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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    I'm enjoying Brigette while I can. She'll eventually get nerfed to uselessness. All the pros and big channels are crying how shes too hard of a counter to Tracer. Tracer finally got nerfed after 2 years, and it was only to the radius of her ult. Brigette is the only real hard counter to her. Shes really not OP if you know how to take her down. Phara and Junkrat both are super hard counters to her, but both of them have their own hard counter and Tracer has never had one. Winston was your best bet, but he only chased her off. Brigette destroys her, and even then thats if you catch her getting too close. The whole reason I hate playing Mercy or Zen when the other team has a damn Tracer is because she just keeps getting behind the lines and killing me with no one else helping or even paying attention. Its why I mained Lucio most of the time because I could boop her away from me and run off to stay alive. I don't buy the whole "stale meta" when Tracer was always picked before and now she is not. Its pure hypocrisy seeing as deathball and dive comp has been the meta since triple tank got killed off. But since Tracer is the face of the game, I'm sure eventually Brigette's damage is going to get nerfed and her stuns are going to get toned down to where everyone is back to playing Lucio and Mercy. Luckily Mora is a lot of fun to play, I honestly play her more than Brigette, since she's an off healer like Zen and I get pigeon holed into healer 99% of the time. With the Hanzo rework he is always picked now. 9 times out of 10 when you load in hes the first character locked in within seconds.
  2. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    Overwatch is free to play until Tuesday if you want to try out some of the character reworks and the new, more fun to play healers. Here is some of my latest gameplay with my new fav.

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