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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. I know theres a few of you watching Death Note, so please share your thoughts on this amazing anime and manga. :P

    Is the manga done yet? I haven't read it yet but I'm keeping up with the episodes as they are coming out..

    episode 25 spoiler:

    L is fucking dead.

    :( my favorite character is fucking dead. I am so depressed now. :(

  2. Ah, at least the manga revealed something interesting this time. The origin of the cursed seal. Sounds like its maybe a bloodline ability of Jungo.. and Orochimaru was able to extract its powers and bestow it to others. Maybe Orochimaru even used it on himself, hence why he was able to transform his body to that of a snake monster when he fought Sasuke? er.. actually all his containers had that mark, so I guess when Oro takes over a new body he'll always be able to transform..

  3. Poor Sanji is a zombie penguin!? :( wtf!? and Zoro is missing too? I wonder if he just wandered off or if he got zombied too.

    Do you think that Professor Hogback has some sort of DF power to create zombies? Like maybe he makes fucked up zombie bodies and then transfers a person's soul to it? If that penguin is Sanji, obviously Sanji doesn't have memories of his real identity, but his core beliefs are still there? (like not hitting a woman?)

    Maybe when Hogback dies everyone gets turned back to normal?

  4. I have high expectations for movies, games, etc.. and I usually end up bitching about alot of things I don't like. -_- but I actually like bitching about those things, so in the end I actually enjoy myself. X'D

    I'd lower my expectations, but when the newest movies are all based on existing things like comics or games or certain genres, then as a fan of those things I expect a good movie transition.. but it usually doesn't happen so I end up not driving the 40 minutes to get to the closest movie theater. -_- If a damn theater was closer to us we'd probably lower our expectations and go a hell of lot more often and probably enjoy ourselves. But when we're stuck driving a 1 1/2 hour round trip to watch a 2 1/2 to 3 hour crappy movie, we usually just end up pissed because we wasted half a day and half a tank of gas. -_-

    I like your post tho and you do make good points. I remember back in the day when new original movies were always coming out.. Independence Day, Men In Black, Jurassic Parks (those were based off books tho), and there were a bunch of other movies too. Except for all those kid movies, for the love of god, for a 2 or 3 year period every movie that came out had a child as the main actor. x_x I hated those years.

    Whats funny is that I like the Resident Evil movies, not because they are based on the game, if I judged those movies on that I'd be disappointed, but what I did like about it was that they were helluva good zombie movies. ^_^ 300 looks like it'll be good and I love barbarian flicks so I'm sure it'd be worth the drive.

    There are so many movies that I have low expectations for, and usually we wait for them to come on our cable's on-demand service to watch them.. like the x-men 2 and 3 movies.. I didn't expect much but it was still enjoyable to watch the movie (and then bitch about it later X'D).

  5. Or prehaps, the insanity scared him away. or he/she dosen't like things that look like a skinny tazmanian devil? *points to you're picture* :P

    X'D *shaved recently*

  6. Yeah, but if she warped thru that storm and ended up in Earth's backyard, then why would that nebula be so important? O_O

    I was thinking, maybe some weird wormhole thing could be happening in that eye of jupiter storm. Its lasted for years upon years and looks like it'll last forever.. maybe because jupiter is such a massive planet with a huge gravitational imprint on space, perhaps a similar planet could have a similar storm/connection point? O_O I dunno about all that.

  7. I have to agree with you on that. It wasn't that impressive.

    Now this makes me think back to the first season. After the cylons initial attack on the colonies. The galactica was spared because of that odd transmitter on the bridge. They set up the galactica from the start. The final five cylons all in key critical positions on the galactica and on the president's staff. Tigh is old as hell, and hes been a cylon this entire time, hes what 40+ years old? The chief has been working for years too and hes in charge of all their fighter ships... which means that the cylons have completely played the galactica and the entire human race since the very beginning, probably since the inital confrontations between humans and cylons.

    What I don't get is why they had to keep the identities of the final five a secret from all other cylons. I don't really see how things would have really been different if the cylons knew and just didn't tell any of the final five. but then again, cylons can be tortoured.. hmm.. :\

  8. I wonder if that email scifi sent me was a lie. O_O it pretty much said: "on the season finale, the final five cylons will be revealed."

    we know four of them, and then miraculously starbuck shows back up from the dead.. sounds like a cylon thing to me. :\

  9. Skies of Arcadia, for either the Dreamcast or Gamecube. This is probably one of the most overlooked rpg games. It is such a good RPG. The characters, plot, battle system. I bet if it came out for the PS2 it would have been a greatest hits game for years now.

  10. daha! that map was pretty crappy. XD

    KH2. You can invert your camera controls, but you can't invert your magic carpet controls!? wtf!? shouldn't the magic carpet controls be directly connected to your camera setting because it takes over the right analog stick!? :wtf: flying that thing while trying to adjust your camera practically gives you a seizure. and why the hell is carpet's acceleration so friggin slow? avoiding enemies is impossible unless you jump everywhere.. but why should you have to jump when you're on a flying carpet.

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