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Posts posted by gokuDX7

  1. lol booty calls by the 5th haha. I hope Jiyra doesn't die. I know the last chapter really did make it seem like he was going to, but I still hope he lives some how.

    PS. Why would Obito be evil? It's possible it's him but I wonder how he would have become evil...if that is the case I bet it has something to do with Rin and Kakashi. Maybe Kakashi didn't follow his promise of protecting her and she died or something.

    PS. anyone else thing Itachi was manipulated in the past by this other guy? He seems like he really wants to talk to Naruto and Sasuke but they're both obsessed with killing him so he cant manage to say anything.

  2. holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! The fight has started and we learn who Narutos parents where! *cough* no surprise there, but still kick ass! The manga just answered and suggested allot of things fans have been wanting to know since the start. I can't believe they tossed in so much info in this chapter.

    Don't read the spoiler unless you really want to know.

    It's suggested that the 5th likes perverted hermit! But not as much as her former lover that died (Dan).

    Naruto's Dad was Namikaze Minato (4th Hokage) and his mother was Uzumaki Kushina from the former whirlpool country.

  3. ya I ended up making a small check that makes the upercase letters into lowercase anyway. But ya I'll add in a drop down box soon. Also, good idea about the company news section. Looks like I'm gonna have to add that in sometime soon. Although most "news" sites like ANN, ANI, theotaku, all display that type of news anyway...so I'm not sure if I should add it in.

  4. hmm never thought about saving css related stuff to mysql...although when dealing with hundreds of people you definitely want to keep your query's down to a minimum. So in most cases it might be better to have multiple css files and not connect to mysql to gather the css. I supposed that would be something nice to test. Add an "amount time it took to generate" check and flood it with connections. Then compare if mysql method works better or the same as multiple css files. That would be interesting to find out about.

  5. ya, I'm planning on taking my old layout that I was going to use on my anime vote site and using it on this news site. I'm sure you guys will notice the changes once I finish all the back end work.

    Then I can add in some code that allows you guys to change between themes and save to a nice cookie for a few months :)


    Finished sub category's for blog and news filter. So next time the crons run the news that appears should start being put in the correct category's. Now if you go to the "News" Page you will see a sub menu. Choose between blog spam and real news. However old news that's already in the database will say in whatever category is was previously saved in untill db clean up.

    Now for a brake to go eat and take a shower :)

  6. Looks like you spent allot of time on your class. I should probably invest some time to make a global class or framework for my self lol. Would make work so much easier. Keep up the great work.

    PS. Fixed search box on my site. Now when you search the item you searched for will show up in the second search box on the search page. From their you can edit it anyway you want.

    Also added in an RSS feed for just the news and not the torrents (yet). The RSS feed, if you subscribe to it, has the direct urls to the blog or news sites. So when you click on somthing it will send you right to the correct page and not to mine. I did for now since I haven't made private pages for each news bit yet (should be done soon).

    Now I'm working on sub category's and filtering options. People will be able to filter news by date and by blog, news, torrent, user submitted. Once thats done I have to finish up the user submitted news part :)

  7. I still think you should have better security for the submission of RSS feeds, such as forcing them to login to the forum. That's your call of course. It may be something you'll need to add after you get a good following and it starts to become an issue.

    The feeds are not added to the front page untill I log into my admin panel and varify them first. So even if someone submits a bad url it wont harm anything becuse I have to phisicly varify that the url is correct and is legit.

    Having the search field go blank is a good step for the first search, but I think the search field should keep the previous search string.

    Ahh I forgot to add that last night. I'll add it in next.

    Your site name is complicated right now. I would suggest applying a .htaccess file to rename the address and definitely use post instead of get. I didn't test it, but are you filtering out the MySQL hacks? There's an article about it on http://php.net. I have some standard code that handles these cases already if you need it.


    The url isnt going to be the final url. After I finish getting everyones feedback and make the correct changes, I will buy a .com so the url would end up being a bit shorter :).

    Yes I use allot of security checks when it comes to data entry by users. I strip out any html tags and add slashes to just about everything.

    By the way, what program do you need to view a torrent file, and can you post a link on your site to one or more viewers that you would recommend. I'm sure there will be more like me who find the site by accident, but will be put off by the lack of support for the viewing of torrent files.

    Hope that helps. Looking good! :)

    ABC torrent is an easy to use one.

    azureus is a more advanced one. Theres loads of torrent downloaders out there. I will be sure to add some info on the site for people that are new to torrent downloads.

  8. K fixed a few things.

    1) Added torrent icon next to the torrent title (name). Only torrents have that round icon next to them on the main page.

    2) Fixed search page so it doesn't show duplicates of the same entry over and over again XD haha. Also limited it to 30 items for now till I can create a simple page system for it.

    3) Fixed a bug that would keep adding the same torrents over and over again to database. Now the database is much smaller, as you can see, and should only show unique entry's.

    4) Made it so when clicking the search box it will clear it :).

    This weekend I'll add in page system for search pages, start a more advanced page system for the other pages, add in a hotlink option so people can directly link to an article on my site, add in Tags/filter by date, and clean up some code to make the page load faster :).

  9. hmm ya I wasnt to sure if I should allow torrents to be listed on the "All news page" since people are gonna click thinking its news. hmm I guess I could fix that 1 of 3 ways.

    1) Add a little torrent icon under the url so people know its a torrent.

    2) Remove the description that happends to just be a url and how big the torrent is and replace it with "This is a torrent".

    3) Remove the torrents from the "all news page"

    You mention how many links you have in the database, but not which numbers you're viewing, such as 20 - 40 of 3211.
    Ya I might add something like that in later. I was keeping the paging system simple for now but I guess that feature is popular so I might be forced to add it soon.
    When you click the search text box, the text "Lets search for somthing good" doesn't go away. Also, when you have done the search, the search string should probably dump back into the search field, so the user can refine their search.

    The search dumps all found links on the same page. You should probably offer navigation similar to your main topics, so you don't overload the page. I waited for at least five minutes for it to stop loading and it didn't. :(

    I killed your search with the word "the". You should probably ignore all common words unless they are searching for exact wording such the "The Gundam Seed".

    Hmm ok I'll fix all that later. Right now I had it set up to display the first 40 entry's in the database this way I didn't have to make a paging system. I guess I'll have to add one then. I'll fix the box clearing issues ASAP too.
    I liked your security question for submitting an RSS feed, but you may be alienating some of the community who haven't learned that 2+2 = 3. :'D I'd recommend the words in a picture security to avoid smart robots, or better yet only allow people who have signed up for your forum to post. That should cut out the rift raft who post crap, like me.
    If people dont know what 2+2 is then they probably don't know what an RSS feed is. I don't really want to invest time adding in a captcha image security system for something as simple as this. Although I could add an apple and ask "What is this fruit?" lol

    Thanks for your help so far. Now I have something to work on this weekend :)

  10. http://ordway.ath.cx:5121/animenews/index.php

    I kind of stopped working on the other anime site I was doing since myanimelist became so popular and it has most of the features my other site planned to have (ie. top anime list, voting, community features..etc). So, I started working on a central anime news site that helps bring together other smaller anime blogs and larger major news sites.

    Heres how it works:

    My site gathers news from other site's RSS feeds and displays bits and peaces of the news on my site so people can get a glimpse of what it is and determine if they want to visit the site in which the news originally came from. I've also added in torrents as well. The same concept applies here. I gather rss feeds of popular anime torrent sites and display them on my site allowing you to directly download the torrent without searching all over the net. Torrents are of course removed after 1 week from the database to make room for newer stuff.

    How can you help me?

    Right now the site is about 90% done. I still have to work on admin panel stuff and make a better layout but it's all very usable. I've posted the url on here because I'd like you guys to test it out and give me feedback. If theirs a bug, tell me how to re-create it and where it happens so I can fix it. If theirs a feature you would like to see added, tell me about it so I can figure out if its a good idea or not to add.

    Not seeing any news from your favorite anime blog that you go to? Well add it's RSS feed into our database for parsing with the Submit RSS Feed link.

    Much thanks. Hopefully the site isn't a dead duck like my last one.


  11. well if you don't eat (even if you think your not hungry) your stomic starts storing any food you eat later on and that causes fat. It stores fat depending on your eating habits. So thats why it's wise to eat snacks like carrots and dip or just a granola bar every 4 or 5 hours (or when your stomic growls) so your body wont store as much fat because it knows it will get more food on a regular basis.

    PS. eat at least 3 meals a day.

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