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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. I had no idea they were animating this. I must own this dvd. O_O

    doomsday was in justice league unlimited series, but they screwed his character up so bad aswell as the actually story of him.

    hope this new animation fixes it

    That disappointed me so much. I was hoping they would have covered the superman vs. doomsday fight in the justice league series but they screwed up doomsday's character pretty bad. :\

  2. After watching the last so many eps again.. I can see how they could keep Ronin as the brute on the team. he did shoot up those modified wraith exoskeleton creature things pretty good. and he does make sense to be on atlantis seeing as he has no other home to go to.. where as tela is just there for no real reason. and they always show her practicing fighting, but I've never seen her kick a wraiths ass. and every time she says, "I feel a wraith presence near by, I'd be pointing my gun at her.. friggin liability that she is. *bwahaha, it feels good to bash tela* :lol:

  3. The commercials for this movie made it look scary as hell, so I downloaded it and we watched it a couple days ago. What a disappointment. Did anyone else see it? I was expecting a good plot and some scary scenes, but nothing made me jump, nothing was even scary and when they revealed were the ghost/monsters were coming from I thought it was stupid. :\

    A single room of servers was the doorway for the ghosts of dead humans that commited suicide? and they were able to attack all over the world because of wireless communications? and 'no service' areas for cellphones were safe deadzones? and everything I just mentioned was the total plot for the movie.. and no questions are ever answered in regards to just about everything. and on top of it all this was all caused by some college hacker busting into some "doctor's" computer and in the end the doctor was what, a grad student or something? guh.

    Did anyone like this movie? :\ maybe I'm overlooking some good qualities of the film.

  4. When I see an anime in english before I watch the original in Japanese, I usually don't criticize it as much, but after watching something for over 50 to 300 episodes long subtitled and then hear the english VAs I'm usually much more biased. I can't stand the english bleach VAs and Naruto is bad too. But aside from the voice actors, the show, characters and plot is all the same. I wonder how many people on here watch bleach in english.. nobody posts anything about it, but I know its an airing show in the states. we need more bleach fans here. ^_^

    I think they're alot more serious about their VAs in Japan too.. I remember reading before that they had to stop production of One Piece for two or three weeks when the VA for Chopper came down with a bad cold/laryngitis.

    you're saying that as if its happened before.. lol. I don't believe a dub could ever actually be 'better' than the original.

    GOLDEN BOY! X'D that anime is so awesome in english. X'D

    oh and Steamboy.. Japanese VAs playing the roles of british characters didn't sound right at all, but the dub was amazing.

  5. oh god no. :tdown: Is this real!? x_x They finally make a crossover game but its the fucking olympics? If they had no concept for a crossover game they should have just thrown the sonic characters into some go karts and made a Mario Kart allstars or something. or maybe throw them into a new smash bros.

    i bet its another one of those wii games that was made just to find new ways to use the wii controller. -_-

  6. Looks like hes finally dead. :clap: but yeah, Sasuke does seem pretty weak now. You'd think after learning everything Orochimaru had to teach him, he'd be pretty bad ass and able to do kage level battling, forbiddin jutsus, long range battling, instant transportation moves.. but in the end all they did was use his fight to re-emphasize the importance of elemental type chakra and how it fits into battle strategies. I'd have rather seen Sasuke kick this guys ass without having to rely on "Stage 2" or even breaking a sweat. eh. I'm just glad Deidera finally exploded himself and is out of the series. Even during his fight with Kakashi/Naruto he could only do long range explosion crap. His best fight was with Gaara but even then he just got lucky. :\ I hope the other members of akatsuki have better fighting styles.

    After seeing the Hidan and Kakuzu fights, Deidera was a serious disappointment.

  7. yes. thats exactly what I thought. X'D except I kept watching because I like lame crap like that and scifi b-movies. :lol: the thing that kept me watching was to see how quick everyone changes as soon as they became the captain. because the captain gets half of all the money and can share it if he wants or just horde all the cash for himself. the first guy was the quickest to become an ass. he took 50% of all the money and then cut the food rations down to gruel for everyone. X'D

  8. oh shit. Oz took out all the general zombies in a single attack. He mashed potatoed those bastards. X'D

    Do you think anyone of the strawhat pirates will have to fight Oz? or do you think the only way to kill him will be to defeat Moria first?

  9. I saved my anime list in a text file from the last time I posted it.. now where is it... *searches*

    you should fear my list...it only gets bigger

    you're the biggest anime freak I've ever met. :P

  10. I refer to it as "like Survivor except on a pirate ship." Its a bit interesting, has anyone else been watching it? I'm glad Joe Don got cut adrift, that guy was a prick. :P

    btw, the new timeslot is Tuesdays at 10pm, with a timeslot change like that I doubt a second season will be made.

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