washed dishes in my middle's school cafeteria. you could always look into that too.. you only work during the recess time 5 days a week and you'll make $40 in month or so considering you'll only work 2 1/2 hour weeks. in ohio i got another job at 14 at mcl cafeteria (i don't think this company exists anymore), but they always had such a high turnaround with people getting hired and quitting all the time, they didn't care what your age was as long as you could work at least 8 hours a week.

    good luck! :happy:

  10. that was an excellent episode. :D finally! Naruto and the rest grew 2 feet in height. X'D the filler was so fucking long, they renamed the series to Naruto: Shipuuden and started off at episode one. ^__^ Its a shame they skipped Kakashi Gaiden, but its alright.. they ended the episode with Sasori and the invasion of Sand! :D

  11. I was interested in seeing this movie until I read your post, wow.. I thought it would have been a better movie.

    The ending was especially disappointing. We expect the devils son after obtaining allot of souls to at least do some crazy shit...but no he dies a fast and extremely dumb death.

    wow.. ruined that movie for me. rotfl j/k XD

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