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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. yep. they mention it somewhere in the series, but thats about all the detail they go into. I saw an interesting forum topic somewhere with all kinds of theories on demon blood mixing in with the blood line of the byakugan (a demon mated with one of the head family's daughters or something) with the result being the sharingan. I remember the kyubii called it 'cursed eyes' or something like that.

  2. Anyone think the Sound village was actually the hidden village that akatsuki was initially setting up for their overall goals? and maybe Orochimaru was in charge of it and took it with him when he left the group?

    Na but really I think thats basicly his plan. Theres not much else you can do with all that power from the monsters other then destroying the planet or somehow merging all the power for your self (within your self).

    Thats what I was thinking he'd do.. absorb it all into himself and 'become a god' but that plot has been played out far too much over the years.

    Well... it might not sound much at a current moment but slowly akatsuki will gain power and destroy the world...

    and they are doing this slowly because other ppl wont suspect them...

    True. what gets me is with all that power from all the monsters it seems pretty lame to just sit back and manipulate over the years when they could just jump right out and take over everything. But thats another thing that has me thinking.. as powerful as many of the akatsuki members are, they were able to take out many of the jinchiruki's with ease, which makes me wonder how powerful most of the monsters actually are and if obtaining them is really that necessary. O_O

  3. Dahaha. X'D

    I am disappointed with Grimjaw's released state. It reminds me of Hyena from Disney's Gargoyles:


    (hyena is the girl second from the right)

    In the series hyena gets an upgrade to her body that highly resembles what grimjaw looks like right now in the manga with the backwards jointed legs and all. I can't find a pick of it tho.

    well, grimjaw's legs make more sense now.. and it also makes sense why there was never a truely uniformed organized hollow power capable of taking on soul society. if they have to keep eating other hollows of similar power, then los noches (or whatever its called) must have been in a constant state of chaos... until aizen came along.. and I'm guessing he changed that requirement or something.. because I honestly can't imagine Nell eating other hollows or his buddies. O_O

  4. Later in the manga its revealed that tenseiga can revive somebody only once. So if Rin or Jaken die again, Sesshomaru won't be able to revive them a second time. My guess is that inu no taishou was either previously revived before or nobody was there to use tenseiga on him? I don't think you can revive yourself if you're dead and can't swing the sword. :look:

  5. I'm guessing if it comes down to that they'll probably grab some other ninja and sacrifice them for the chakra needed to suck out the kyubi. and then, once they're done with that they can slowly start their diabolical 20 year plan to monopolize the ninja industry. -_-;

  6. *sprinkles salt on Kelene and swallows her whole*


    I love that picture. X'D

    *ponders the possible wrath of brother of Stone of Slege if the Dark One was to eat this potential victim*

    Tough call really...

    mwahaha! you should have eaten her when you had the chance! your hesitation leaves you with an empty belly. :meh:

  7. It was pretty bad, but I do have to say it was entertaining tho. :P

    I wish some of these movies would get a better budget for their special effects. this movie was lacking even the simpliest effects and substituted spear impalements with obvious spear under the armpit moves. -_- and like most sci-fi b-movies there always has to be some long range attack weapon because they can't afford cg effects in an actual battle between people and cg characters. just like in grendel with the fire explosive crossbow thing. eh, overall the movie was decent for a sci-fi flick, but if it re-airs I'll probably play my Army of Darkness dvd instead.

  8. I'm watching this on Scifi right now and wow, what a rip of Army of Darkness. Stephen Baldwin plays a security guard that gets warped thru time and becomes the "chosen one foretold of in the legends" aka harpy slayer of some renaissance village. Everyone was attacking the harpies with swords and out of nowhere he pulls out his shotgun and hand gun, blows away some harpies and then says a one-liner.. and just now he hits on some girl and asks her to sleep with him, and when hes denied he says another one-liner with a smile on his face :rolleyes: anyone else watching this b-movie?

    hehe, gotta love the Gaara eyeliner on the harpies. X'D

  9. yes! and it looks like Sam will be taking Shepard's spot as the main team commander. :happy: btw, did you notice they left a hint at Wier's depature in that episode? at one point she said: "After this is over, I might have to reconsider my position here and resign." or something like that. Honestly I'd love to see her, Tela and Ronin get killed off from the series.

    What killed me during the episode is when they had a bunch of interesting plot lines being discussed, Tela and Ronin miraculously showed up in the scene and the camera showed them up close a couple times while they were listening.. but of course they had no lines because their characters have nothing to contribute to the show's plot. and on top of it, they now left the planet they were on, and if thats the case, then that means they left all of Teyla's people in their villages on that same planet.. but she doesn't even mention them anymore or the fact that they left them behind on the planet with no stargate to continue their trading with other settlements.. unless they aren't even living there anymore to begin with.. I lost track. either way, her position as an ambassador to all the villages in their region of space is a complete joke now.

    The asgard being dead really pisses me off. They were an amazing source of new plot twists and every episode they were ever in was amazing! for them to just call up the SGC tell them to meet them, upgrade just a single ship and them blow themselves up seems like such a f*ckin waste and horribly planned. To me, it even degraded the intelligence of the asgard by having events fold out like that. and you're right, what do they have left for the franchise now? theres no more super powers except for the Ori and aside from the Wraith theres no major alien species left in the entire stargate franchise.

    have you watched any of the stargate marathons they've been airing this past week? we've been watching so many of the older episodes with Jack in them I was pissed off that he wasn't in the final episode!

  10. I was hoping to see Deidera actually fight or show off some ninjutsu powers, but it looks like hes just going to keep sitting back dropping bombs.. which makes me annoyed at Sasuke.. hes so quick to go to stage 2 for such an opponent, but even with stage two the most he can do for a long distance attack is the 'extend a chakra blade' and throw some over sized shurikens? umm.. he must have learned hundreds if not thousands of jutsus from Orochimaru, but hes acting like Naruto doing the same couple moves again and again. :\ I still thinks its pretty funny that he has an entire team now, but they are no where near him to help in any way. X'D

    btw, based on how we've seen Sasuke handle himself in this fight, how do you think he'd manage if his team were to all turn on him? do you think he'd stand a chance?

  11. Commercials were going around during the stargate episodes about a sneak peek at the final season of BSG being aired during the Eureka season 2 premiere episode on July 10, 2007 at 9:00pm EDT. I'm a fan of Eureka so I'll be watching, I just hope I don't miss the sneak peek. I'm sure it'll show up on youtube at some point, but is anyone else going to watch the Eureka episode just for the sneak peek?

  12. I was a bit disappointed with the final episode. :\ Out of the blue they get all the asgard technology... and what do they do with it? they rehashed the replicator time distortion field stuff we haven't seen since 2 or three seasons ago to give us one of those endings that isn't an ending. -_- I wonder if they'll even bother with all the open-ended Ori arc when they make the new Stargate movie, or if they'll focus it more on Atlantis.. I honestly thought they were going to blow up their asgard upgraded ship to escape and screw humanity out of all the new technology, but they didn't. which makes me now wonder if they did all this just to give all the asgard tech to the Atlantis show? What do you think?

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