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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. I just finished watching season 2 of Ah my goddess. I finished the first season earlier this year but was lazy in finishing the series. I still haven't watched the movies or OVA yet. *needs to download them* Peorth was a nice change to the series, she brought some tension to the show that interested me. Keiichi is such a friggin moron he doesn't even kiss Belldandy in the last couple episodes. I was a bit disappointed with the ending because of that (not that it wasn't a great ending, I just wish they'd have friggin kissed. -_- Who else has seen this and who is your favorite character? :happy:

  2. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/10677.html

    Executive Producers Ronald Moore and David Eick announced that the SCI FI Channel's award-winning Battlestar Galactica series will end upon the completion of the 22-episode fourth season, which will commence in early 2008. Eick and Moore said that ending the series was a "creative" decision and they told the SCI FI Net: "This show was always meant to have a beginning, a middle, and, finally, an end. Over the course of the last year, the story and the characters have been moving strongly toward that end, and we've decided to listen to those internal voices and conclude the show on our own terms. And while we know our fans will be saddened to know the end is coming, they should brace themselves for a wild ride getting there: We're going out with a bang."

    Fans won't be the only ones who are saddened by the end of BSG, by the end of next year retailers too could be mourning the end of one of the most creative science fiction series of the modern era, and more importantly, a series that had developed a strong and devoted fan following and inspired a wide range of tie-in products including comic books from Dynamite, action figures from Diamond Select Toys, an RPG from Margaret Weis Productions, and prop replicas from Master Replicas. The SCI FI Channel will also have to replace it most popular series (see "SCI FI Channel Ratings Soar"). Fortunately we will all have the new Battlestar Galactica around through the end of 2008.

    This saddens me but I am also quite pleased. This show always reminded me of anime in the sense that it had a constant ongoing plot and any of the main characters could probably die at any time. When it first started I also thought about Babylon 5 and how that show was also made with a beginning, middle and end and I always assumed BSG would end within 5 seasons too. Of course an ending to a series is something thats often lacking in many American shows because of retail money and ratings. *coughlostcough*

    What do you think of this news? are you sad? happy? a mix of both?

  3. you called it. :P

    Monster zombie: "I'm going to be the pirate king!"

    but notice that Moria doesn't seem the least bit concerned. I have a feeling he has more control over him than hes letting on. and if not, he probably has some sort of direct shadow manipulation devil fruit power like Shikamaru. :meh:

    oh, but did you notice that demon body luffy laughed like the regular giants? maybe oz was some freakish merging of a giant and a sea king. X'D

  4. That was the best chapter they've had in a long time, but the I thought Kabuto was going to do something more grand than show off some freakish eye. Now if he can bust out some Orochimaru moves, then that could be sweet. I still don't get it tho.. If Orochimaru's soul/essense is trapped inside Sasuke, then Kabuto must have grabbed some of Oro's dna or scraps parts from his corpse and surgically modified himself.. but seeing as Oro has changed bodies multiple times and its his soul/chakra that he keeps transfering and uses to munipulate the look of the body he is currently in.. then wouldn't Kabuto have the eye of Oro's most recently controlled body in him? and wouldn't that eye eventually break down like all of Oro's hosted bodies? (hence why he had to change bodies every 3ish years).. unless Kabuto actually has Oro's original body's eye in him, I don't understand the logic in it. :\

    It wouldn't surprise me if Kabuto kept Oro's original body in some glass jar tho. they were a bunch of freaks.

  5. They had to look fashionable tho! X'D but yeah, talking about clothing.. they like to occassionally mention their wireless gear, but how often do you see a bluetooth headset on Naruto? but thats ok, kakashi's ninja dogs are more reliable than just talking in real time to your teammates.

  6. I didn't have any problem following their dialogue, but they could have had some better lines.

    I was dissapointed with the Callisto bit.. they 'released her' and she became the 50 foot woman and then turned all crab indicating that she was the crabs preparing the black pearl to leave davey jone's locker.. and then she made a sea storm.. and that was it.

    O_O; she could have struck random people dead or sent a hurricane at the armada.. that would have made more sense for all those ships to turn and run..

    and yes, that annoyed me. the dutchman and the pearl on both sides of that massive warship and they don't shoot a single cannon ball in response? wtf. and right after that ship sunk I was expecting the pearl and dutchman to lead the war on the armada and see some sweet ass final apocolyptic ship battle (not that the pearl vs. dutchman battle wasn't bad ass enough). But instead all those ships turn tail and flee? and all the pirates rejoice because they didn't have to fight? :\

  7. I liked this one much better than the second. I thought they would have tied up some more loose ends but oh well. The action was pretty good and the special effects were bad ass. I still think the first was a far superior movie. The overall feeling of the second movie and the third is that they should have been one movie with alot of misc scenes cut out for dvd special features. Just like Kill Bill 1 and 2 should have been.

    We missed out on the special ending after the credits (it'll probably show up on youtube soon enough). After three hours my bladder was about to explode. I swear they're making movies much longer just so you'll have to piss near the ending, miss a scene and then have to buy another ticket to rewatch the movie again. :P

  8. I blame square for being retards about the names they themselves came up with and not elaborating on their pronunciations until years upon years later.

    Tidus = Teedus

    Bahamut = Ba HA moot

    and from FFVII mako is supposed to be pronounced Mack-o?

    It all sounds like bad HK tranlations to me. :P

  9. The local mill near my house is only charging $3.09 a gallon for regular compared to the gas station down the street which is at $3.25. *looks at my first post in this topic* I wish we had those prices again. -_-

    Whats the price of gas in your area now?

  10. I just hope the fights are as intense as the ones with hidan.

    I need to come back to this thread and ask one thing...

    What is up with the crazy cat lady? I mean, did that come out of left field or what?

    And one thing I don't get about her. That whole complex is supposed to be some kind of secret place for the Uchihas, right? Then that means the CCL (crazy cat lady) and her (undeniably hot) granddaughter are just chillin there, by themselves, for ten years on the off chance that Sasuke might stop by?!

    Can someone explain it to me...please!?

    I thought it might have been a translation error, because that made no sense to me at all.. If it was a storehouse for Uchihas.. then why would he have to pay the cat woman for goods that already belonged to him? and he couldn't think of anything better to do than to get black coats minus the red clouds for his group? :rolleyes: I bet they'll never show the cat woman again just like that turtle summon of Gai-sensei's from the chunin exam.

  11. if Ichigo's dad is a shinigami of captain level.. but went to earth and had a kid, then he must have somehow been reborn into the human world? because if not, then urahara made him a gigai that can impregnate women? :look: because I don't see how an invisible spiritual being could impregnate a living human unless he had his own physical body to pass on living genes.. O_O; unless Ichigo is jesus christ.

  12. wow. They explained pretty much everything in the past two chapters.. to think that they'll have to fight their own shadow selves.. I bet Sanji and Zoro won't have a problem doing it.. because whatever zombie bodies were made for their shadows won't be as strong as them. btw, did Zoro ever have his shadow stolen? O_O maybe that zombie swordsman that attacked usopp, nami and chopper was brookes? and zoro is just lost somewhere? X'D

    and what the hell was that demon/satan moria is putting luffy's shadow into!? its massive size puts even the elbaf giants to shame. O_O maybe theres some island in the grand line called hell where demons roam!? holy shit..

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