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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. I've been disappointed with the outcomes of things so far.. As for Sasuke's avenger team, my only guess is that hes recruiting a four man cell to take out a four man akatsuki team. If an akatsuki team died in konoha on a mission to get Naruto's kyubi, then I'm guessing akatsuki will send double forces back to konoha. Sasuke and his team will lie in wait near Naruto and/or team 7 and we'll end up with a possible 3 way battle going on..

    BTW, is it just me or does it seem pretty clear that Sasuke recruited that water guy, that uses Zabuza's sword, for the sole purpose of fighting Kisame? They are both from the hidden village of the mist, they both have one of those 7 swords of the village, and they both have messed up teeth. I thought that his goal in getting that guy was to keep Kisame busy while he fought Itachi because they're teammates.. but then he had to recruit two more people.. which doesn't make sense unless hes expecting two more akatsuki? :|

  2. Its hard to believe thats the golden raspberry.. I know it must have grown some over the winter but I don't remember it being that friggin huge. O_O;

    and holy crap! the amount of foxglove seedlings is insane! O_O you should chuck a crapload of them into the woods to see if you can start an entire patch of wild foxgloves in there.

    aww cute...pears....the same shape as Sledge :)


  3. I still think Rukia has some hidden vizard power she doesn't know about. She had that thing in her body for quite a while..

    I don't think backup will show up from Soul Society. If anything, Aizen might leave HW and start the full blown assault on Earth and/or Soul Society right when Ichigo and the others finally think they've made it to their goal.

  4. Assuming that Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be made, what worlds would you like to see added, kept and/or dropped from KH3? Try not to list spoilers for KH2 please.

    Drop List:

    Little Mermaid. It was great in the first game but horrible in the second and the story doesn't need to be in another game.

    Lion King. Playing as cub Sora was cute, but I don't think they need to expand on its story line any more.

    Halloween Town. It was great in the first game, but felt rehashed and pointless in the second.

    Steamboat Willy. guh.


    They probably shouldn't keep any of the worlds from the first two games anymore, except for the original ones like Hallow Bastion.

    Add List:

    Gargoyles. They had the glide move perfect in KH1. I just assumed it would lead to a Gargoyles world in the second game.. but it never happened. :(

    Duck Tales. WTF. Still no Gizmo duck adventure or big tower of cash and coins to swim in!?

    A FF world. :( A world based on one FF game... with chocobos to ride.


    On a side note. I missed the Tarzan and Peter Pan worlds in the second game, the vine sliding was cool and flying for the first time was the greatest moment of KH1! :P but there probably wasn't anymore they could have done with either world.

  5. Yeah, its a Disney game at its core so I can't complain about it being too much Disney.. but I can complain and say that after a while it felt like interacting with Disney movie trailers. Deep down tho, I wish they would have released that final mix version to begin with. :| I was always under the impression that chain of memories was like a side quest for the characters and wouldn't have any impact on the sequel.. boy was I wrong. I hate cross-platformed sequels.

  6. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/10275.html

    The Ghibli World Website is reporting that Studio Ghibli distributor Toho has announced that Oscar-winning director Hayao Miyazaki's next film will be Ponyo on a Cliff (Gake no ue no Ponyo), the story of Sasuke, a five-year-old boy , and a Princess Goldfish (Ponyo) that wants to become human. Production on the film began last October and it is slated to be released in the summer of 2008. Miyazaki is creating the storyboards himself in watercolors and it is thought that the feature will be produced in the traditional hand-drawn 2-D manner.

    Although early reports from China indicated that Miyazaki's new film would be based on a Chinese children's book, I Lost My Little Boy (see "Miyazaki's Next Movie?"), it is now clear that it will be based on an original story by Miyazaki himself. Miyazki's grandson has been chosen as the model for the 5-year-old boy. About 70-80% of the film, which apparently shares some thematic elements with The Little Mermaid, takes place at sea. Miyazaki and the Ghibli staff have been location hunting in the vicinity of Tomo-no-Ura.

  7. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=40670

    Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. announced that Richard Dean Anderson will reprise his role as Gen. Jack O'Neill in the studio's upcoming straight-to-DVD movie Stargate: Continuum, based on SCI FI Channel's original series Stargate SG-1. Anderson will join cast members Ben Browder and Amanda Tapping in shooting on location in the sub-zero climate of the Arctic, where the production is working in collaboration with the U.S. Navy's Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station during the week of March 23-29, MGM announced.

    "We're thrilled to have Richard join us for Stargate: Continuum," Brad Wright, co-creator of the Stargate franchise and writer/executive producer for the latest installment for the property, said in a statement. "As Gen. Jack O'Neill, Richard brings both a sense of history and familiarity to the continuing adventures of the Stargate team. And we all recognize his value as the much-loved hero among the Stargate fan base."

    As previously announced, Stargate: Continuum will shoot a variety of scenes on location in the Arctic ice, located about 200 miles north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Martin Wood, director of more than 70 Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis episodes, is confirmed to direct Stargate: Continuum.

    They canceled the series, but they're going to make another movie? O_O I wonder if it'll be big enough to go to the theaters or if its going to be a Saturday night SciFi film. Hell, I'll watch it either way. :D

  8. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=40684

    Jet Li is in negotiations to play the villainous title character in Universal Pictures' The Mummy 3, being directed by Rob Cohen, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    The plot details of the script, written by Smallville's Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, are being kept under wraps, but it is known that the action is set in China, with Li's story beginning in ancient times before moving to a post-World War II setting. It is also known that one sequence involves the famous terra-cotta warriors, the collection of more than 8,000 men and their horses that were originally constructed to protect the tomb of an emperor near Xi'an.

    Stephen Sommers, Bob Ducsay, Sean Daniel and Jim Jacks are producing.

    Li is now in preproduction on an untitled J&J project, which teams him with Jackie Chan. Li was last seen in Rogue Pictures' Fearless.

    I thought Jet Li was done making movies. O_O

  9. First off, who do you think the final five cylons are?

    My guess is:


    that girl that works for Rosyln




    I have this feeling that maybe Baltar's and Six's angels of each other maybe more than a coincidence.. I hope I'm wrong tho, I don't want Baltar to be a cylon... And if Starbuck is dead and not a cylon, thats fine. I hate how they fucked up her character and how she died.. if they leave it at that then fine, but if they bring her back it better be done fucking amazingly.

    Btw, I'm actually glad this season is ending. I've been referring to this as the "Iraq Season" because of its constant metaphors and never ending obvious comparisons to the conflict in the middle east. Cylons occuping new caprica = USA occuping Iraq. Suicide bombers, the ex-president on trial, Baltar's hanging, the oppression of females (they killed at least 3 major female characters alone in this season), etc. etc.

    I hope Season 4 puts all the real-world political connections behind them and embrace the path to Earth and the race against the cylons.. And hopefully increase their budget so they can have some more space battles for fracks sake. Season 1 and 2 were flipping awesome.. I just hope season 4 can get the show back on track.

  10. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=3&id=40712

    Putting to rest rumors that Emma Watson was waffling about returning to the Harry Potter franchise, Warner Brothers on March 23 announced that it has formally signed Watson and her two co-stars, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, for the final two films in the franchise, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Watson will reprise the role of Hermione Granger, which she has played in the five Potter films so far, while Radcliffe will again play Harry Potter and Grint will be Ron Weasley.

    I've only seen the first and most of the second harry potter movies and I've never read the books.. But are they aging in the books as fast as the actors are in real life? O_O

  11. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/10297.html

    Sci Fi Channel is planning to air a two-hour Battlestar Galactica OAV this fall. The special will be set between the third and fourth seasons and is expected to be released on DVD shortly thereafter.

    According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Sci-Fi Channel has also committed to episodes for the second half of Battlestar's fourth season.

    Wow. I never expected an OVA. I wonder if they actually meant movie instead of OAV tho... Its hard for me to imagine what style of animation they could use to simulate the BSG style and camera work.

  12. The battle system was the best I've seen for an adventure type game. The reaction commands were great and the AI for your teammates was pretty good too. Auto potions (with auto-refill), quick commands and limit breaks. Friggin sweet. And Donald was so much more useful in this game than in the previous. I loved his Comet limit break. :D

    Above all else this game pissed me off because this is really Kingdom Hearts 3. If you did not play that sequel on the gameboy then you are shit out of luck as to what the hell is going on in this game. And the further you progress and the more Ansem reports you get, the more the game rubs it in your face that you never played the actual sequel to this game on the gameboy. Something so major as Sora attacking himself with his own keyblade, ejecting his and Kairi's hearts from their bodies, why he was in suspended animation in some cryo tube for an entire year, why everyone forgot his existence, what happened to Riku, the introduction of Organization XIII.. yeah, they only reference all of that in a couple text files known as Ansem reports and broken cut scenes at the begging of the game that make you wish they did an actual flashback.

    I was dissapointed with the worlds. Half of them were pointless to go to aside from heartless being there. While it was nice to see Sora and the gang pretty much jumping into the disney movies of each world, it got old pretty quick. Especially when most of the worlds had nothing to do with the overall plot of the game and whatever happened in those worlds had no impact on anything outside of those worlds.

    Little Mermaid world should have never been in this game. And the best world in the last game, Peter Pan and the glide ability were nowhere to be found in this game. Weak.

    Tron was awesome. The bike game wasn't like the movie, but it was close enough to be sweet. :D

    I hate how they portrayed the square-enix characters. They could take all the square-enix characters out of the game and replace them with any other character and not miss a beat.

    BTW, the whole Namine/Kairi and Roxas/Sora thing seemed like a rehash of FFX2's Lenne/Yuna Shuyin/Tidus connections.

  13. The situation with Sasuke and Oro reminds me of a fanfic I read where Gaara was stuck inside Sasuke's mind... :P If Orochimaru at some point takes over one of Sasuke's shadow clones, then I'll know the guy ripped of that fanfic author. ;)

    what ever happened to the forbidden jutsus scroll he had at the very beginning of the series? They should just let him read it and learn as much as he can.

    O well things are getting good, cant wait to see the next chap.

    Rotflmao. Seriously. They should open that bastard up and let him train on that. X'D

  14. So Thriller Park is a massive ship thats practically its own small island.. Which makes me wonder.. does it emit that massive fog bank all around it wherever it travels? or is that fog bank just there in that realm of the sea?

    I think it makes that fog bank itself as a defense mechanism. Remember that floating barrel/trap the strawhat pirates opened up? It launched a huge flare or something into the air. By seeing that, Moria's crew could swing thriller park towards them and Strawhat's crew would just assume they were sailing into a thick fog instead of a trap. And for all those reputed ships that were lost or stuck in the fog bank.. they could have all been disabled and just floating around in water displacement spirals caused by Thriller Park's movement. O_O

    What do you think? Maybe I'm over thinking it and they're all stuck in some bermuda triangle area in the grand line? :P

  15. I was disappointed with the second movie, but damn, the trailer for this one looks bad ass.

    I wonder why they decided to release it so early. I mean there was a two year wait between CTBP, and DMC, yet this one only had a year wait. My mom and I were kinda throwing theories around, and we thought that maybe after DMC was such a dissapointment to a lot of people, that they were worried about people losing interest if they waited two years vs. one.

    After the huge success of the first movie they announced there would be two sequels instead of one. So they filmed both and at the same time (and/or consecutively I can't remember which). Kind of like how all the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed straight thru knowing money would flow in regardless of their end product.

  16. Cobra ?: not to big a fan of Terrentino, but my personall favorite movie, is Resvoir dogs. so i will at least go in to this movie with doubt that it would be bad, and at least a FUN movie.

    Off Topic:

    Lady had me watch Reservoir dogs for the first time last week. I thought it was awesome. :tup: Pulp Fiction was pretty good too.

  17. Have you tried resetting everything in exact order? Shut down your computer, unplug your modem, unplug your router. Wait 1 minute, then plug in your modem first, then wait another minute, then plug in your router, wait another minute and then boot up your pc. If you reboot your router or modem in any other order it could cause them to not communicate correctly.

    Another common problem with routers is the firewall you're using on your computer. If you're using a router it'll block pretty much every port your firewall normally blocks automatically.. so you have to set your firewall to access the internet as a trusted zone so they won't conflict.

  18. I think they kind of forshadowed it. Once Sasuke saw how the kuybi was sealed inside Naruto's mind, he probably mimicked it with orochimaru. I wouldn't be surprised if they show orochimaru later on behind some cage looking door ala the kuybi in Sasuke's mind.

    I just hope they actually let Naruto use new lower end but still powerful jutsus based on his new chakra and element controlling ability. He better have learned or figured out how to do something else with all that training than just one single move. :\

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