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Posts posted by Rasaphane

  1. The first 2 days back at school I couldn't find my friends that I celebrated with, on Friday I found out that someone of them had gotten sick...probably some type of apple juice poisoning since we were all chugging by the box after the coke and mocha lattes ran out...

    I find it strange that I was the only one who wasn't affected

    I believe most stuff is cheaper on January the first or is on clearance, cause we went to the mall that day found that hot topic was having a 10-15% off on all their hoodies =^-^= it was worth being kidnapped at that point

  2. I was kidnapped from my room, from my house, from my neighborhood!! It has been a while since I've been away from my computer for so long, I spent the night at one of my bffs house and we "partied".

    There's youtube videos too *sniffs* so, decided to tell you all now before you find them and decide to make a joke about them. Make your jobs a little easier.



    ^_^: Enjoy

    What'd you guys all do to bring in the New Year?

  3. ~ipod classic...i named it Edward...i like to name things

    ~New speakers for my computer so i can hook Edward to so i can hear it through my computer

    ~itrip so i can listen to Edward through the radio



    ~watch and matching bracelet

    ~ I'm waiting till January to get my last Christmas gift >.<

    ....all i wanted was a microscope....-.- oh well...i'm not complaining :3

  4. Let's see.....

    Saturday-panicked when I woke up to an empty house

    Sunday- panicked then got pissed because no one left me a damn note then made cookies

    Monday-listened to MoonDoggie complain and played Oprah trying to comfort peoples. then I went to chat rooms and I made friends

    ......the end

  5. When I was that age I got a lot of boy clothes (1 cause I was a tomboy 2 more guys in the family then girls)

    Then at 11 my mom was like "why do u wear all those baggy boy clothes",

    "where girl clothes", "you look like a dike", etc

    so at ....12-13 I started "dressing" more like the girl's my age

    I'm glad to say I'm not one of those girls cause I figured out the balance (want to keep the boys guessing XDDDD)

  6. Keep in mind that I'm black cause I'm going to throw some of my opinions in

    1. Dont care about the kkk, which isnt all about black people now it's about immigrants, legal and not :x

    2. I dont care that the state house in South Carolina fliesthe confederate flag beacue all it's showing is southern pride nothing more nothing less in my opinion

    3. I'd wear a picture of the confederate flag on my shirt with southern pride written on it as long as it doesn't have some sheet wearing hick on it

    4. You don't have to be white to be a redneck, I'm redneckish

    I'm going to back Moonie up on the one about mental health, you do see more white people in places like that then black people and other races. Mainly cause some people have that kind of money to pretend or think that they have those illness and have the docotor give them suger pills.

  7. I hadn't been able to go any where, cause i'm on crutches. so i go and search youtube for something to watch since there was nothing on tv and this is what i find


    rasaphane...how much is rasaphane corp. worth?

    i wish i could of been there :(

    eh...$5.50...that's all i have on me so that's how much it's worth

    Maybe next time when you're not a cripple I'll invite you to come to the zoo :P

    If you listen closely you can hear why we're all laughing and giggling, and at the end there's some random guy off in the distance if you're wondering why i said "some murder"

    I didn't know my voice was so high pitched, I sound like one of those peppy girls that lead the spirit squad ^_^:

  8. I had 2 signs up on my door

    The first one said:

    Use your imagination, it's easier than decorating, imagine this is the scariest house on the street. Don't ring the doorbell if you have no imagination. Happy Halloween!!

    The second one said:

    Say trick-or-treat for some FREE candy, after the door has been open, it's the least you can do

    Then after my mom turned the porch light off she almost shut Emmett in the door :(

    But all and all it was a good year (had some left over candy, gave out the kind we didn't want from the variety bag)

  9. yes, it was....tramatizing but i pulled it off, looking FABULOUS

    okay Rasaphane is my witness. it was one of my friends b-day, so i ALWAYS play happy birthday for them on my violin, and it was kinda chilly out so i had my ORCHESTRA hoodie on. after i was done this girl, i swear to god is blonder than me, asks this

    "OH MY GOD are you in orcestra? that was REALLY cool, where you having like a spasm when you did that little wrist was twitching"

    all i could do was blink a few times, she was scary. if i hear someone refur to vibrato to wrist twitch thingy one more time i'm going to kill them

    i'm sure yall've figured out that i go by several different names Lindsey, Ecah, Moonie, etc well this is retarded cause it's one of those obvious things

    "Lindsey do you have a tampon?"

    "i'm a boy"

    *rolls eyes* "you could of just said yes or no, god you're such a bitch"

    "I'M A MALE, would you like me to pull you aside so we do a check cause i MIGHT be wrong"

    i said something like that...i don't have perfect memory. idk HOW i run into the slowest people in the world

    I can't help but feel it's my fault :P ....I was pointing to Lindsay with an "A" not Lindsey with an "E". I should of said that ^_^: ...but it's sad that the poor girl couldn't tell the difference between male and female -_-;

  10. ME ME Can i cut your hair? You know if your dad doesn't make you your mom will just chop it off while you sleep like last year. Besides me you and the rest of the people who seen you with a short cut knows your hair curls when it's short cause you have weird hair, has to be a buzz cut. You can also donate all that pretty blond hair of yours :P

  11. First I have to find, tie up, and drag Michele (Rasaphane) there

    *grabs survival bag and runs away* :P

    Just get a bunch of beads and string and give it to them and le them go wild. Even if you manage to get me there I'm hiding in YOUR room with Duke and Zelda to protect me just in case they get in. I know where your secrect stash is I can survive in there.

    Why are 8, 7 year olds spending the night there. Is it Gabby's birthday? I don't have to bring a gift or nothing do I (if you manage to find me)?

  12. 1. I think burger king is jealouse of mac donald's little kiddie films that were shown when I was little tyke.

    2. They're a little late in the compitition

    That's really sad and scary. BK's mascot kinda reminds me of chuckie, I don't know why but he just does.

  13. I like a little bit of everything. But every know and then I have to take a break form rap and hip-hop. The peolpes at my school finally stopped sing chicken noodle soup. Chain hang low is okay but after a while it will get annoying.

    Moonie: too late it's not on the radio or anything but I'd ask R2 about it if I were you.

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