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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Free Gas Everywhere!!

    I'm still working on so cut me some slack We have the worst president in history leading the military. He has sent our national guard, the troops that are supposed to be here for us during emergencies (like Katrina), overseas. Our military personnel are fighting dieing and being dismembered in a war We The People do not want to be in! It's a war for oil we don't want to be dependent on anymore. Its a war to kick billions of dollars to the international bankers; its bankrupting the economy of the US. We would rather have spent the 60 billion developing new technologies to get us off of oil, but Bush is an oil man with ties to the international bankers and the Nazi party. George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. Many Americans believe Bush used an ol' Nazi tactic to start the war on terror, that 9/11 was an red flag and an inside job. Something amazing happens when intelligent people look at the photographic (as opposed to doctored video) evidence from that day. No plane in Penn, no plane at the pentagon; no debris from the planes no bodies no nothing but holes. We have all seen a plane wreck before, there are large parts and pieces bodies luggage all kinds of crap. We don't have any of that at either of the above mentioned sites. So what hit the pentagon? One of our own bunker buster missiles. The Bush administration has been a disaster to the US constitution and our bill of rights. Under the guise of safeguarding Americans we get homeland security, the patriot act, executive orders like directive 51 and an ex order does not need need the approval of our elected representatives. Basically the dictator can set up whatever he wants, the war criminal who stole the last presidential election with a lil help from his brother. Under these acts I can be arrested and detained inevitably without ever being charged or seeing the inside of a court room. All of my records, even what I rented 6 years ago at Play by Play the govt can look at and use against me. If I do not agree (which rational people don't) with the president I can be labeled a dissident and a traitor which in times of war is punishable by death. The Bush administration has given unprecedented power to the Federal Bank and FEMA(Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the word is they have at least 800 detention centers ready to receive prisoners scattered all across this country. What started as a few holding areas for a 'surge' of illegal immigrants has become 800 strong concentration camps here on our soil waiting to fire up the giant furnaces and meet some dissidents. Thats the tip of their budget, they spend outrageous amounts of cash building underground bases the size of cities to 'ensure the continuity of govt in the event of a disaster'. Basically if the world goes to hell the elite will survive and we the people can fuck off and die. I could go on and on but I have no interest in talking to the brick wall that is a person in denial. Over the years I've grown weary of teaching, especially to those who don't have any interest in the truth just because it's unpleasing and doest fit their picture of America/religion/cheese/whatever >.<. I've thrown enough out there in just this post alone for people to look shit up on their own and learn the truths for themselves. The first reaction is usually "wtf are you talking about" because it sounds too 'conspiracy theory' to be true. Funny because the true conspirators are running the country's finances and war machine. When the govt of this country was formed the Bill of Rights was supposed to be the citizens safeguard against a tyrannical govt. We are allowed to speak our minds, choose where we place our faith, and DEFEND ourselves and our properties from anyone that would take these liberties away. The thinking was that if the people could have guns and the people did their job of policing their govt (which hasn't happened effectively in forever no matter how many branches we throw at the problem ~checks and balances don't work when everybody is paid off by the same multinational corporations) the govt wouldn't be dicking around because the people would have the force to overthrow a tyrannical president/congress. The guns stay. Now more then at any point in history the people in this country need to turn off fucking Brittney Spears and wake up, pay attention to wtf has and is happening. No one country or group of elite rich bastards should have the power to destroy the climate/land/seas of the entire planet. America should be leading and cooperating with other nations to find solutions to the energy, climate and food crisis we are facing; not shooting down families for oil and money. Our military needs to come the hell home and take a good look at what this administration has done to the constitution that they took an oath to protect.

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