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Posts posted by gokuDX7

  1. i think a season 2 would leave a lot of room to clean the confusion and mess left by the 1st ones ending,

    Except the Anime moved so far away from the manga that theres no way to even do that.

    The Anime did a great job following the manga all the way up till the last few eps, then they totally pulled a 360 and changed shit. They also made Raki look like a little bitch which he wasn't that big of a winer in the manga and now he's super bad ass.

    I agree with one thing you said though, if you haven't read the manga then yes, you will like the show.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. The funny thing is neither where good choices and even if they where, at the end of their first term people are gonna to see that and be questioning their choice.

    The economy isn't going to go back to the way it used to be for another several years or more. Hell It hasn't even leveled out yet. The troops in Iraq are not going to get pulled out anytime soon and oil drilling is not going to die.

    I think the only change that Obama brought was the change of how we vote. No more basing on skin color.

  3. you could get a DNA test done and keep the results handy for next time you're at a family gathering. Then if someone mentions the subject whip it out and be like BOOYAAAA in your face beotch! lol

    It's probably better to just ignore it for now. When you get old you end up having nothing better to do then talk about your kids, be it the bad things you think their doing or the good things their doing. My dad does the same thing all the time. I can hear him on the phone when I'm in bed. He'll talk to family members like my mom and grandma and tell them all these untrue things that I do. I normally just ignore them till the subject is brought up by one of the people he talked too. Then I explain my side of the story and explain that my dad was probably drunk when he was talking to them. He's a drunk phone dialer so most of the family understand now :P.

  4. oh, nice call. Danzo might have been with akatsuki all along. I could see that playing out. Then all those ROOT anbu will flip sides and akatsuki could get a mad power boost... but Danzo wouldn't completely join akatsuki, yeah, he'd just work with them to get what he wants. Seeing as Sai is a ROOT anbu, maybe he has some secret mind control jutsu implanted in his head? And just when the time is right, Danzo will use his control jutsu on Sai and Sai will stab Naruto in the back. :P

    haha Sledg your the man.

    I was thinking more like Danzo might be related to Mandara in some way since Danzo is missing is right eye and Mandara is missing his left. So ultimately Akatsuki might have been an enemy but once Mandara showed up things took a turn for Danzo or something like that lol. In eithor case it feels like Danzo is in cahoots with Akatsuki.

  5. I'm still going with my theory on Sasuke only targeting Danzo and the 2 elders. He has no reason to target anyone else so it would be stupid for him to exact revenge on a whole village that had no clue about what happened in the past.

    In all seriousness though, I wouldn't be surprised is Danzo was in cahoots with Akatsuki or vis versa. His goal is to become Hokage and he doesn't want it run by anyone else. Mandara asks Sasuke specifically if he's planning on attacking just Danzo or those directly involved with his brothers mission...so it all kind of makes sense. Akatsuki destroys the current Konoha for Danzo, Danzo popups up and acts as a hero. He gets the job of being Hokage, if anyone turns against him he uses the power of all the biju monsters that where collected by Akatsuki XD.

  6. Basically its a way for them to get out of fixing it. If you don't have your proof of purchase from 3 years ago (because its unlikely that you do), then we can't fix it for free! When I buy a product of that magnitude, I always keep the box, all the plastic bags, twist ties, and throw the receipt in the box. The top shelf of my closet is full of them from consoles, to cellphone boxes.

    I normally do to but since my dad bought the monitors he took the boxes and paperwork. I have no idea if he saved it or not and since he's being a lazy bastard I doubt I'll find that stuff before the warranty.

  7. Yep. And surprise surprise it was fatty vs fatty. That Soi Fon fight was pathetic. That hollow was right about one thing, if she is an assassin she should have just done her job and moved on to the next fight... but shes obviously picked up everyone else's habits of talking to much, explaining their powers and ego boosting themselves before taking advantage of a situation. lame.

    See, I hate that! Why do they always match people up with their evil counterpart. Err this chapter sucked.

  8. ( I started replying with a single paragraph and then my mind started wandering. X'D )

    Well microsoft could always option for a custom disk format just for their system like the old Sega Dreamcast did. Its pretty much copyright protected because no add-on drive for a PC could read the disk, but on the downside production costs go up because all the game developers would have to buy new hardware to make games/produce them on yet another format. It didn't work all too good for sega back then because when the PS2 came out with a dvd format, game developers could by the hardware cheap because dvds were the established format. Developers would rather make and produce games on the cheaper/established medium to save on overall production costs... BUT! With todays market and all the 3rd party developers being eaten up by the big ones... Only a few companies would have to get new hardware to make games for a dedicated format as opposed to the Dreamcast days where hundreds of smaller companies would either have to invest in something with money they didn't have to make games for a system that might not make it or just dedicate their time to another system altogether.

    Well, with a company like MS backing a new system in the future, you know the system wouldn't flop in a year or so. And with all the main developers consolidated into just a few companies now, investment into more hardware would be seen as an investment for developing for a system that has huge financial backing.

    So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if MS just goes for its own custom format or even sticks with hd-dvd for a future system and says to hell with being a movie player. And honestly, how many people use their PS2 as a dedicated DVD player? I'm sure PS3 owners use their PS3 for blu-ray movies, and the same was true when the PS2 first came out for dvds. But in a few years blu-ray players will be alot cheaper and nobody will really care for using a game console as a movie player.

    And check this out, the Wii uses the dvd format but doesn't let you play dvds unless you mod the software:


    So Nintendo has no problem saying no to movie playback... the gamecube couldn't play movies either, same with the dreamcast. So in the future I have a feeling MS and Nintendo could care less about supporting movies or the blu-ray format in any future system.

    Of course Sony secured that functionality and movie playback feature by doing that power-move of releasing the PS3 at a loss for the first couple years just to secure the blu-ray format and rake in future royalties that will off-set their initial loses and set them into a position of having a preffered format for a future system already set in place for quick production and (most likely) backwards compatability for current PS3 games.

    MS and Nintendo are already planning on not having backwards compatability for future systems based on their future formats which is why they have their online game download systems already in place. Especially Nintendo. Sure you can download all the Mario games for the original nintendo on your wii now, but back in the day of 14.4 dial up connections when those games came out, even that would have taken forever. Higher speed internet connections in the next couple years will probably make online only game downloads possible.

    They could resurrect Toshiba's HD-DVD format even though it lost the format wars and is basically dead. I'm sure Toshiba wouldn't mind working with MS. HD-DVD is also backwards compatible with DVD and CD. Xbox already has the HD-DVD drive extension you can buy. If they just add it into the default hardware and start putting games on it then they would be all set.

    The only downside is whenever Blu-Ray becomes the default format for movies, MS will feel the hurt (ie. when they stop putting movies on DVD and start putting them on Blu-Ray exclusively). But I guess that wont stop their game sales.

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