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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    First impressions. This game is a blast so far. Unlike previous inFAMOUS games, you're powers are not unlimited. You have to absorb them through proper sources. All I have is the smoke ability currently. and when I use it up I have to find a smoke source to absorb power from. If I cant find one, I can just bash a car until it starts to smoke and drain it. You gain a good amount of abilities from the start, and instead of shock orbs, there are drones with "shards" to collect towards upgrading your skill tree. Some are stationary, and some are on the move. As you gain control of city areas (similar to how you do in Saints Row games) shards become visible on map. inFAMOUS utilizes both the light bar and touchpad. There is no action/interact button like we're accustomed too. instead you swipe the touchpad to open doors or lift objects. The light bar is mostly used for spray painting graffiti so far. I like the touchpad after getting use to it. In one instance you had to swipe up and hold to lift a platformed object while you rapidly pressed down the R2 button to inflict damage to it. The lack of a action/interact button frees up the dedicated button to do something else. PS4's video capture is still jacked up.... its not just BF4. I tried to capture 2 events and neither one was properly recorded. I had to settle for different clips to share in the end. The lack of power cords to quick travel across makes this game a lot different from previous inFAMOUS games. You're not Cole anymore and your powers are different. There is a lot more parkour involved. Its looking like it uses more of a Saints Row 4 version of gliding... but not as overly powerful as of now... they've also seemed to borrow the quick travel aspect minus the ship outside the matrix. lol.. its not a bad thing at all.
  2. 1 point
    it was good to see Ragnar and Bjorn reunited. And what Lagertha had to do to convince her new husband to help clearly shows how much she still loves Ragnar. As for poor little princess Aslaug, who had to suffer the dirty conditions..geesh, I'm not liking her character anymore than how she started. She can learn a thing or two from Siggy and Lagertha...theres more to life than having babies...i hope they kill her off soon...frustrating to see her complaining...ok we get it, your father was Sigurd

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