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Posts posted by minion_general

  1. saying noone outsid of seed could survive look at Hiro from Wing, wing zero went boom and crashed. Hiro walked away. sooo body or not, i'm still hopein for the first lockon to return.

  2. They just just let Marie the 0 Gundam instead of that mini thing she has

    maybe the archer still needs a pilot sooooo..... I'm thinkin Ian as the pilot of 0 guundam. Or maybe the first Lockon is inside veyda??!!!!

  3. Oh it makes sense, Gundam has become nothing more then a blatant need for Bandai/Sunrise to make money now (mostly based off model kits, thats been the main profitability of the Gundam franchise since the original in 79). The only way to sell models is to get fans interested in the show, only way to do that now-a-days is to appeal to the widest consesus of fans and that means pretty boy pilots, lackluster plots, and bad supporting characters. Alas though I will agree Gundam 00 has been entertaining, even if some of the story choices have been bad.

    Gundam guru I am :teethglint:

    Bah, now I'm going to have to watch ep 21 right after I get out of work tonight. Here I was hoping to save it for tomorrow but not after what minion just said.

    I watch it the very day it is posted. The sith i use is zomganime.com by 7:30pm-8:00pm on sundays the ep should be out and subed

  4. Back more on whats going on currently in the show however (I want to drop the previous subject) whats you take on this whole emergent Innovator we're starting to see in Setsuna (ep 20 preview of 21 kinda gives it away)? Expected or you think the director is trying to get something more out of it? I knew Louise was being conditioned into one in the beginning when her eyes did that wonky thing but Setsuna has been showing more and more signs of becomming one himself.

    Holy shit you called it he is innovator!

  5. Are we sure they will end it in 5 eps? For all we know they could run this season to 50 eps or make a third season. But i do agree lay off the Saji and Louise shit and put in some epic fights or something.

  6. GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!:omg::omfg::noway::frozen::crywithno::dead:


    up side is a character is back.

  7. with a death don't you think said person will come back later? I mean look at the previous seasons of gundam about 30% of the time said character comes back. EX. Hero from wing, and Kira from seed. And they never found a body.

  8. I have a feeling that the Throne pilots will get to "into" their power. The units are overpowered as it is and then they can link together making a mega GN beam! Why? and the female pilot, Nena i think, she is crazy. She gets aboard CB's ship and asks for the pilot of the Exia, and when Setsuna shows up she tackles him and kisses him. What is with that? Then she asks for a tour and threatens him to not piss her off. I don't understand her. Well i do but you get my point.

  9. Why do I get the feeling the Trinity is going to ruin this series? We just had to add three more Gundams didn't we? Four was bad enough and now three more, gah. What happened to the days when only one Gundam was needed? On top of this these Gundams seem just a tad bit overpowered in my opinion.

    I agree that they are overpowered and the pilots are too cocky.

    If you want more info on some of the things above go to http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/ and find gundam00.

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