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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. We watched Tron tonight. X'D Ever since playing KH2, I've been wanting to watch Tron again. and wow, the memories flooded back to me. I remember when I was a kid and first watched Tron, my parents ended up buying me a frisbee that I wore on my back with string so I could act like a game program. X'D Was anyone else a Tron geek back in the day?

  2. Okay, answer this one for me. How can Jack Sparrow be a pirate lord AND Barbarossa? If Barbarossa was a pirate lord, then why be the first mate of Jack? Shouldn't he have had his own ship by then?

    They kind of implied in the movie that they all knew each other to begin with because they were all surprised when they saw Elizabeth show up with a piece.. but they knew everyone else and jack's dad... so yeah, it doesn't make much sense except for the fact that Jack and Barbosa must have both sucked as pirate lords if Barbosa had to serve Jack, but then that could have all just been part of his plot to take the pearl initially.. and Jack probably sucked more than anyone else because he actually trusted Barbosa to begin with and then after he lost his ship, he became a pirate lord with no crew or boat to lord over for what, ten years until the beginning of the first pirates movie? O_O

  3. oh, maybe he could make some injection timer thing he could wear on his waist and it'll auto kick in and inject some anti-rumble ball formula into him to save himself. lol. he could wear the batman equivilant of a utility belt. it'll have his rumble balls, medicines, drugs, cigs for sanji, emergency meat for luffy... X'D

    true, but that's when he was stuck in his form. on both accounts he either tired himself out or was forced to change back (being in the sea made him unable to be in any form) so I think he'll be able to, in the future, retain his conciousness and even revert back when he wants to. The form will still use up a lot of his energy but at least then he'll know what his limits are.

    ah, good points. ^_^

  4. it looked like when chopper was in that form it just sucked his energy away. Granted he was a bit beat up to begin with.. but even in his flash back he was laying in a bed crippled. i don't think that hulk form of his will be a reliable way for him to fight even if he can control it. poor choppy. :(

  5. I was thinking about this at work again today.. and if I remember right, Luffy promised Laboon he'd come back to see him too and to wait for him. And thats when he painted that crappy strawhat logo on the whale's head. X'D he wanted to make sure he'd stop hurting himself so he'd still be alive for when Luffy came back to visit. ^_^ I so have to re-watch that laboon episode.. I think Luffy told him to keep believing in his nakama too. *is probably remembering it too fondly* ^_^;

  6. haha. At least 1000 all on his own.. and you know he killed those marines in the manga. Thats one of the only beefs I have with the anime. They always show the marines taking a fatal blow, but they neglect drawing the blood, and instead make the marines all goofy faced and screaming as opposed to just being corpses.

  7. I bet chopper will make a whole new rumble ball to unlock his potential. I've seen rumors abound from One Piece fans speculating about the final two or three shikibukai.. that one is probably a zoan type df user. I have a feeling that Chopper isn't the only zoan type to know of ways to unlock their df's full potential.

  8. I don't think he used any of the ancient weapons schematics. I think he made Sunny straight from his own imagination and designs. its his dream ship after all. ^_^ ok, maybe he got a hint here and there from the ancient weapon's blueprints, but I don't think he used anything specific. I am interested in what that weapon will be tho. I bet it will be SUPER~!

  9. and that brings me back to my previous post. it makes no sense to me how Orochimaru could be taking over Kabuto when it showed Sasuke sealing him away in his mind. And even if Sasuke sealed Oro in Oro's body, Kabuto never grabbed part of Oro's brain... I can only guess we're to assume Oro is like Braniac from DC comics, and every bit of Oro's being can be stored in a single cell of his body? :|

  10. hehe. I can't really comment on anything you posted because all of that is pretty much answered in the manga up to this point. :meh:

    I still don't like the fact that he beat Kenpachi that one time. *erases what I just typed* ehhe.. I'll wait for you to finish more eps before I say any more. :sweat:

  11. my favorite arc is probably the one that is currently happening in the manga right now. which I won't say because you're no where near there yet. :P But my second favorite would be the Rescue Rukia/Soul Society arc that you're currently in.

    The Bounto arc is the filler stuff. Which you could skip, but then you won't know who these three stuffed animal characters are which they keep throwing into the current episodes for no reason.. which honestly you could still skip the bounto stuff without having to worry about that. The first couple episodes of the bounto stuff is pretty good tho, but then its 20 eps of 'ehh' material. Even considering that it still blows away all Naruto fillers ever made.

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