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Posts posted by DeathscytheX

  1. depends. If you save up for the set, you get them all at the same time. If you buy them gradually and use them as you build up, the 1st few you bought could dry out causing you to have to buy even more.

    If it was me, I would buy the set, and replace them as they dried out, that way you replace them as you go insted of a never ending cycle. Plus you get the nice little case or whatever.

    Unless you need them very soon, christmas is only a few months away ;)

  2. It is funny because In Dubbed salior moon one half of the senshi's voices are annoying and the other half are bareable, while in the subbed, the other half is annoying and the half that use to be are the ones that are bareable. X'D Sadly the dub is terribly butcherd, especialy the 1st season, they like even combine 2 episodes together 0_o. But the winner for most annoying dub.. possibly ever is Chibi-usa (Mini-moon) dubbed X_X

  3. I am too lazy to read subtitles. I rather watch whats going on. Dubs are getting better these days.

    GW's was pretty good

    s.CRY.ed is one of the better ones

    I dont see anything wrong with Paranoia Agents

    They probably could have touched up in a lot of places in Inuyasha, even Inuyasha himself but then again I like the grunts and sounds he makes when he gets hurt from SIT X'D

    granted I've never seen the subbed, I really dont care.

  4. close.. very close its Zetsuei

    dude... dont tell me he's dead :(

    yup he is dead, I dont understand how unless he got shot and horrid editing took it out, because at one point when his eyes got big after a gun shot while driving away

    Anyone know if that was an edit at the end when the screen just blacked out for 10-20 seconds and you could only hear the characters?

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