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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2009 in Posts

  1. 1 point


    Personally it disturbs me to no end to see Congress, both at a state and especially at a federal level, doing these things. The US has always been a haven for those who are persecuted in one manner or another. Many of our ancestors were victims of religious persecutions in Europe and elsewhere, its why they decided to make the trip. Our constitution demands that Church (religion of any kind) and State (any level of government) be separate entities and that they should have NO involvement with one another. Any entanglement of Church and State should be expelled from the position that they are in. The government is elected for and by the people. As such it is our best interests that they serve, not their own. Not those with the money or power to grant them what they wish. But the people of this country. So frickin tired of politics and church getting in the way of progression and our freedoms.

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