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Posts posted by CabbitGirl

  1. drop all the boys for a while. keep them out of your hair, dont go near them. hang out with your girlfriend for a while =3 spend some quality time with her and im sure it will do you a lot of good. do something fun with her, invite some other girl acquaintances over, have a little party or something. watch a movie, order pizza, stuff like that. just relax with some girls and forget about the boys. or better yet, when the time comes (and im sure it will) bitch about the boys =3 maybe somebody will have some good advice for ya or give ya some good dirt on them lol

    and btw... i gave my friend the same exact choice with smoking. its not a good habit and you shouldnt do it at your age period, end of story. to drop your whole entire relationship over something like that is painful for him to do, but he is doing what he thinks is right and really, he is showing how much he cares :P and little miss, drinking isnt a good habit either :P

  2. it sounds like you got a really good date planned out already =) im sure if she doesnt know how yo ice skate, she wouldnt mind learning. also, if she is a little nervous a movie might be good to start off with too. ask her if there are any movies she particularly wants to see that came out recently. the restraunt idea is very good (i dont even really know people who do that anymore). i dont really have any good ideas besides that, but youre on a good roll =^_^= i hope you guys have fun :D

  3. dont worry about it. if you get all worked up over someone calling you a name, then you just fell right into their trap. either ignore/block them, or just leave the particular chat they're in. there no use getting all worked up over what happens in a chat room =/ and ya, he's probably like, 9 years old. he needs a life =3 and hey, maybe he just wants attention. so dont give him any =3

  4. basically, look for any kind of job you can. go into restaurants and stuff and see if they'll let you bus tables, or wash dishes. other than that you can just ask your parents if they'll start giving you allowance so you can save money up for things like going to tuscan, or buying a certain something you want. i dont know if either of those will work, but its worth a shot. you can always ask some place like a restaurant or a fast food place if theyll hire you to wash tables or something =/

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