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Posts posted by Kuwabara

  1. the one who has no purpose would have to be you know what every one has a purpose even that little bitch sledge Koga is not squeezed in he's in alot of episodes and he protects kagome when inu can't and he has afiance who ould have figured that oops that was a spoiler

  2. I dont really hate the characters in that sort of way, the closes to that would be kouga. But all the characters have their useful purpose.

    what do you mean you hate koga everyone else has purpose Koga has purpose he protects Kagome when inuyasha can't shippo has no purpose kagome's friends have no purpose koga is just as important as sesshomaru and kykyo if not more important than kykyo

  3. Wel thats enough of that in the third movie sesshomaru is awesome he takes the tetsaiga and blasts inuyasha and so'unga(the sword) with the windscar and his hands burns and it shows his deep side when he thinks about protecting Jakken and Rin and its funny when he's back to back with inu, inu tries to show off and windscared the demons and sesshmaru runs and leaves him and the zombies come back and sorround inu and he calls sesshomaru who is long gone

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