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Posts posted by Dubird

  1. Unfortunatly, the people who make the laws are jsut about the only ones that don't realize there is a difference between spanking and abuse. Seriously. I got spanked a lot as a kid, and it didn't take long for us to learn that mom hanging dad's belt on the doorknob was our warning. Looking back, I can honestly say I wasn't abused. I earned every one of those spankings! XD

  2. wouldnt have Tony Stark in build a deactivation code into all the suits just in case

    he is one of the smartest people on earth after all...

    I'm sure he did. Someone also mentioned to him that he would have some kind of failsafe so that only he could use the suit. But remember, he was dying at that point, and figured the suit needed to be passed on at some point. And Rhodey is the one he would have trusted with it. But being Tony Stark, he wouldn't have just given him the suit, so this way worked.

  3. it's so nice to have a sequal that holds up to the original!....Downey makes the perfect Tony Stark, in my opinion....lots of action and explosions, but also good character development and good motives for actions taken....they didn't just stick a guy in there and say 'here's the bad guy'....

    and yes, loved that HISHE! "I will freezebreath your face off!" "No you won't." "No, I won't." XD

  4. oh yeah....the one time i actually did slip up i ended up yelling fuck across the playground in like 5th grade.....i had heard it on the bus that year....i ended up grounded for two weeks and a major spanking....^_^;....

    from adults, it doesn't bother me....but kids have no discretion and no sense of when it's appropriate to use it......maybe if you just explain to her that some words aren't polite so you don't use them in front of people?

  5. I'm not saying we should all have free health care and everyone in the medical profession should work for free. I agree, the medical profession should be paid, and paid more than the average Joe gets. It's a specialized field that requires a lot of knowledge and responsiblity, and that totally deserves compensation. I have no problem with paying for insurance. I just can't afford what it costs right now. That's the biggest problem. I'm one of those that falls through the income cracks in that I honestly don't make enough to qualify as middle class, but since I'm single and rent an apartment, I'm not really eligable for any kind of aid. Hell, I owe $250 in taxes for last year, but I don't make enough to be able to do anything extra unless I moved into some ghetto apartment somewhere. There are LOTS of people in the same boat I am, and most of them don't have insurance of any kind. You've also got a lot of seniors that are on a fixed income, and that sometimes doesn't include extra money for medical.

    I guess what I'm saying is that there should be a better system of aid for those that need it than what there is now. Hell, I'd be fine with some kind of payment system to pay off bills at a fixed rate that I could adjust for my budget. i do firmly believe that basic health care is a right everyone should have access to. But with so many insurance companies raising rates and cutting benifits just to line the pockets of the few in charge, that basic health care is impossible to get sometimes. I understand that money has to come from somewhere if the person in question can't pay it. Which is why I like how they're adjusting the tax bracket for that.

    Sorry, one contact out right now, so I'm not sure how coherent that was. ><

  6. There is an exemption for that fine for low-income people. I seem to remember talk about expanding Medicare as well, which will cover a lot of that.

    While I don't agree with people being fined by the government if they can't afford insurance, I do have a feeling this will help bring down costs and be more benifical than harmful. There is no good solution that will help everyone, not as long as insurance companies and the higher-ups in the health care system are more concerned with making money than serving the public, which is what being a doctor is SUPPOSED to be. At this point, I'm actually glad the government is stepping in to try and help our health care system because the corporations that run it have more than proven they can't be trusted with it. I'm one of those how-ever-many millions of Americans that don't have insurance because I can't find one that I can afford. And the thing is, I'd be fine with just emergency and hospitalization coverage because, despite allergies and other things wrong, I'm healthy enough that unless I have an accident, I don't need constant care. I go to the doctor when I know I'm coming down with something and get it take care of before it gets bad. Yet, because I'm single and my employer can't afford to split the insurance costs, I can't find one for what I need under $100 a month. And I can't afford that. Plain and simple.

  7. i've got it on game cube, partly b/c i can't afford a wii and partly because using both controlers tends to make my left wrist hurt a lot....but i've beaten it i think 4 times, and on the last one i made it all the way through the cave of trials.....HOLY CRAP that was long cave! and if you leave in the middle, you have to start all over again! but i was very proud of myself for beating it...^^;

  8. eeeiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! i can imagine you saying that all in like.. 10 seconds X'D haha yayy!!! congrats!! :D

    thats......about how long it took me to type it up....^_^;;....

    I'm going by today and getting the latest FFXI compilation so it'll run with W7 without any problems. So it won't take huge amounts of time to update plus I get the last three mini-expansions as well. Whee!


    My boyfriend brought me my late Christmas gift tonight. An AMD X4 620 processor with 4gig of ram, an NVIDIA Geforce GTS 250, new DVD burner and 2Tb secondary drive all wrapped up in a nice new case. EEEEEE!!

    I can now play Oblivion with the highest graphic settings! And Assassin's Creed! AND I can go out and get Dragon's Age next little extra money I have!!

    Oh wait, I have to reinstall FFXI. And wait for it to update. And get all my files off Rosaleen Quad and move them over as well as redo my Firefox plugins and learn Windows 7. Eh, small price to pay for SHINEY NEW SYSTEM! SHIIIIINEEYYY!!

    Some girls go gaga over jewlery or flowers. I'm giddy because of a new computer. I guess that just reinforces the geekness. HEEEEE! *happy dance*

    Ok, back to getting ready for bed, just had to post that. ^_^;;

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