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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

    If you're having trouble finding non-perishable stuff at the store here are a few resources I've personally used over the years. There is no telling what you can get from amazon right now. These are niche items keep in mind. Hopefully no one will need to use these for their primary food sources. If you have expendable income to load up just in case, here you go. Food in a Pinch https://wickedcutz.co/ Amazing jerky. I recommend any of the bacon jerky, Korean BBQ Turkey Jerky, and the Orange Teriyaki Beef Jerky. They accept paypal, and ship pretty fast. If you like your jerky as dry as paper, and as chewy as dry rotted leather then don't order from here. That's not a knock, some people just prefer it that way. I recommend this one because its moist, and if you're in a pinch on food supplies, it can be a decent meal substitute. https://www.pickledstore.com/categories/Pickled-Quail-Eggs/ Pickled eggs.. you'll love it or hate it. Its a good source of sustenance. I recommend the quail eggs as they are smaller. The whites take in all the vinegar pickling flavor, if you don't like the dry yoke part of a boiled egg, quail eggs are perfect for this... if you don't mind that, then go for the full blown picked chicken eggs. https://conecuhsausage.com/ This one may be iffy right now because they supply A LOT of sausage to grocers in the south. This is a southern gem, and a staple in AL. If they still fulfill orders, the shipping will be pretty expensive as they ship with dry ice I believe. I sent some to a friend a few years ago as a Christmas present. There is nothing like this sausage anywhere. Purely a luxury item if you just really need meat and you can't get any. https://www.hickoryfarms.com/meat-cheese/ If you don't know what the deal is here, I feel sorry for you. 😛 https://www.nutstop.com/product-category/dried-fruit/ Dried fruit and nuts. Unfortunately they're already getting hit it seems. Message up top says it will take a week to process. Coffee https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/ https://www.gevalia.com/ https://www.peets.com/ Some of this stuff can be found on Amazon, even with better deals. But like I said, in case you cannot receive these from amazon currently, these links are for just in case.

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