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Posts posted by slippers

  1. I read a little bit of short review before watching so it gave me a little bit of hint on who to look out for as bad guys (mainly the flight crews) but yea the ending twist was good. I kept thinking this was how Event Horizon should've been.

    The monster part I had no clue about so I liked it. Thankfully they explained why they were there and who they were. And more monster meant more of Antje Traue so no complaints here haha

  2. SPs uncensored depiction of Prophet Mohammed has been already floating around in youtube for ages. Not one death threats to them or anyone for this. This is just another same public stunt over and over again to boost ratings. There are billions of Muslims out there but one wacko kills a guy..yea. They would be dead by now if those threats were that serious.

  3. there was a national prayer day? O_O

    what annoys me is pledging allegiance every morning to an american imperial flag was something I didn't believe in so i did not participate (that was before i got my citizenship) when i was in middle through HS, although all my teachers were forced us to do so, threatening to punish us etc. I'm sure this is some of a different issue to "under God" deal for others that which you may have problem with.

    now i stand up at least when national anthems play or hearing pledging allegiance when called on jury duty, although not putting my hand on my heart, not reciting anything, as an American citizen out of whatever respect I have left for this country when i go to basket ball games and whatnot.

    but i agree that it's stupid that they ask public or force school children to do this either for religious or nationalistic reason.

  4. damn strider is a gundam wikipedia lol

    ive never seen this gundam before btu it looks cool, so i plan to get it eventually.


    that looks awesome even its crotch is flashing O_O

    i have two small models thinking of getting the bigger heavyarms later. building was fun while it lasted but i didn't know what to do with em afterwards. they collected dust eventually so i tossed them away somewhere -_-

  5. not that there's any guarantee to lower criminal activities or any easier to spot those bloodthirsty militia but it will be safer just to get rid of them altogether other than sporting activities

    school shootings (which is just way too many), pissed off worker shootings, or accidental shootings etc, which all can be avoided because of an easy access to their parents' handguns or walmart near you.

  6. no one is loyal to their states anymore so how can a civil war be even possible now? O_O do they really think they are gonna drive around their neighborhood and shoot random people? i never heard anyone talk about secession in texas, not from local news or anywhere/anyone, and fox news and cons radio talk show made a huge deal out of it a couple times that texas was ready to leave if they didn't get their way, and they just ate it all up.

  7. it's too long and don't really care about takamura and others. probably end up like inuyasha forcing us to look at manga for ending.

    i think first season and championship road patched up everything nice. happy ending. since miyata was not even a same league with ippo anymore soa rematch with him will be boring. hated that rematch with sendo too. ippo's fights were getting repetitive anyway = gets beaten half to death, regains confidence, then wins.

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