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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. Precious got a boo boo. I let her outside yesterday morning to use the bathroom and when she came back in 5 minutes later I noticed a blood stain outside the front door. I thought one of the cats killed something, but when I looked over at Precious, she had her back right leg up in the air and she was bleeding all over the place. :( She somehow got a 1 inch cut on her leg all the way down to the bone. We rushed her to the vet and she got stitches, a splint and big bandage. :( poor precious.. we bought her a doggie bed to help her.

    Precious home after the vet on her new dog bed, she passed out. :(


    Precious's boo boo leg. :( I had to pick her booty up 4 different times yesterday to help her move.


  2. holy shit thats awesome... must buy this game.. O_O

    Did you notice the terrains new unit with the jet pack? It was jumping all over the landscape, thats freakin sweet. and the protoss have some war of worlds looking tripod laser shooting sentinal. O_O

  3. There is no fifth movie.



    Sunrise (last i checked) owns the domain name:


    when they made inuyasha movie 3 and 4, they changed the inuyasha-movie.com website both times to promote both the movies when they first coming out and when the dvds first went on sale. Wouldn't it make sense that if a fifth movie was in the works and/or made, they would promote it on that website? instead, their official website was last updated when movie four first came out in japan in 2004. So I don't see anything indicating any new movies unless its rumors or unofficial announcements.

  4. I got an email today from rightstuf informing me about a coupon code to get 40% off funimation dvds and pre-orders. So I looked at their recommendations and I found these:





    I knew Funimation got Slayers, but I had no idea they acquired GTO. O_O Anyone know if they redid the entire voice cast for both series or just touched up the audio?

    And now they have One Piece too... I wonder what other series Funimation has acquired recently.

  5. I don't remember seeing Ulquiorra looking back at Ichigo. I thought he left him for dead? or at least beaten? O_O

    I think Rukia is actually dead because of all the dialouge that took place leading up to it. "Don't die alone" and her feeling like she finally put him behind her by giving up her life for him..

    Maybe grimjow wants orihime for some sort of training purpose? If she can set up a time field to reverse things back to their former selves, then maybe she can make a time field and speed things up? O_O maybe grimjaw will use her to make some spatial/time training room to get more powerful in mere minutes instead of years? heh, kinda reminds me of goku and vegeta in the gravity enhanced space ship training. X'D

  6. Manga, manga, manga.. umm. We have the following off hand:

    Full Metal Panic: All 9 volumes

    Fullmetal Alchemist: 1-4

    Bleach: 1

    Warcraft Sunwell Trilogy: 1-2 (I still need to buy the third book)

    Berserk: 1-3

    Gundam Wing: Episode Zero

    InuYasha: 1

    InuYasha animanga: 1

    I would buy more but I can't afford it all. O_O; I have craploads of scanlation collections. So I usually read all that and then check the english released manga to see if they match up good enough to bother collecting. but even then I keep running out of money. :crap: *wants to buy FMP Overload, GTO and more FMA*

    Also, anyone else have this problem: I keep buying just like 1 volume form each series and then end up with like 12 series that I want to complete, and half are out of print.

    I did that with comics all the time. I always bought the first issue, but I could never pick up collecting them all.

  7. oh that was great. and chopper fully believes everything. X'D

    Looks like Brooke is some powerful swordsman. Interesting. I have a feeling he'll end up saving everyones ass at some point. I can definitely see him as the new nakama. they're all a bunch of freaks. XD

  8. ah, I already know all the outcomes of the CP9 battles so I won't go into further details with that. but I will make another observation about Skypiea.

    When everyone first got to Skypiea they could barely move because of the thin air and altitude conditions. In fact most of their fights were actually pretty weak compared to other fights they've previously been in. Aside from the ball priest fight, Sanji and Usopp were out when enel blasted them, Zoro fought one of the rebel guys but couldn't take the guy on like he usually does.. and most of the fighting shown was between rebels and enel's gang. I bet if you dropped most of the sky island residents down to earth, they'd probably have an extremely high natural endurance and stamina. I still hope they'll come across another winged sky island badass at some point. They did mention there were multiple sky islands, so who knows what powerful bastards may have been hiding out or fleed the islands because of enel's insane power.

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