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Posts posted by Sledgstone

  1. I noticed that castlevania glitch too. All I had was daggers that wouldn't reach him. O_O; I dunno if theres a working version or not, I'll have to check around this weekend. And I got some of those error messages for scores too. I owned that kill kenny game but after I beat it the score didn't submit.. and I got error messages on a couple of different games. I dunno if its the fault of the game or the arcade, or maybe because I had another forum tab open and it messed up my session/cookie. O_O I have a feeling it was probably the games. I don't really thoroughly test them before I add them and some just screw up. If the scoring messes up repeatedly, take that into consideration when you rate a game. I'll take off low rated games in a couple weeks.

    and yeah, that metal slug kill the nazis sucks balls. :haha:

    btw, talking about high scores, I should mention I installed the following mod when I initially setup the arcade..


    we'll know if it works, because it should activate on the fourth of every month.. but I'm wondering if it'd just be easier to use the built in 'prune high scores' feature and set it to run 2-4 times a year instead. :|

  2. There, I got the rating link to load on the main game list page. We have too many games that auto-submit scores and bypass the 'rate a game' link. But its on the main page now, so feel free to rate the games.

  3. Daha! finally, the manga seems to have something going for it. ^_^

    hmmm... unless his a ninja with an uchiha eye like kakashi.. I have a feeling its an actual uchiha tho. and they even said that all their goals will be realized soon.. I knew that 3-20 year 'akatsuki plan' had to be all bs. :D

  4. and also as of this morning:

    crazypool2GC2.gifCrazy Pool 2

    crazypoolSte2.gifCrazy Pool

    Also, please rate a game after you've played it. You'll only see the "rate game" link at the bottom of the page after finishing a game. Right underneath the high scores/comments section you'll see the following:

    Click here to play again.

    Rating: Not rated yet

    (Rate It)

    Click on "Rate It" and you'll get a pop-up so you can rate the game. If a game sucks balls give it a one. If a game is rated bad repeatedly, it'll be a sign to take that game out of the arcade and replace it with something new.

  5. Hehe, tell me about it. ^_^; I spent an hour playing just a couple games.

    btw, I have to redownload Ice world. Its a mario-clone game thats pretty good, but it doesn't load right, all you see is the poor bastard falling to his death until he runs out of lives. X'D

  6. well I'm done adding new games for the day. 5 hours later and 57 games now available.. I think thats good enough for now. If anyone has game recommendations, post them in this topic. Either specific games or just game genres.. like poker, golf, etc. ^_^ I'll probably set categories and organize all the games this upcoming weekend.

  7. bwahaha. Something like that happened with me while playing Breakout 2 my mouse somehow left the flash area and I must have clicked somewhere in the window by accident and I couldn't move the damn paddles. my score would have been huge. x_x

  8. The first part of this movie was pretty good the gravity device Violet had was bad ass.. but the movie seemed to lose all momentum a little over halfway thru the movie. The plot didn't really impress me and there was no variety in weaponry.. it was like watching the exact same fight over and over again. I dunno, I wasn't that impressed with the overall movie. :\

  9. Anyone watch this movie? It has Nicholas Cage in it and he does a great job as his character. Its a mystery/suspense movie.. Cage plays the role of a police officer going to a small island to try and help his ex-girlfriend after recieving a desperate letter in the mail pleading for his help. When he gets there a mystery unfolds that leaves you wondering what the hell is actually going on on the island. and the ending has a real good twist to it.

    btw, anyone whose read The Vampire Lestat will recognize the similar rituals that were told during the Marias's history part (his becoming a vampire). Its pretty good because the two cultures of people were based off the same line of history.

    What did you think of it?

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