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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2018 in Status Updates

  1. 1 point
    This has got to be Destiny's last run. Twice expecting people to pay for a Y2 overhaul can't be sustainable. I don't regret my purchase of D2 because I did get a lot of fun out of it. Bungie just has no idea how to balance a game to appease hard core and causal players. They've reverted the game to get max progression via raids again so I'll probably never play since my clan died off months ago. They either give it all to you easily or make grueling time gates and obnoxiously low drop rates. Like there is no in between here? Now they have some new $100 million dollar deal for a new IP which makes me think they are giving up on Destiny. With even COD ditching the MP season pass, the days of paid DLC are going away and yet Bungie is trying to milk two season passes out of each game. Meanwhile Overwatch is still healthy after 2 years.. match queues are pretty much the same as they were 6 months after launch. No DLC, free heroes and maps, along with constant rebalancing and hero reworks for underpowered characters. I REALLY hope Battlefield V gets this level of support for 2 years until the next main BF game comes out. I'm getting a bad vibe that the launch game will only have like 5 maps or some BS "because Tides of War". Yeah we get it, we'll progres along with WW2, but give us the same amount of maps every launch title has had. Hopefully The Division 2 comes out swinging from lessons learned unlike Bungie. The Division is in a good state right now and if they can release it with all the content this last free patch had, they'll be good to go. Really I just want games to be successes again, I want to stress over what to play instead of waiting for something that's hopefully worth my time. I hope Anthem is amazing for BioWare's sake, and I hope Borderlands 3 is going to be amazing as well.

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