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Posts posted by Inuyasha88

  1. What does the FF movie have to do with anything?--

    Anyways, I wouldn't go as far as to say that DB/Z and GT were low-quality.. but I understand why you could think that. Toriyama's character designs are definately different, but his style is solid. Occassionally the characters may look a tad deformed.. but you try drawing the characters from all the different angles for .. what? 300+ episodes... lol, and if you were trying to say that DBZ is children animation.. lol..

    ^_^;; There are way too many excellent animes.. haha, j/p there can never be enough. RahXephon... :drool:

    Hey, I didn't mean that DBZ was a childrens ANime, I just meant that besides the fighting, the Story Plot wasn't as complecated as some others. Also, I'm not talking about the movie based off the game. I'm talking about a seperate movie, which has little to do with the game. The story line isn't very complecated, but the graphics are supreme.

    Review: HERE^_^;;

  2. I've noticed that recently, Anime has been increasingly divided into two groups, Children and low-quality animation, like Pokemon, and DBZ, and then there is the high-quality animation and complex story lined Animes, like Gundam Seed. Also, as anyone seen the movie: Fianal Fantasy: The Spirits within? Also, what other movies or Animes do you think are really good?

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